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A Revolution of Mind by Greg Burnham - Printable Version

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A Revolution of Mind by Greg Burnham - Phil Dragoo - 28-12-2013

Presentation for COPA on the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination. Opening remarks followed by "Sabotage at the Bay of Pigs".

Phil's note: Here Greg describes the clarity with which JFK understood the importance of removing the final three of Castro's eleven T-33 jets and the remaining SkyRaider(s), altogether with the mission chief Hawkins' understanding JFK would not use overt US military assets--to which Hawkins' added the Brigade understood--that the men did not expect such.

To this day the official propaganda parroted in media is Kennedy's "betrayal"--as seen in Hunt's 1973 Give Us This Day.

Part and parcel of the overall slander of the man, his character, his administration and policies.

This is an abreviated telling of Greg's account with Len Osanic on Black Op Radio:

A Revolution of Mind by Greg Burnham - Albert Doyle - 29-12-2013

Seems like Kennedy was just a pinball bouncing around inside a national op.

A Revolution of Mind by Greg Burnham - Albert Doyle - 21-05-2014

Greg's AssassinationofJFK website is pretty good. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise he branched off and formed his own site. He probably should have done it years ago.

On the other hand I noticed site member Robert Harper posted this:

" I wanted to dismiss Michael Piper's work until I read that Shamir had said "Jerusalem was worth a life" about the killing of diplomat Folke Bernadotte and read of JFK correspondence with Ben Gurion over the acquisition of the nuclear bomb by Israel and Israel's role as the middleman in the Iran-Contra /CIA adventure. "

None of the great objectors who attacked this subject on this site mentioned a word to Mr Harper even though they rallied and accused me of being some kind of multi-person CIA operation infiltrating the board when I tried to discuss Piper. I think this shows that their previous protests were based on power abuse and the sport of hunting members under the guise of Deep Politics oversight. Which turns out to be a euphemism for those whom I disagree with because they present facts I don't want to admit rather than any real offense.

Honestly Greg's site is pretty good and its articles are well presented and worth reading. However when I read it I can't help thinking of Greg in a Charlie Chaplin uniform with two +'s on the cap warning against violations of site rules and not tolerating spies who will be detected by dangling participle. There's a taking oneself too seriously and anal need for total control feel to that site that Greg should be aware of. While the site is good I think it's real purpose and function is to give Greg total power and he should know it detracts from it and makes it look like a refuge for an eccentric sect willing to pay the price of esoteric incomprehensibility and isolation in order to guard their particular overly defensive faith. An overreaction to a self-created threat that doesn't exist like imaginary spies. I see Charles is right back to his bashing and mensa level juvenile delinquency.

Sorry for the Fetzer moment but it had to be said.

A Revolution of Mind by Greg Burnham - David Josephs - 21-05-2014

McGeorge Bundy and the 6 "Wise Men" of the Cold War THE conduit to the ruling class...

Made sure that did not happen.

A Revolution of Mind by Greg Burnham - Scott Kaiser - 21-05-2014

Phil Dragoo Wrote:Presentation for COPA on the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination. Opening remarks followed by "Sabotage at the Bay of Pigs".

Phil's note: Here Greg describes the clarity with which JFK understood the importance of removing the final three of Castro's eleven T-33 jets and the remaining SkyRaider(s), altogether with the mission chief Hawkins' understanding JFK would not use overt US military assets--to which Hawkins' added the Brigade understood--that the men did not expect such.

To this day the official propaganda parroted in media is Kennedy's "betrayal"--as seen in Hunt's 1973 Give Us This Day.

Part and parcel of the overall slander of the man, his character, his administration and policies.

This is an abreviated telling of Greg's account with Len Osanic on Black Op Radio:

Hi Phil,

This is a well thought out planned speech that appears to be a one-sided presentation that merely benefits Kennedy. Greg says, "JFK would not use overt US military assets--to which Hawkins' added the Brigade understood--that the men did not expect such."

I'm very curious as to who Hawkins has spoken to in order to come up with such a hair brain assessment.

I will tell you the truth, I have nearly spoken to every living survivor of the BOP, and they all seem to say the very same thing, "We were promised support, and we were betrayed". That doesn't sound like anyone not expecting any support to me.

Not to mention that I also needed to barrow my mother's dictionary to make sure some of the words Greg uses properly fit the sentence structure, I should be done next week sometime, lol....

A Revolution of Mind by Greg Burnham - Keith Millea - 21-05-2014

Quote:Greg's AssassinationofJFK website is pretty good. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise he branched off and formed his own site. He probably should have done it years ago.

I'm not a JFK student/researcher so I only lurk there.But,as you've said yourself Albert,"we are at war with JFK's killers".Greg and the others there know that and act accordingly.The old phrase (if you can't take the heat get the hell out of the kitchen),is good advice for people wanting to join that forum.Ask Bill Simpich.

It was "Golden" to see Cinque get tossed after only one post.It was "funny as hell" to watch James "professor" Norwood actually slink away from CD's questioning,like the weasle he is.He knew the jig was up!

I respect and miss those guy's.....

A Revolution of Mind by Greg Burnham - Scott Kaiser - 21-05-2014

Keith Millea Wrote:
Quote:Greg's AssassinationofJFK website is pretty good. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise he branched off and formed his own site. He probably should have done it years ago.

I'm not a JFK student/researcher so I only lurk there.But,as you've said yourself Albert,"we are at war with JFK's killers".Greg and the others there know that and act accordingly.The old phrase (if you can't take the heat get the hell out of the kitchen),is good advice for people wanting to join that forum.Ask Bill Simpich.

It was "Golden" to see Cinque get tossed after only one post.It was "funny as hell" to watch James "professor" Norwood actually slink away from CD's questioning,like the weasle he is.He knew the jig was up!

I respect and miss those guy's.....

I don't know much, but, if I were a betting man I'd guess the Professor & Cinque were arguing the fact that Oswald was really standing outside the TSBD at the same time the shots were fired according to the famous photo.

But, I disagree too, I mean, I could be wrong, I don't know I'm not a researcher, but I heard that Oswald was on the second floor in the lunchroom when these shots rang out, and if Oswald was there on the second floor than how could be be standing outside? Like I said, I don't know.

A Revolution of Mind by Greg Burnham - Don Jeffries - 21-05-2014

I applied for membership at Greg Burnham's forum a while back, and never heard anything, leading me to assume I'd been summarily rejected. As some of you may remember, Greg and I had a series of ugly exchanges on this forum a few years back, regarding my give and take with Charles Drago.

Ironically, Charles and I get along fine on Facebook now. Greg, however, appears to have held a grudge against me to such an extent that he actually let Ralph Cinque join his forum, but turned down my "application" out of hand. Now that's rejection.

Greg and I used to be comrades on these forums, back when I felt comfortable calling him Monk. I don't understand him, much as I have trouble comprehending so many of the personalities that gravitate to this subject. I like to get along with everyone, and wish him the best with his forum.

A Revolution of Mind by Greg Burnham - Scott Kaiser - 21-05-2014

Don Jeffries Wrote:I applied for membership at Greg Burnham's forum a while back, and never heard anything, leading me to assume I'd been summarily rejected. As some of you may remember, Greg and I had a series of ugly exchanges on this forum a few years back, regarding my give and take with Charles Drago.

Ironically, Charles and I get along fine on Facebook now. Greg, however, appears to have held a grudge against me to such an extent that he actually let Ralph Cinque join his forum, but turned down my "application" out of hand. Now that's rejection.

Greg and I used to be comrades on these forums, back when I felt comfortable calling him Monk. I don't understand him, much as I have trouble comprehending so many of the personalities that gravitate to this subject. I like to get along with everyone, and wish him the best with his forum.

I completely understand what you're saying, I don't know you, but I understand you. You said, "I applied for membership at Greg Burnham's forum a while back, and never heard anything, leading me to assume I'd been summarily rejected."

I suppose it's much easier to control your own forum, than it is to have other's who may oppose what you're saying, that way you don't feel challenged. BTW... You guy's are not alone when it comes to that rejection sight.

I'm with yeah. Sigh!

Just expressing, not bashing. I know, I too believe in the ole cliche, some of the people may like you some of the time, but not all the people are going like you all the time.

A Revolution of Mind by Greg Burnham - Lauren Johnson - 21-05-2014

Quote:Ironically, Charles and I get along fine on Facebook now. Greg, however, appears to have held a grudge against me to such an extent that he actually let Ralph Cinque join his forum, but turned down my "application" out of hand. Now that's rejection.

::face.palm:: ::beammeup::

BTW, I was put on immediate moderation and now my account seems to be AWOL. I never said a single word!

My read on why Dragoo posted the Burnham video is because Greg linked Magda to Gary Mack and other villains in the his speech. It was meant as a slam. Pathetic.