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Doug Horne's recently uploaded Altered History FFF videos - Printable Version

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Doug Horne's recently uploaded Altered History FFF videos - Tony Szamboti - 12-10-2014

Does everyone here know about Doug Horne's recently uploaded video series called Altered History: Exposing Deceit and Deception in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence? If not, it is here

The five part video series also goes into the Zapruder film alteration etc. and a 2011 interview with 91 year old Dino Brugioni (who worked at the National Photographic Interpretation Center in 1963) reveals that there were two separate teams used to make presentation boards without one knowing the other was used. Apparently there being two separate films done. One was the original on Saturday, when Dino was there, and the other a version which was altered by the perpetrators on Sunday at the Kodak Hawkeye Works in Rochester after the Autopsy photos were done. There is a separate video of Doug Horne's full interview of Dino Brugioni, called The Zapruder Film Mystery, and it is here I know it was posted here in January, but I put it here with the other link for convenience.

Doug Horne's recently uploaded Altered History FFF videos - Albert Doyle - 12-10-2014

Clear Kryptonite-level proof.

Too bad Brugioni couldn't verify the limousine slow down/stop.

From what Horne describes, I wonder if Brugioni's saturday night copy was a semi-altered version?

Too bad a secret copy of the original couldn't have been made while Zapruder had it. It could have been inserted into Stone's movie 'JFK' without telling anyone and those who did it could enjoy watching the crooks scurry when they realized the movie contained the original.

If only Brugioni was aware back then. He could have said nothing and no one at CIA would have known he had a copy of the original in his locker. It would have been poetic justice for Pitzer.

Doug Horne's recently uploaded Altered History FFF videos - Peter Lemkin - 12-10-2014

Doug Horne's recently uploaded Altered History FFF videos - Peter Lemkin - 12-10-2014

Doug Horne's recently uploaded Altered History FFF videos - Tony Szamboti - 12-10-2014

I have always been impressed by formal naval officer Douglas Horne in the few things I have read about his work with the ARRB, like showing evidence that more than one brain was used in the brain examinations and thus that there were problems there, and was hopeful that he would do more. I didn't know he was a history major in college and a historian and that he continued his work on the assassination after the ARRB, as the videos and his book show he has done.

Doug lays it all out in these videos in no uncertain terms. Everyone should see these videos. In them Doug hints at a documentary series people in Hollywood are working on. I have no doubt it will not be able to be smeared as fiction with Doug involved.

Doug Horne's recently uploaded Altered History FFF videos - Peter Lemkin - 12-10-2014

Doug Horne's recently uploaded Altered History FFF videos - Peter Lemkin - 12-10-2014

Doug Horne's recently uploaded Altered History FFF videos - Peter Lemkin - 12-10-2014

Doug Horne's recently uploaded Altered History FFF videos - Albert Doyle - 12-10-2014

It's outrageous that the 6th Floor Museum would be allowed to restrict Horne from showing the Zapruder Film. What is Gary Mack afraid of?

Doug Horne's recently uploaded Altered History FFF videos - Magda Hassan - 12-10-2014

Albert Doyle Wrote:It's outrageous that the 6th Floor Museum would be allowed to restrict Horne from showing the Zapruder Film. What is Gary Mack afraid of?

Perhaps the end of their business model based on lies and deceit?