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Michael Tomasky -"Hillary Is Not a.......... " - Printable Version

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Michael Tomasky -"Hillary Is Not a.......... " - Kenneth Kapel - 03-09-2014

In a recent post at his site Michael Tomasky tells his readers that Hillary Clinton is not a neo-con, and that American Liberals should support Obamas action in Iraq. Last week David Corn stated on the Chris Matthews agit-prop program that Hillary Clinton is not a neo-con. Talk about a party line ! Are there any
" cable liberals/progressives" that oppose Obama Wars. What ever happened to "the MIC-The Military Industrial Complex ? I guess that its Gone with the Wind. :Sad: The General Dynamics sponsorship of Obama is just a figment of my imagination. :Confusedhock::

Michael Tomasky -"Hillary Is Not a.......... " - Lauren Johnson - 03-09-2014

Kenneth Kapel Wrote:In a recent post at his site Michael Tomasky tells his readers that Hillary Clinton is not a neo-con, and that American Liberals should support Obamas action in Iraq. Last week David Corn stated on the Chris Matthews agit-prop program that Hillary Clinton is not a neo-con. Talk about a party line ! Are there any
" cable liberals/progressives" that oppose Obama Wars. What ever happened to "the MIC-The Military Industrial Complex ? I guess that its Gone with the Wind. :Sad: The General Dynamics sponsorship of Obama is just a figment of my imagination. :Confusedhock::


Michael Tomasky -"Hillary Is Not a.......... " - Magda Hassan - 03-09-2014

Hey, they're humanitarian wars! When the humanitarian bombs fall and blows them all to smithereens the people die for a good cause. Not like those nasty neo-con wars where the bombs just fall and blow them all to smithereens.

Michael Tomasky -"Hillary Is Not a.......... " - Tracy Riddle - 05-09-2014

Hillary and Bill are neo-liberals - the flip side of the same coin (neo-cons on the other side). The phony "liberal" and phony "conservative" wings of the Wall Street War Party.

Michael Tomasky -"Hillary Is Not a.......... " - Albert Doyle - 29-04-2015

Hillary signed on to torture.

She also commented about an innocent German man who was tortured in a CIA gulag and covered up by the criminal US government "That's his problem".

She's a dead woman walking (politically) as far as I'm concerned: