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Help locating Warren Commission Exhibits - Printable Version

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Help locating Warren Commission Exhibits - Nick Rose - 04-01-2014

Although I am generally familiar with locating exhibits indexed with the "CE" system in the back of the Warren hearings volumes, I am having trouble with finding certain exhibits that do not follow the "CE" format.

For example,
in volume 8
the testimony of Lt. Col. Folsom, ,
LHO's marine record is introduced at "Folsom Deposition exhibit No. 1".
This exhibit is not contained within the deposition PDF, and I can not otherwise figure out how to locate it. Surely it must have been included somewhere.

I believe I have actually seen at least a portion of this record out there somewhere, but I am trying to locate first hand Warren sources for several documents like this and am coming up short.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

ps. I am also looking for any SPECIFIC references in the WCH to the Russian language examinations, his Russian language training, etc. I know there is a small bit (they really try to skim over it) in the Folsom deposition, but I would like to find other mentions as well.

Help locating Warren Commission Exhibits - Tracy Riddle - 04-01-2014

They deliberately made it hard to find anything, which is why Sylvia Meagher created an index. A lot of WC documents weren't published in the 26 volumes but were buried in the National Archives.

Here are a couple of the better sites on WC documents:

Help locating Warren Commission Exhibits - John Kelin - 04-01-2014

Nick Rose Wrote:[...]

This exhibit is not contained within the deposition PDF, and I can not otherwise figure out how to locate it. Surely it must have been included somewhere.

"Folsom Exhibit No. 1" consists of 130-something pages and is found in volume XIX of the hearings and exhibits.

Online, it begins here:

Click the "next" button 130-something times.