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Chris Hedges On The Current Media War and a few other things..... - Printable Version

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Chris Hedges On The Current Media War and a few other things..... - Peter Lemkin - 02-05-2014

Chris Hedges On The Current Media War and a few other things..... - David Guyatt - 03-05-2014

Hedges presents really well, doesn't he; rational, measured and clear thinking. It was an impressive interview.

Chris Hedges On The Current Media War and a few other things..... - Peter Lemkin - 03-05-2014

David Guyatt Wrote:Hedges presents really well, doesn't he; rational, measured and clear thinking. It was an impressive interview.
Yes, well presented, rationally presented, measured and clear thinking - the reason his is marginalized by the MSM, when not [very rarely] being attacked by it. I thought it appropriate today - World Press Freedom Day [a concept/reality under attack from all fronts; nearly lost in the mainstream now; and now under full attack on the internet and all other alternative forms by citizen investigative journalists.....]