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William Pepper Joins The Legal Fight For 911-Truth! - Printable Version +- Deep Politics Forum (https://deeppoliticsforum.com/fora) +-- Forum: Deep Politics Forum (https://deeppoliticsforum.com/fora/forum-1.html) +--- Forum: 911 (https://deeppoliticsforum.com/fora/forum-6.html) +--- Thread: William Pepper Joins The Legal Fight For 911-Truth! (/thread-12609.html) |
William Pepper Joins The Legal Fight For 911-Truth! - Peter Lemkin - 24-05-2014 Attorney William Pepper to OIG: "The Pursuit of NIST's Fraudulent Reports Will be Relentless" Written by Dennis P. McMahon, Esq. and James McDowell Thursday, 15 May 2014 16:55 dr-william-pepper podiumDr William Pepper speaking in Times Square on September 11, 2013 for ReThink911 eventOn behalf of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, esteemed human rights attorney William F. Pepper has followed up on his December 12, 2013 letter written to the U.S. Department of Commerce Office of the Inspector General (OIG), demanding that the National Institute of Standards and Technology ("NIST"), a non-regulatory agency within the Commerce Department for which OIG has oversight responsibility, "be directed to produce a corrected analysis and report on the collapse of Building 7." Having received a letter in return stating that the matter was being referred back to NIST, and hearing nothing further, Pepper personally called the OIG on March 3, 2014. He left a voicemail in which he identified himself and explained why he was calling. The next day Pepper received a call from Justin Marsico, an assistant to Inspector General Todd J. Zinser. Marsico told Pepper that his December 12 letter had been sent to Dr. Patrick Gallagher, Director of NIST and Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology, with a request that Gallagher deal with the matter. Noting that Marisco had not requested that Gallagher report back to the IG and thus was effectively leaving the investigation of NIST's conduct to NIST, Pepper told Marisco that the way he was handling the matter was unacceptable. Pepper then advised that even though he would now be in touch with the NIST Director, he would copy the IG with all subsequent correspondence, to keep the IG informed. Pepper also indicated to Marsico that, at this stage, AE911Truth is simply trying to work collaboratively with the IG, but that if the results are not satisfactory, Pepper would contact U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, either directly or through a member of the U.S. Senate. In recent months, two AE911Truth members, Tony Szamboti and David Cole, have been mailing detailed packages to congressional leaders in the hope of rousing interest in Building 7 among members of the Senate and House of Representatives. As of this writing, having received no significant response from Congress, Szamboti and Cole have drafted correspondence to House Science Committee members, reminding them of a previous communication in which they pointed out OIG's failure to investigate fraud, waste, and abuse at NIST. They are including in this latest correspondence a letter sent by NIST to Dr. Pepper, which demonstrates that the problem has not been corrected. quote-Szamboti-Cole-bl In their letter, Szamboti and Cole state, "Whilst we fully appreciate the fact that the IG would not have in-house expertise to verify our information, it is also immediately apparent that NIST would dismiss it out of hand in the full knowledge that the IG had made no order for their deliberations to be checked independently. "As you will be aware, Todd Zinser has previously allowed a Department to investigate itself and been called to account over his abrogation of responsibility by this fox-guarding-the-henhouse approach. He has just repeated that and seems to have disregarded his previous knuckle rapping. "Please have another look at this issue, as the IG's failure to verify our complaint independently will allow the fraud, waste, and abuse to continue within the NIST, and also allow the IG to avoid his responsibilities to properly and diligently investigate complaints of this nature." In his March 10 follow-up letter (personal information redacted) to Gallagher, Pepper asked the undersecretary "to carefully consider the issues raised," and suggested that "it may be useful to arrange a meeting involving technical staff from NIST and a small group of our professionals to focus on the technical issues." Meanwhile, on March 11, Szamboti called NIST and spoke to Mike Newman in its public relations office. Szamboti asked if anyone had been assigned to respond to Pepper's original letter. Newman said that the letter had been received, that NIST did not need to report back to the OIG, and that NIST had prepared a response that he thought the NIST Director had in hand. Newman mentioned that the "engineers" did not agree with the points in Pepper's letter. "I can't imagine how they could show we are wrong," Szamboti said. "If the [NIST] response has no merit, as I believe will be the case, then I think the thing to do is have [a technical analysis] performed." Szamboti has recently initiated a technical analysis of the relevant structural elements to show that NIST calculations are in error, although it is yet unclear when this analysis will be completed. Once it is finished, a Pepper letter back to NIST with the results of that technical analysis would likely follow. If there is still no progress made with NIST, then AE911Truth will go to court to pursue a remedy. William Pepper Joins The Legal Fight For 911-Truth! - Keith Millea - 24-05-2014 A short piece by the Saker.And,as you can see,he really loves "Veterans Today".....SNARK-SNARK Saturday, May 24, 2014 Short non-Ukrainian sidebar: nukes on 911? Many of you have commented on Gordon Duff, Press TV and the "Dimitri Khalezov theory" about nukes being used on 911. I just want to tell you that I rate the credibility of Press TV as "poor", of Gordon Duff and "Veterans Today" as "terrible" and Dimitry Khazelov as "unknown". However, one should rate the source and the information given by the source. So to this I will say that a) there is no physical evidence of the use of a nuke on 911. b) there is overwhelming evidence of the use of explosives (probably a mix of various types) on 911. Also, there is the pesky problem of WTC7 which was a very different building from WTC1 and WTC2 whose collapse mechanism was clearly different. Explosives can - and have - explained it. The nuke hypothesis does not. I don't think that I have the time to go into a detailed discussion of 9/11 now, but for those of you who might wonder why I believe, please see this post (the links in the post are dead, but if there is a demand for it, I can re-upload the documents in question). As for some US officials selling nukes I will say this: I rate Sibel Edmonds as a "good" source and the info she provides is compatible with what I know. However, it is one thing to sell nuclear technology to Israel or Turkey and quite another to make it widely available. In other words, I am not at all sure that the sale of these technologies has been nearly as big as some might believe. Generally, I dislike sensationalism. I try to keep an open mind, but as Carl Sagan liked to say, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I am willing to consider pretty much any theory about 9/11, except the ridiculous official fairytale of course, but it better be backed by some solid research and good evidence. Right now, I see the "controlled demolition" as proven far beyond reasonable doubt, so any other theory would have to do better, which would be very hard indeed. Kind regards, The Saker Posted by VINEYARDSAKER: at 14:45 22 comments: Labels: 911 Truth William Pepper Joins The Legal Fight For 911-Truth! - Lauren Johnson - 24-05-2014 I haven't seen Consensus 9/11 before. Really good. William Pepper Joins The Legal Fight For 911-Truth! - Peter Lemkin - 25-05-2014 After looking in detail into the controlled demolition and other nonsensical lies and inconsistencies related to the three WTC towers that fell on 9-11, I then turned my attention to the Pentagon and found enormous inconsistencies there too. I'm now researching the crash near Shanksville, PA and nothing of the evidence and witness accounts - even radar evidence - fits the 'official version'. So, not one part of the entire grand event, as officially portrayed, seems to be real - other than the date it occurred. Most of what passes as life in the USA, and much of the rest of the World, has been negatively altered due to the false-flag operation carried out on 9-11 and followed up by: the Anthrax 'attacks', 7/7 attacks, and several other operations I believe were all part of the same 'master plan'. The JFK Assassination was a silent [secret] coup d'etat of USA polity and power structure; 9-11-01 was a broader, nearly worldwide, 'coup du monde'. May the truth set us free - for now we are all prisoners or victims of the Big Lie - fabricated, IMO, to gain control over the Planet and to subdue into servitude with fear and repression the entire population. Cui bono?! William Pepper Joins The Legal Fight For 911-Truth! - R.K. Locke - 25-05-2014 There is a lot of focus on Building 7 in the critical community - and rightly so - but in many ways the anthrax attacks are the smoking gun of 9/11. As proven false flag events there should probably be a lot more emphasis placed on them when we are communicating this information to "non-believers". William Pepper Joins The Legal Fight For 911-Truth! - Albert Doyle - 25-05-2014 Good point. The last I knew DNA analysis showed the anthrax involved came from a bioweapons facility Ivins did not have any access to, therefore proving it couldn't be him. William Pepper Joins The Legal Fight For 911-Truth! - Magda Hassan - 26-05-2014 R.K. Locke Wrote:There is a lot of focus on Building 7 in the critical community - and rightly so - but in many ways the anthrax attacks are the smoking gun of 9/11. As proven false flag events there should probably be a lot more emphasis placed on them when we are communicating this information to "non-believers". Sssshhhhh!!! William Pepper Joins The Legal Fight For 911-Truth! - Peter Lemkin - 26-05-2014 There is quite a bit on the Anthrax attacks on this Forum. I'm not sure I'd call it 'the' smoking gun..but one of them...there are so many patently false and 'give away' parts of the structure and events of Greater 9-11, IMO, involving many aspects of every location, event, preparations, and cover-up. The enormous number of 'coincidences' also lead to obvious signs of hidden collaborations and conspiracy. The Anthrax Attacks, however, clearly points to the real motive behind the greater plot. |