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The Debate Club - John Kelin - 19-11-2013

Hi all,

Earlier this month an editor from US News and World Report wrote me, asking if I would contribute a 500 word op/ed on the question, "Was JFK's Assassination a Conspiracy?" It's for a feature they call the Debate Club. Never heard of it before, but ego being what it is I of course said, "Certainly."

I sent off my 500 words a few days later, then didn't hear a peep out of them for weeks. As of this morning, though, it's up.

I honestly didn't think they'd use what I sent, since the thrust of my essay is that it's a stupid question. Of course, I toned down the rhetoric a little.

The Debate Club - Tracy Riddle - 19-11-2013

I still remember the special Posner fanboy edition of US News back in the 1990s.

The Debate Club - John Kelin - 19-11-2013

Tracy Riddle Wrote:I still remember the special Posner fanboy edition of US News back in the 1990s.

That was the special US News and Warren Report issue.

I forgot to mention: thank you to Charles Drago for reading and commenting on a draft of my little essay.

The Debate Club - Albert Doyle - 19-11-2013

I can't find the article in that link.

The Debate Club - Anthony DeFiore - 19-11-2013

Well done John! and the number one article to read / top of the fold! Congrats.