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"Political Truth: The Media and the Assassination" by Joseph McBride on 50 REASONS FOR 50 YEARS - Printable Version

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"Political Truth: The Media and the Assassination" by Joseph McBride on 50 REASONS FOR 50 YEARS - Joseph McBride - 28-10-2013

The new episode of Len Osanic's 50 REASONS FOR 50 YEARS
series, my contribution on "Political Truth: The Media
and the Assassination," with superb videography by Jeff Carter.

"Political Truth: The Media and the Assassination" by Joseph McBride on 50 REASONS FOR 50 YEARS - Tracy Riddle - 28-10-2013

Nice job, Joseph. Somebody could easily make a three hour documentary on the media's sorry coverage of the assassination.

Fyi, you can imbed the video into your post using the icon that looks like a film strip.

"Political Truth: The Media and the Assassination" by Joseph McBride on 50 REASONS FOR 50 YEARS - Joseph McBride - 28-10-2013

Thanks, Tracy. I appreciate your good words -- and advice about
embedding videos. I'll see if I can do that.

"Political Truth: The Media and the Assassination" by Joseph McBride on 50 REASONS FOR 50 YEARS - Joseph McBride - 28-10-2013

JFK Assassination - 50 Reasons For 50 Years Episode 46

"Political Truth: The Media and the Assassination" by Joseph McBride on 50 REASONS FOR 50 YEARS - James Norwood - 28-10-2013


This was a superb presentation and backed up with excellent visuals from Len Osanic's team.

There was one television analyst on the day of the assassination, who receives little notice. This was the featured commentator on ABC named Jim Haggerty, the former press secretary of President Eisenhower. At the time of the assassination, Haggerty was a Vice-President of ABC Paramount Pictures.

On the air, Haggerty remarked, "I think this [the assassination of President Kennedy], like the Puerto Rican attempt in front of the Blair House in 1950, has to be a planned conspiracy" (my emphasis). Based on the earliest information being reported about JFK's death by sniper fire in Dealey Plaza, Haggerty immediately suspected that the assassination of President Kennedy was not the work of a lone fanatic, but was similar to the attempt made by multiple assassins planning to shoot President Truman at Blair House in 1950. The television clip with Haggerty's commentary suggests that his use of the word "conspiracy," which was repeated on multiple occasions during the interview, was selected carefully by a major media figure at a time when "conspiratorial thinking" was not the subject of ridicule that it is today. Another point is that the footage of Haggerty referring to a "conspiracy" is rarely shown on the network retrospectives or quoted in books on the assassination.

Again, great work!


"Political Truth: The Media and the Assassination" by Joseph McBride on 50 REASONS FOR 50 YEARS - Joseph McBride - 30-10-2013


Thanks for the kind comment and the reminder about
James Hagerty. I thought he was a good press secretary
during the Eisenhower years and remember seeing
him say this on TV. He stands out as an honest man in
a world not known for that quality.

"Political Truth: The Media and the Assassination" by Joseph McBride on 50 REASONS FOR 50 YEARS - Peter Lemkin - 30-10-2013