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Rod Serling on the Warren Report - Printable Version

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Rod Serling on the Warren Report - Tracy Riddle - 17-09-2014

A 1966 talk at UCLA, right after the November election of Ronald Reagan as Governor. Serling talks about politics and civil rights and the state of liberalism after some Republican gains that year.

At around 1:04 he is asked about the Warren Report, and says he is reading Epstein's INQUEST, and is open to the possibility that the Warren Report is wrong. He says the ramifications of the WR being wrong are huge and frightening.

Elsewhere he says that JFK had the potential to be the greatest President of his lifetime, and during the last year of his Presidency was really trying to change things.

Rod Serling on the Warren Report - Magda Hassan - 18-09-2014

Rod Serling on the Warren Report - Tracy Riddle - 18-09-2014

Rod was one of the great progressive voices on TV and in film in the 1950s and 1960s. He wrote the screenplay for the film SEVEN DAYS IN MAY.

Rod Serling on the Warren Report - Albert Doyle - 18-09-2014

1968's Planet Of The Apes might not appear to be Kennedy related but it did put forth an allegory where things were upside down and the more primitive group was on the top while ruling a mute underclass who were kept in their inferior position by a cultural minister who made sure the truth was concealed and things went their way. The whole premise of the movie is that the humans had pushed the button and destroyed their society resulting in the apes being at the top. Evidence of this event was kept suppressed by a ruling class political minister in order to keep the self-serving definition of ape society preserved. The double entendre similarities to JFK can't be avoided.

Rod Serling on the Warren Report - Dawn Meredith - 21-09-2014

Tracy Riddle Wrote:Rod was one of the great progressive voices on TV and in film in the 1950s and 1960s. He wrote the screenplay for the film SEVEN DAYS IN MAY.

That's right. I'd forgotten that. So of course he had to doubt the Warren Commission Report.
Twilight Zone was my favorite show as a kid. It is shown here all day on certain holidays and I have seen every episode several times. Amazing how it is so much better than anything on today.

Rod Serling on the Warren Report - Tracy Riddle - 21-09-2014

It was a superb show. I have the DVD boxed set of the series. Serling was so up on current events, in September 1963 the TZ did a show called "In Praise of Pip," starring Jack Klugman, who plays a father whose son has been critically wounded in Vietnam. His character complains, "There isn't even supposed to be a war there."