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New interview with Peter Dale Scott - Printable Version

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New interview with Peter Dale Scott - Joseph McBride - 21-06-2014

New interview with Peter Dale Scott - Peter Lemkin - 21-06-2014

Joseph McBride Wrote:

As always with PDS, a good interview connecting the dots few others dare to. That url has both the voice interview and a transcript. I strongly suggest it. It connects the dots between the main Deep Political events since WWII - and how they contained similarities in how events played out / were carried out. While PDS remains 'hopeful', I find myself much less so.....but have not yet given up hope. To begin with we must arm ourselves with this kind of knowledge and analysis - then find a way to disseminate it beyond the cognoscenti, who make up such a tiny percentage of the population. Then, comes action, on how to reverse the march toward an unaccountable and unconstitutional police-state run by a small ruling elite who hide in the shadows.

New interview with Peter Dale Scott - Albert Doyle - 22-06-2014

I had to listen to it twice and read the transcipt the second time because the audio form is more difficult to grasp.