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New Film by Shane O'Sullivan - On de Mohrenschildt - Printable Version

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New Film by Shane O'Sullivan - On de Mohrenschildt - Peter Lemkin - 22-09-2014

I am a Patsy!

George De Mohrenschildt

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Shane O'Sullivan is releasing, for digital download, a highly revealing and long-overlooked six-hour audio recording of George de Mohrenschildt speaking about his relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald.

On February 14, 1969, George de Mohrenschildt sat down with his wife Jeanne and Dutch journalist Willem Oltmans to record, on audiotape, the draft manuscript for a planned book on Oswald. He felt he'd been unfair to Oswald in his Warren Commission testimony and wanted to set the record straight. Nine tapes were recorded over two days to help pitch the book to publishers.

Eight years later, as de Mohrenschildt was to be called before the HSCA, Oltmans tried to use the tapes to implicate his friend George in Kennedy's murder. Within days, de Mohrenschildt was found dead with a gunshot wound to the head in an apparent suicide. These recordings formed the basis for the unpublished manuscript I am a Patsy! found in his possessions after his death and address many of the myths around his relationship with Oswald.

Shane's film, Killing Oswald, draws on these tapes but he couldn't find anyone in the research community or at the Oltmans archive in Holland who had a complete set of these recordings. After finally tracking down the full set, he's releasing it NOW on Amazon, iTunes and Google Play, so de Mohrenschildt's take on Oswald is more widely available to researchers.

Watch the teaser
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New Film by Shane O'Sullivan - On de Mohrenschildt - Magda Hassan - 23-09-2014

Willem Oltmans played George De Mohrenschildt in Oliver Stone's JFK film.

New Film by Shane O'Sullivan - On de Mohrenschildt - Albert Doyle - 23-09-2014

Oltmans was someone DiEugenio would be interested in with his JFK/Sukarno interactions.