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Who was behind 9/11? - David Guyatt - 24-02-2014

I've copied and pasted a paragraph from another article by Thierry Meyssan (HERE) which states:

Quote:The whole process is hyped under the leadership of one Dan Rhodes. This propaganda specialist has already written the official version of September 11, 2001, drafting the report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry. He managed to remove all traces of the military coup (power was removed from the hands of George W. Bush at about 10am and it was returned that evening; all the members of his cabinet and those of Congress were placed in secure bunkers "to ensure their safety") so that we remember only the attacks.

It strikes me quite forcefully that the 9/11 community has spent far more effort in the minutiae of 9/11 and far less on who actually was behind it.

The below article is an oldie by Meyssan, but still worth reading for the hints he places about who was actually responsible:


Who was behind the September eleventh attacks?

by Thierry Meyssan
We present below a transcript of the presentation given by Thierry Meyssan on 8 April 2002 at the Zayed Center in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), at a gathering organized under the auspices of the Arab League and attended by the diplomatic corps and the international press corps. This presentation was followed by questions and answers, which are in the process of being transcribed and translated.

VOLTAIRE NETWORK | 8 APRIL 2002 [Image: ligne-rouge.gif]FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL عربي
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[Image: en-zayed1-01f53.jpg]Your Highness, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,In the first minutes following the first attack on the World Trade Center, officials suggested to the media that the person behind the attacks was Osama bin Laden, the epitome of Muslim fanaticism. Not long after, the recently appointed director of the FBI, Robert Mueller III, designated nineteen kamikazes by name and mobilized all the means at the disposal of his agency to track down their accomplices. The FBI thus never undertook any investigation but, instead, organized a man hunt, which, in the eyes much of the United States public, quickly took on the appearance of an Arab hunt. This reached such a pitch that people were incited to attack - even kill - Arabs whom they naively considered collectively responsible for the attacks.There was no investigation by Congress, which, at the request of the White House, renounced exercising its constitutional role, supposedly in order not to adversely affect national security. Nor was there investigation by any media representatives, who had been summoned to the White House and prevailed upon to abstain from following up any leads lest such inquiries also adversely affect national security.If we analyze the attacks of September the eleventh, we notice first off that there was much more to them than the official version acknowledges.1. We only know about four planes, whereas at one point it was about eleven planes. Furthermore, an examination of the insider-trading conducted in relation to the attacks shows put-option speculative trading in the stock of three airline companies: American Airlines, United Airlines and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.2. The official version does not include the attack on the White House annex, the Old Executive Office Building (called the "Eisenhower Building"). Yet, on the morning of the eleventh, ABC television broadcast, live, pictures of a fire ravaging the presidential services building.3. Neither does the official version take into account the collapse of a third building in Manhattan World Trade Center complex, independently of the twin towers. This third building was not hit by a plane. However, it, too, was ravaged by a fire before collapsing for an unknown reason. This building contained the world's biggest secret CIA operations base, where the Agency engaged in economic intelligence gathering that the military-industrial lobby considered a waste of resources that should have been devoted to strategic intelligence gathering.If we look closely at the attack against the Pentagon, we notice that the official version amounts to an enormous lie.According to the Defense Department, a Boeing 757, all trace of which had been lost somewhere over Ohio, flew some 500 kilometers (300 miles) without being noticed. It supposedly entered Pentagon air space and descended on to the lawn surrounding the heliport, bounced off the lawn, broke a wing in collision with an electric transformer station, hit the façade at the level of the ground floor and first story, and was totally consumed by fire, leaving no other traces than two dysfunctional black boxes and pieces of passengers' bodies.It is obviously impossible that a Boeing 757 could, for some 500 kilometers, escape detection by civil and military radar, by fighter-bomber planes sent in pursuit of it and by observation satellites that had just been activated.It is also obviously impossible that a Boeing 757 could enter the Pentagon's air space without being destroyed by one or more of the five missile batteries protecting the building.When one examines the photographs of the façade, taken in the minutes following the attack (even before the Arlington civilian fire fighters had time to deploy), one sees no trace of the right wing on fire in front of the façade, nor any hole in the façade into which the plane could have been swallowed up.[Image: en-zayed2-27faf.jpg]Apparently without the least fear of laying itself open to ridicule, the Defense Department declared that the jet engines, made out of tempered steel, had disintegrated under the shock of the impact - without damaging the façade. The aluminum of the fuselage is claimed to have combusted at more than 2,500° Celsius within the building and to have been transformed into gas, but the bodies of the passengers which it contained were so little burned that they were later identified from their finger prints.Responding to journalists during a press conference at the Pentagon, the fire chief claimed that "no voluminous debris from the aircraft" had remained, "nor any piece of the fuselage, nor anything of that sort". He declared that neither he nor his men knew what had become of the aircraft.Close examination of the official photographs of the scene of the attack, taken and published by the Defense Department, shows that no part of the Pentagon bears any mark of an impact that could be attributed to the crash of a Boeing 757.One must acknowledged the evidence: it is impossible that the attack against the Pentagon on September 11, killing 125 persons, was carried out by a jet airliner.The scene of the attack was thoroughly disturbed on the following day by the immediate launch of new construction work, with the result that many of the elements necessary to reconstruct what had happened are missing. The elements that do remain, however, converge in a single hypothesis that it is not possible to prove with certainty.An air traffic controller from Washington has testified seeing on radar an object flying at about 800 kilometers per hour, moving initially toward the White House, then turning sharply toward the Pentagon, where it seemed to crash. The air traffic controller has testified that the characteristics of the flight were such that it could only have been a military projectile.Several hundred witnesses have claimed that they head "a shrill noise like the noise of a fighter-bomber", but nothing like the noise of a civilian aircraft.Eye-witnesses have said that they saw "something like a cruise missile with wings" or a small flying object "like a plane carrying eight or twelve persons".The flying object penetrated the building without causing major damage to the façade. It crossed several of the building rings of the Pentagon, creating in each wall it pierced a progressively bigger hole. The final hole, perfectly circular, measured about one meter eighty in diameter. When traversing the first ring of the Pentagon, the object set off a fire, as gigantic as it was sudden. Huge flames burst from the building licking the façades, then they shrank back just as fast, leaving behind a cloud of black soot. The fire spread through a part of the first ring and along two perpendicular corridors. It was so sudden that the fire protection system could not react.All these testimonies and observations correspond to the effects of an AGM[air to ground missile]-86C of the third (most recent) generation of CALCM [conventional air launched cruise missile see picture at], equipped with depleted uranium warheads and guided by GPS [global positioning system]. This type of missile, seen from the side, would easily remind one of a small civilian airplane, but it is not a plane. It produces a shrill whistle comparable to that of a fighter-bomber, can be guided with enough accuracy to be directed through a window, can pierce the most resistant armor and can set off a fire - independent of its piercing effect - that will generate heat of over 2,000° Celsius.This type of missile was developed jointly by the Navy and the Air Force and is fired from a plane. The missile used against the Pentagon destroyed the part of the building where the new Supreme Naval Command Center was being installed. Following the attack, the Navy Chief of Staff, Admiral Vern Walters, failed to show up in the crisis room of the National Military Joint Intelligence Center when the other members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff reported there. Instead, he abruptly left the Pentagon.Who, then, could have fired such a missile on the Pentagon? The answer was given by the off-the-record revelations of Ari Fleischer, the White House spokesman, and by Karl Rove, senior advisor to the president, to journalists from the New York Times and the Washington Post. Eighteen days later, these men discounted the veracity of the information they had given the journalists, claiming that they had been speaking under the stress of great emotion.According to those close to George W. Bush, in the course of the morning, the Secret Service received a telephone call from those behind the attacks, apparently in order to make demands. To give credence to their demands, the masterminds revealed the secret codes giving access to the secure telephone lines available to the president for secure communication with the various intelligence agencies and services as well as for access to the nuclear arsenal. In fact, only a very few persons with the highest security clearances, in the top ranks of the government, could have had these codes. It follows that at least one of the persons behind the attacks of September 11 has a top government post, either civilian or military.To give credence to the fable of Islamic terrorists, the United States authorities invented kamikazes.Although it would have been possible for a well organized group of persons to bring fire arms into commercial air liners, the kamikazes apparently used cardboard cutters as their only weapons. They are said to have learned to pilot Boeing 757s and 767s in the space of several hours of simulator training, becoming better pilots than professionals. This mastery allowed them to carry out complex in-flight approach maneuvers.The Justice Department has never explained how it established the list of the kamikazes. The airline companies have furnished the exact number of passengers in each plane, and the passenger lists, incomplete, do not mention the persons who boarded at the last minute. In checking the these lists, one notices that names of the kamikazes are not on them and that only three passengers are not identified for flight 11 and only two for flight 93. It is thus impossible that 19 kamikazes boarded. Further, several of those listed as kamikazes have turned up, alive. The FBI nonetheless maintains that the high-jackers have all been definitively identified and that complementary information such as birth dates makes it improbable that they could be confused with persons of the same name. For those who might doubt this, the FBI has a ridiculous proof: whereas the planes burned and the twin towers collapsed, the passport of Mohammed Atta was miraculously found intact on the smoking ruins of the World Trade Center.The existence of high-jackers, whether these or others, is confirmed by telephone calls made by several passengers to members of their families. Unfortunately, these conversations are known to us only by hearsay and have not been published, even in the case of those that were recorded. Thus, it has been impossible to verify that they were actually made from a particular cell phone of from a telephone on board. Here, too, we are asked to take the FBI at its word.Further, it was not indispensable to have high-jackers to carry out the attacks. The Global Hawk technology, developed by the Air Force, makes it possible to take control of a commercial airliner regardless of the intentions of its pilot(s) and to direct it by remote control.There remains the case of Osama bn Laden. If it is generally admitted that he was a CIA agent or collaborator during the war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, the current version of events claims that he turned coat and became public enemy number one of the United States. This story does not bear up under scrutiny either. The French daily le Figaro revealed that last July, Osmam bn Laden was a patient at the American hospital in Dubai, where he was visited by the head of CIA regional office. CBS television in the United States has revealed that, on September 10, Osama bn Laden was undergoing dialysis at the Rawalpindi military hospital, under the protection of the Pakistani army. And the renown French journalist Michel Peyrard, who was a prisoner of the Taliban, has recounted how, last November, Osama bn Laden was living openly in Jalalabad while the United States was bombing other regions of the country. It is difficult to believe that the greatest army in the world, come to Afghanistan to arrest him, was unable to do so, while the mollah Omar was able to escape from United States military force on a moped.In view of the elements that I have just presented, it appears that the attacks of September can not be attributed to foreign terrorists from the Arab-Muslim world - even if some of those involved might have been Muslim - but to United States terrorists.The day after the attacks of September 11, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1368 acknowledged "the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense in accordance with the Charter", calling on "all States to work together urgently to bring to justice the perpetrators, organizers and sponsors of these terrorist attacks and stresses that those responsible for aiding, supporting or harboring the perpetrators, organizers and sponsors of these acts will be held accountable".If one wishes to heed the call of the Security Council, to enforce Resolution 1368 and to punish those who really are guilty, the only way to accurately identify the guilty parties is to set up a commission of inquiry whose independence and objectivity are guaranteed by the United Nations. This would also be the only way to preserve international peace. In the meantime, Your Highness, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, the foreign military interventions of the United States of America are devoid of any basis in international law, whether it be their recent intervention in Afghanistan or their announced interventions in Iran, Iraq and in numerous other countries.

Who was behind 9/11? - David Guyatt - 24-02-2014

VoltaireNet has many interesting and insightful articles about 9/11. The below is another one that caught my eye:


9/11: The Ultimate Triumph of the Strategy of Tension (II)

by Wayne Madsen
The attacks of September 11 are a continuation of the strategy of tension. They represent nothing new in Washington policies, if not an escalation to extend this strategy on a global scale. They provided the pretext for setting up an international monitoring system and to further the expansion of imperial wars. From this point of view, the commemoration of the tenth anniversary was used by the sponsors of the attacks to pose once more as victims, all the better to persevere with their goals.

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[Image: descarga-_1_-68fdc-1dd23.gif]Obama underscored the continuity of his policies with those of his predecessor by celebrating with him the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks and of imperial globalization ..
Part 1 : « 9/11: Unanswered Questions (I) », Voltaire Network, 10 September 2011.
After years of employing the fascistic "strategy of tension" in Western Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America, the neo-conservatives who dominated the Bush administration on the eve of September 11, 2001, were confident that the ultimate act of destroying the World Trade Center in New York and bombing the Pentagon, in addition to destroying a yet unknown target by United flight 93 shot down by U.S. Air Force fighter-interceptors over Pennsylvania would bring about the sea change foreseen by the neo-conservatives.What the neo-conservative cabal, through their propaganda outlets like Fox News and The Washington Post, brought forth after their long-awaited "New Pearl Harbor," was their reference to America's "new normal," the de facto imposition of a crypto-fascist dictatorship that overturned the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law, and onset of the "clash of civilizations," the final showdown between Islam and Judeo-Christianity. The geo-social-political "Armageddon" hoped for by such neo-fascist philosophers as Professors Samuel Huntington and Bernard Lewis would be a final battle that would see the downfall of Islamic governments and regimes from Morocco to Indonesia and the triumph of "western civilization." In fact, "western civilization" is code for the twin pillars of capitalist-backed militarism and Zionism.The "strategy of tension" employed by NATO stay-behind networks in Europe from the 1960s to the present day is defined by Swiss professor of contemporary historyDaniele Ganser as the method by which "world powers divide, manipulate, and control public opinion using fear, propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs, and false flag terrorist actions" to achieve their ultimate goals. The September 11, 2001, false flag attacks in New York and Virginia succeeded in laying the groundwork for a concerted disinformation, psychological warfare, and propaganda campaign that, ten years following 9/11, are being cited by the corporate media as having" changed the world." Even the date, 9/11, was chosen as a psychological warfare tool, 911 being the emergency phone number used by Americans to call for assistance from law enforcement and other emergency responders.George Orwell's "tele-screen," the means by which Big Brother largely maintained control over public opinion by hyping non-existent threats to public safety, became real in the minutes following the 9/11 attacks when the corporate new channels, all seemingly pre-programmed for the terror event, began instilling fear in the minds of Americans and people around the world. In the months after 9/11, anyone who questioned the official version of events was painted as a disloyal "conspiracy theorist." However, there were thousands of more facts presented by those who contradicted the official version of 9/11 than any dubious explanations presented in the official 9/11 Commission report and other government documents, including those from the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).The corporate news channels, led by Fox News, concocted unbelievable threats following 9/11, including exploding bombs being placed inside cows, terrorist frogmen coming ashore on America's beaches, Al Qaeda attacking shopping malls in the United States, and Arab terrorists infiltrating Latin American human smuggling routes from Mexico. All of the fear stories were rank nonsense and not based on any facts.After the anthrax postal system attacks on Congress and the media, which ensured the quick passage by Congress of the unconstitutional USA-PATRIOT Act, the failed attempt by a shoe bomber to bring down a plane flying from Paris to Miami, and a later attempt by a Nigerian flying from Amsterdam to Detroit to set off explosive material in his underpants, the public was conditioned to accept anything as a potential threat to security and safety. Nothing was mentioned about Israel's role in the anthrax attacks and the two failed airplane bombings. The only individuals arrested on 9/11 for suspicion that they were involved in the 9/11 attacks were five employees of Weehawken, New Jersey-based Urban Moving Systems. FBI agents who visited the firm's warehouse in Weehawken not only found bomb-making materials but traces of anthrax. The owner of the firm, Dominick Suter, was later discovered in a joint CIA-FBI counter-intelligence database to be a Mossad agent. Some of the Israeli "movers" arrested were also found to be in the database.The five Israeli "movers" were witnessed celebrating and videotaping the aerial attacks on the World Trade Center, minutes after the first plane struck, from their vantage point at Liberty State Park, across the Hudson River from lower Manhattan. It was an Israeli aviation security company, ICTS International, replete with ex-Mossad and ex-Shin Bet officers in its management, that handled airport security at Paris's Charles de Gaulle Airport and Amsterdam's Schipol International Airport, where Richard Reid, the "shoe bomber" and Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the "underwear bomber," attempted their amateurish bombing attempts on American Airlines flight 63 and Northwest Airlines flight 253, respectively. ICTS also shared security responsibilities at Boston's Logan Airport on September 11, 2001, the airport where American Airlines flight 11 was allegedly hijacked by Mohammed Atta and flown into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.In pushing the neo-conservative notion of the "clash of civilizations," there was no mention made by the Israeli-influenced corporate media about the numerous connections of Israel to the 9/11 attacks. Nineteen Arab hijackers, 16 of whom hailed from Saudi Arabia, was the official story and there would be no deviation from the official line. Even statements by Binyamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak on American television that 9/11 was beneficial to Israel were ignored by the media. Those who were brave enough to point out Israeli connections to 9/11 were intimidated by the old canard that they were "anti-Semitic."Some corporate news stations that reported on suspicious Israeli intelligence activities in the months prior to 9/11 saw their stories "tombstoned" on the Internet. A four-part series on the Israeli activity aired by Fox News quickly disappeared from its website. Similar stories, such as the following, also quickly evaporated into the ether:"10/02/2001 - Fifteen People Arrested in March in Dallas, Suspected of Casing Federal Buildings. 11 News reported how people claiming to be Israeli art students' might be trying to sneak into federal buildings and defense sites, and even doing surveillance. In Dallas, the so-called students hit early this year at the city's FBI building, the Drug Enforcement Administration and at the Earle Cabell Federal building, where guards found one student wandering the halls with a floor plan of the building."Osama bin Laden, the accused mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, was a character directly out of Hollywood central casting. Bin Laden initially denied he had anything to do with the attacks. In an interview carried by the September 28, 2001 edition of the Pakistani newspaper Ummat Karachi Bin Laden stated, "I have already said that I am not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act." Even FBI director Robert Mueller stated, the "FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11."Few media outlets reported on Bin Laden's longstanding ties to the U.S. intelligence community, links that were maintained after the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. According to classified documents from French intelligence, Al Qaeda and Bin Laden had still been under the operational control of U.S. and British "security services" until 1995, fully two years after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. As of 1996, the U.S. State Department continued to refuse to list Al Qaeda as a terrorist organization. Bin Laden's past ties to the CIA may have sealed his fate. Just as with others who worked for the CIA and were then discarded like garbage, including Manuel Noriega, Saddam Hussein, and Muammar Qaddafi, Osama Bin Laden may have been used as a convenient decoy by the actual perpetrators of 9/11, those who wanted to blame Arabs and Muslims as part of their grand schemes" the Project for the New American Century that hoped for a "new Pearl Harbor," those who wanted a "clash of civilizations" between Judeo-Christianity and Islam, and those who saw a continued strategy of tensions to bring about their agenda. The strategy of tension would not end with 9/11 and would be repeated in the following years in Madrid, London, Bali, Beslan, Jakarta, Istanbul, Casablanca, Mumbai, and Oslo…The real architects of 9/11 are still at-large and continue their strategy of tension campaign. On September 11, 2011, many of the key perpetrators will gather at the "Ground Zero" site in New York to publicly honor those who were killed in the attacks, but privately celebrate their accomplishments over the last ten years. The corporate media will continue to propagate the myth of 9/11 and the public, they hope, will continue to accept the official version of the events.

Who was behind 9/11? - Peter Lemkin - 24-02-2014

Another Nineteen by Ryan deals with just your quest [some who were responsible - by name - with evidence!] and we have a thread on it HERE!

Who was behind 9/11? - David Guyatt - 24-02-2014

Thanks Pete.

Who was behind 9/11? - R.K. Locke - 19-03-2016

Ed Opperman is live on air right now with an interview about FOIA documents regarding Urban Moving Systems:

Correction: it's not live, but it sounds like it is going to be interesting.