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Things that make you go mmm...multilingual multicultural parrot - Printable Version

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Things that make you go mmm...multilingual multicultural parrot - Magda Hassan - 14-10-2014

Maybe the Nigel Thornberry of the parrot world.
Quote:California parrot that vanished for four years returns speaking Spanish: paper

LOS ANGELES Mon Oct 13, 2014 4:11pm EDT

(Reuters) - The owner of a parrot that spoke English with a British accent says the bird went missing for four years, only to return speaking Spanish and asking for someone named Larry, a Southern California newspaper reported on Monday.
Darren Chick told the Daily Breeze newspaper that he doesn't know where African grey parrot Nigel has been for four years but that aside from the language switch, the bird is doing fine back at home.
"He's doing perfect," Chick told the paper. "It's really weird, I knew it was him from the minute I saw him."
Nigel was discovered in the back yard of a Torrance couple who run a dog grooming business and originally was thought to belong to Teresa Micco, who had placed an ad for her own missing parrot, the Breeze reported
When Micco, a veterinarian's technician, realized that Nigel wasn't her bird, she was able to trace him via the original sales records to Chick, who was stunned to recover his lost bird after four years, the paper said.