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LHO letter up for auction - Printable Version

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LHO letter up for auction - Marlene Zenker - 23-10-2013

here's the description

Extremely Important Lee Harvey Oswald Letter.
Handwritten Letter received by Gus Hall Chairman of the U.S. Communist Party supposedly in Nov. of 1963, however the Post Office Box used as the return address was closed in May of 1963, see Warren Report page 119. "Dear Sirs, I have followed the activities of the C.P. for the last few years and have decided that it is very timely and correct for me at this time; to apply for membership in the communist party of the U.S. I wish to become a member so that I may share, as fully as is possible, your trials and tribulations, as well as your glories and victories". signed "Very sincerely Lee H. Oswald" with his PO Box 2915 Dallas Texas as return address. The letter has never been offered for sale and has remained in the hands of the recipient and family since it was received. An important piece of American History."


LHO letter up for auction - Peter Lemkin - 23-10-2013

Estimated auction value at $18.000 sounds low - even though I think this letter was sent 'on instructions of his control agent' - or 'officially' forged.::face.palm:: While it is someone's right to auction JFK ephemera, there really has been all too much. Some is junk with no real relationship to the assassination or 'players' in the Grand Play/Deception; others are and it is sad that no museum, archive or the National Archives would want to possess them and make them available for the Public and for researchers. But then, now everything is privatized and history is irrelevant in favor of the propaganda du jour.

LHO letter up for auction - Tracy Riddle - 23-10-2013

In Theoharis' book on Hoover, THE BOSS, he barely mentions the JFK assassination but does state that the FBI was "red-baiting the Fair Play for Cuba Committee." That's what this letter looks like. Oswald has just spent the summer in New Orleans making the FPCC look bad publicly, and now he wants to link them to the Communist Party.