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EWTN Should Be Renamed ! - Printable Version

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EWTN Should Be Renamed ! - Kenneth Kapel - 05-09-2014

The Eternal World Television Network is a Catholic Cable Station that should be renamed IMHO "The GOP Mammonist Network", just last night on their Nightly New Hours, thats NOT not the programs name, a guest was interviewed and stated that the striking fast food workers should just take what they are given and shut up. Now he didn't use those words of course, but that is what he was REALLY saying. The poor franchise owners would be forced to cut staff and hours just to stay open if the strikers demands were agreed to. No word about anything that might really help the underpayed employees, such as that the francise owners band together and form a union of their own and demand better deals from McDonald, Burger King, et al. Just about two weeks ago this network had a program featuring the leader of Hispanics for Life, or something near to that. The female spokeperson said "the we need to get more Hispanics to vote for the pro=life party, meaning the GOP. This party says no to food stamps, Meals on Wheels, worker Unenployment Extensions, and this is pro-life ? This station is just another GOP front group, as is the so-called "Catholic League", headed by that madman Bill Donahue.

I'm sorry that I can't recall the name of the economist or "Pro-Life" leader. I will have to check them out. I rushed this post as this network just makes my blood boil.

A few years ago Father Mitch Pacwa S.J., he is still a network regular, was talking with the late Mother Angelica, the founder of this station, about Catholic theology and out of the blue Fr. Pacwa says that "Rush Limbaugh is my favorite political commentator." I would ask -"Why is that Father ?" Beause Limbaugh is devoted to truth ? He is devoted to Christian truth. Mr. Limbaugh had shown on many occasions before Pacwas' statement that and many times after that he dispises humanity and is a faithful servant of mammon. This network is a fraud and should be scorned by any decent minded person, especially Catholics. Btw I'm a member of that Faith.

EWTN Should Be Renamed ! - Tracy Riddle - 05-09-2014

There are a lot of phony Christians in America. Money is their only god. Check this guy out:

EWTN Should Be Renamed ! - Magda Hassan - 05-09-2014

Kenneth Kapel Wrote:Btw I'm a member of that Faith.

While there are lunatics and frauds in the church there are also people like Father Roy Bourgeois, Archbishop Oscar Romero, Dorothy Day and a few others who keep the church from becoming totally disreputable.

EWTN Should Be Renamed ! - Albert Doyle - 06-09-2014

Yeah, I've scanned EWTN every now and then and saw that straight republican propaganda being leaked in. They are making the same mistake of mixing politics and religion that caused the reformation. The best way to put it is Christ was crucified by the republican elements of his time.

EWTN Should Be Renamed ! - Kenneth Kapel - 10-09-2014

A few minutes ago I was watching "Mother Angelica Classics" on EWTN which are replays of the late nuns "Sermons." Well she was taking about "Equal Rights for Women" and she said that it will NEVER be because God settled that ages ago in "The Garden of Eden." "Women should be subject to man", or wives must be under the man when it comes to household affairs. In others, words " The man is the Boss", so I guest those surveys that say that wives feel more appreciated when the husband helps in household chores are wrong, and of course the lady should never be consulted on Anything. I guess "God" wants women to feel unappreciated and treated as second class people, by following this "logic" ladies are no more than servants who should be tolerated, but not heard from, just meekly follow the males orders. Having a marriage of this sort will lead to more divorce and less "family values." OMG I just figured out what rightwing Christianity is all about. ::cuckoo:: Btw, "Mother" felt it necessary berate "liberals" at the end of her talk.

EWTN Should Be Renamed ! - Kenneth Kapel - 09-10-2014

This morning EWTN was war mongering against Islam and portraying members of this religion as militant Christian haters. Jesus is watching EWTN and y ou had better watch out. ::boom::