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Plaque Five: Why the Warren Commission is Inoperative - Printable Version

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Plaque Five: Why the Warren Commission is Inoperative - Jim DiEugenio - 25-09-2014

This is the concluding series of the five.

In this one I outline how I think the conspiracy worked.

And show how much the WC missed of it.

Plaque Five: Why the Warren Commission is Inoperative - Martin White - 25-09-2014


Great piece, thanks for this. The link in your post isn't working though.


Plaque Five: Why the Warren Commission is Inoperative - Magda Hassan - 25-09-2014

Martin White Wrote:Jim,

Great piece, thanks for this. The link in your post isn't working though.


Same for me. 404 error - not found.

Plaque Five: Why the Warren Commission is Inoperative - Martin White - 25-09-2014

The link has a "this" on the end of it by mistake. You can delete the "this" from the URL by yourself, or alternatively go direct to CTKA.

Plaque Five: Why the Warren Commission is Inoperative - Albert Doyle - 25-09-2014

Good link:

Seems like there's grounds for a plebiscite indicting FBI for obstruction of justice.
