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Would the Real Turkey Please Stand Up - Printable Version

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Would the Real Turkey Please Stand Up - Herbert Blenner - 29-08-2014

Debris knocked out of a human head by a transiting bullet would not practically disappear after one frame as seen on our copy of the Zapruder film.

Instead a real film of a turkey shot shows movement of the debris spanning many frames.

A bullet transiting a human head would cause far more splashing than a bullet through the gutted turkey.

Would the Real Turkey Please Stand Up - Drew Phipps - 29-08-2014

How far was the camera from the turkey?

How many FPS did the camera use?

Would the Real Turkey Please Stand Up - Herbert Blenner - 30-08-2014

Drew Phipps Wrote:How far was the camera from the turkey?

How many FPS did the camera use?

I suggest that you make the apparent size of the turkey equal to the apparent size of Kennedy's head and then compare the differences in visibilities of the debris fields.

Would the Real Turkey Please Stand Up - Drew Phipps - 30-08-2014

alas playing with the size of the image isnt going to help me determine what speed your camera used and how far the camera was from the turkey. Was that an experiment you did or maybe you can post a link to a web site so i can go look at the numbers myself

Would the Real Turkey Please Stand Up - Herbert Blenner - 30-08-2014

Drew Phipps Wrote:alas playing with the size of the image isnt going to help me determine what speed your camera used and how far the camera was from the turkey. Was that an experiment you did or maybe you can post a link to a web site so i can go look at the numbers myself

The video of the turkey was shot by Chad Zimmerman. I do not recall the frame rate which he used. But I remember that rate was slighter higher than the frame rate of the Zapruder film and lower than the 30 frame per second rate for television.