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General Dynamics & Panetta - Printable Version

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General Dynamics & Panetta - Kenneth Kapel - 09-10-2014

Former American Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta is on a book tour promoting his opus, whose name I will not mention and saying that President Obama is weak and so on and so forth. Panetta is 'in the knew" and not just in the reality of promoting anti Obama skreids. He know that Obama is a front man for, among other things, for war profiteer General Dynamics, owned by the Crown family of Chicago. Lester Crown has backed Obama since before his election as United States Senator of Illinois. According to Michael Ishikoff, of MSNBC, as "being at the apex of the "military - industrial complex", but this fact is never brought up on cable news. We hear that Obama is " a reluctant warrior", by morons such as Chris Matthews and rightwing pundits, when they are ignoring the facts. Now Panetta is saying that the war against ISISi will last for thirthy years, or longer. Halliburton & General Dynamics will be happy, as will the other war profiteers. Accoring to Peter Dale Scott, among others, Henry Crown, father of Lester, had a financial role in the JFK assassination. Btw how many GD Board of Director members act as "military analysts" by the major cable news networks ? This is done without telling the viewers this very important fact.

General Dynamics & Panetta - Tracy Riddle - 10-10-2014

Chris Wallace on Fox several days ago announced that Obama now "becomes a war President" due to his bombing of Syria. :Confusedhock:: As if he hadn't been a war President since he took office.