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LHO Drove Ruby's Car According to DPD File Recently Found! - Printable Version

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LHO Drove Ruby's Car According to DPD File Recently Found! - Peter Lemkin - 11-01-2014

If real, very, VERY interesting find!....and while inconclusive; along with OTHER information on Oswald knowing and meeting with Ruby, this should have been investigated further - but like all leads that led away from the 'official and pre-arranged false story' it was not [and buried]. Were Gannaway or Biggio [or any of the other named and unamed persons referred to] ever asked to testify anywhere?...don't think so! As far as I know, the DPD files have NOT been fully mined for what else may lurk therein! This could also have been the second 'Oswald'....but who knows as it was not followed through using normal police/detective/criminal procedures. There was NO investigation - only a cover-up [which continues]!

.pdf   LHO drove Ruby'sCar.pdf (Size: 1.04 MB / Downloads: 52)

LHO Drove Ruby's Car According to DPD File Recently Found! - Magda Hassan - 11-01-2014

Peter Lemkin Wrote:If real, very, VERY interesting find!....and while inconclusive; along with OTHER information on Oswald knowing and meeting with Ruby, this should have been investigated further - but like all leads that led away from the 'official and pre-arranged false story' it was not [and buried]. Were Gannaway or Biggio [or any of the other named and unamed persons referred to] ever asked to testify anywhere?...don't think so! As far as I know, the DPD files have NOT been fully mined for what else may lurk therein! This could also have been the second 'Oswald'....but who knows as it was not followed through using normal police/detective/criminal procedures. There was NO investigation - only a cover-up [which continues]!

LHO drove Ruby\'sCar.pdf

Very interesting! When did this file appear? Do we know? Is it verified?

LHO Drove Ruby's Car According to DPD File Recently Found! - Tracy Riddle - 11-01-2014

From Armstrong's Harvey and Lee:

Robert Roy was Jack Ruby's auto mechanic and said that Oswald and Ruby
definitely knew each other. Roy said that when Oswald dropped off Ruby's car for repairs
at his shop he drove Oswald back to Ruby's "burlesque house." When Roy was
asked how many times he had driven Lee Oswald to Ruby's club, he said "several
times." 111
Ruby used to park his car, a 1960 Oldsmobile (1963 Texas license tag PD 768;
1962 Texas license tag NL 4783), at Gibbs Auto Service on Field Street and occasionally
allowed friends and associates to borrow his car. Leon E. Woods, the manager of
Gibbs Auto, kept a record of people who took Ruby's car from the garage and gave the
"checkout and check-in book" to the FBI, which was never returned. When Dallas reporter
Earl Golz asked the FBI about Gibbs Auto Service and the "check-in/checkout book,"
they told Golz they knew nothing about it.112

111 WC Exhibit 2814.
112 Letter from Earl Golz to National Archives, 5/10/76.

LHO Drove Ruby's Car According to DPD File Recently Found! - Peter Lemkin - 11-01-2014

Magda Hassan Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:If real, very, VERY interesting find!....and while inconclusive; along with OTHER information on Oswald knowing and meeting with Ruby, this should have been investigated further - but like all leads that led away from the 'official and pre-arranged false story' it was not [and buried]. Were Gannaway or Biggio [or any of the other named and unamed persons referred to] ever asked to testify anywhere?...don't think so! As far as I know, the DPD files have NOT been fully mined for what else may lurk therein! This could also have been the second 'Oswald'....but who knows as it was not followed through using normal police/detective/criminal procedures. There was NO investigation - only a cover-up [which continues]!

LHO drove Ruby\'sCar.pdf

Very interesting! When did this file appear? Do we know? Is it verified?

I don't know the answer, but know who to ask [and just asked a few questions of them]. I believe it was very recently found. As I said, most of what the DPD suddenly 'found' a few years ago after they were believed to not exist, they are online, but in a chaotic manner and not well it is hit and miss what one often finds. Those who go in person are only allowed an hour at times. As far as verified, don't know exactly what you mean. Is it really there in the DPD archives....most likely. I guess it would take two or more independent researchers locating and copying it to make many believe it is there....BUT it being there doesn't make it ipso facto real [although it likely is REAL]...and less so, make it ipso facto true....although it sure looks like an important lead that was purposely not followed up.

LHO Drove Ruby's Car According to DPD File Recently Found! - Tracy Riddle - 11-01-2014

I think that memo was released in the 1990s because it's in Weisberg's files (towards the bottom of this PDF):

LHO Drove Ruby's Car According to DPD File Recently Found! - Jim Hargrove - 11-01-2014

Thanks, Peter, for posting this document.

The simple question of whether LHO could or couldn't drive a car--and whether he had a valid Texas drivers license--leads to some of the clearest evidence that two people shared the LHO identity.

American-born Lee Oswald knew Jack Ruby, routinely drove a car, and had a valid Texas drivers license. Russian-speaking Harvey Oswald didn't.

There's a long writeup on this issue at the H&L website:


LHO Drove Ruby's Car According to DPD File Recently Found! - Peter Lemkin - 11-01-2014

Tracy Riddle Wrote:From Armstrong's Harvey and Lee:

Robert Roy was Jack Ruby's auto mechanic and said that Oswald and Ruby
definitely knew each other. Roy said that when Oswald dropped off Ruby's car for repairs
at his shop he drove Oswald back to Ruby's "burlesque house." When Roy was
asked how many times he had driven Lee Oswald to Ruby's club, he said "several
times." 111
Ruby used to park his car, a 1960 Oldsmobile (1963 Texas license tag PD 768;
1962 Texas license tag NL 4783), at Gibbs Auto Service on Field Street and occasionally
allowed friends and associates to borrow his car. Leon E. Woods, the manager of
Gibbs Auto, kept a record of people who took Ruby's car from the garage and gave the
"checkout and check-in book" to the FBI, which was never returned. When Dallas reporter
Earl Golz asked the FBI about Gibbs Auto Service and the "check-in/checkout book,"
they told Golz they knew nothing about it.112

111 WC Exhibit 2814.
112 Letter from Earl Golz to National Archives, 5/10/76.

Wow! That certainly fits like a glove with the DPD document!

LHO Drove Ruby's Car According to DPD File Recently Found! - Peter Lemkin - 11-01-2014

Jim Hargrove Wrote:Thanks, Peter, for posting this document.

The simple question of whether LHO could or couldn't drive a car--and whether he had a valid Texas drivers license--leads to some of the clearest evidence that two people shared the LHO identity.

American-born Lee Oswald knew Jack Ruby, routinely drove a car, and had a valid Texas drivers license. Russian-speaking Harvey Oswald didn't.

There's a long writeup on this issue at the H&L website:

I'll try to research this a bit further, but my first impression is we are seeing another iceberg tip of the Two Oswalds.

LHO Drove Ruby's Car According to DPD File Recently Found! - Peter Lemkin - 11-01-2014

Tracy Riddle Wrote:I think that memo was released in the 1990s because it's in Weisberg's files (towards the bottom of this PDF):

Wait a minute, this new trove of DPD documents related to the JFK Assassination were only discovered in some 'safe' or sealed back room within the last very few years....strangely, I can't yet find that date on Google [maybe not so strange] was WELL after Harold's death, and just a few years ago..... Anyone have the date?!

Having looked at the documents Tracy pointed to, I see many by the same investigator on similar to the 'same general' topic, but not the exact same document. Then the question becomes why were the recent 'find' of DPD segregated and hidden all these years?! much as anything else.

LHO Drove Ruby's Car According to DPD File Recently Found! - Tracy Riddle - 11-01-2014

Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:I think that memo was released in the 1990s because it's in Weisberg's files (towards the bottom of this PDF):

Wait a minute, this new trove of DPD documents related to the JFK Assassination were only discovered in some 'safe' or sealed back room within the last very few years....strangely, I can't yet find that date on Google [maybe not so strange] was WELL after Harold's death, and just a few years ago..... Anyone have the date?!

Having looked at the documents Tracy pointed to, I see many by the same investigator on similar to the 'same general' topic, but not the exact same document. Then the question becomes why were the recent 'find' of DPD segregated and hidden all these years?! much as anything else.

Peter, look at page 15 of the 16-page PDF. It's the same document you posted. So it must have been released during the ARRB years.

W. Patrick Gannaway was in charge of the Dallas Police Department Special Service Bureau, which contained the intelligence/surveillance squad. He is a highly suspect character IMO. He was in a perfect position to be aware of Oswald before the assassination.