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Richard Raznikov's latest - Printable Version

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Richard Raznikov's latest - Tracy Riddle - 09-11-2013

I saw ten minutes of the documentary,' a truly inspired piece of work in which the filmmaker tried to convince me that up is down and front is back and that John Kennedy was really killed accidentally when a Secret Service agent, jolted by the sudden movement of the car he was in, discharged his weapon and blew off the President's head.

I knew this shit would happen. Fifty years after the CIA and military murdered John F. Kennedy because he was taking the country toward real peace and threatening the vast hayride of wealth the arms race delivered, the country's owners are still worried that the people will come after them with pitchforks when it comes out what they've done.

Richard Raznikov's latest - Jim DiEugenio - 10-11-2013

BTW, RIch has been around for decades. Its great to see him writing about this again.

He is also good on Watergate.

I met him about 12 years ago in Tiburon with Bill Turner.