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Why the Warren Report is Inoperable" Plaque 2 - Printable Version

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Why the Warren Report is Inoperable" Plaque 2 - Jim DiEugenio - 24-07-2014

This plaque proves that the bias mounted in the early days was then used with extreme prejudice. Oswald never had a chance with these zealots.

The next plaque will be, "How the Commission fabricated the case against Oswald"

It will include a devastating memo from Redlich to Willens I got from Dave Josephs.

Why the Warren Report is Inoperable" Plaque 2 - Albert Doyle - 25-07-2014

O'Neill and Siberts' most important discrepancy was their protest that the brain the Commission presented in evidence could not possibly be the same one they saw removed from Kennedy at autopsy.

Why the Warren Report is Inoperable" Plaque 2 - Drew Phipps - 25-07-2014

The single most telling evidentiary failure was the failure of Arlan Specter to show CE99 to Tomlinson, the orderly who found a stretcher bullet. Later, of course, when offered the opportunity, Tomlinson (like his boss) would not agree that CE399 was the stretcher bullet. Neither would the first two Secret Service guys in the stretcher bullet's chain of custody. So, all four of the first four people who saw the bullet would later refuse to state that CE 399 was in fact the correct bullet.

Tomlinson was never shown the bullet or even a picture of it, nor asked by Specter, or anyone else connected with the Warren Commission, on or off the record, prior to his testimony (or after it), if CE 399 was the bullet he found. That leads to the inescapable conclusion that Specter was aware that the bullet, the lynchpin of the government's case (both of Oswald's involvement AND of only one shooter), was a fraud, and he actively participated in the fraud.

Why the Warren Report is Inoperable" Plaque 2 - Tracy Riddle - 25-07-2014

I think it's important to keep in mind that institutionally and politically, the WC couldn't possibly come to a different conclusion than the one Hoover had already leaked to everyone in D.C. and the press before the Commission was even formed - that Oswald alone was guilty. The press and most of the Establishment had already accepted that conclusion by the day of the funerals. As bad as the WC was, they were simply the cleanup crew, doing what they were expected to do.