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JVB - Scott Kaiser - 20-10-2014

If this post births an ongoing thread then it may need to be moved to the appropriate place. I apologize, but I could not find it.

This is NOT an endorsement from me, nor is it a narrative of anything I'm saying about JVB. This is strictly information I'm relaying to you published by her publisher, I have no comment either way.

"JVB has known and worked with David Ferrie. She met Clay Shaw, Jack Ruby, Carlos Marcello, Guy Banister, and others that sultry summer in New Orleans.

She was nineteen in 1963.

Judyth met a handsome young ex-Marine, Lee Harvey Oswald. They were soon working together, and later became lovers.
The same forces that murdered John Fitzgerald Kennedy in November of 1963. Is it any wonder that Judyth's story has been suppressed?

Once she started to look into Ferrie's life she found that there were many untruths and misunderstandings being promoted on the Internet. Judyth saw it as her duty to refute those claims, and give readers and researchers a place to start an honest discussion of Dave Ferrie: who he was, what he did, who he knew, and who he was working for."

Of coarse this is NOT the entire published narrative on JVB. I am merely selecting the parts I thought to be important so that others may also shed some light.

Scott Kaiser

JVB - Magda Hassan - 20-10-2014

We have a couple of threads on Judyth here:

There are other threads where she is discussed also. She is a member here but she is not so much on any of the forums much these days but is on FB.

JVB - Scott Kaiser - 20-10-2014

Thanks, I am only looking for some evidence of her claim, please note that I am not trying to discredit her story. I don't know much about her other then her claim of being Oswald's girlfriend.

I have cleared all Government Documents of (4569 page hits) on Baker, Judyth's last name and I could not find one shred of evidence, one document, one memo, letter, classified nor unclassified piece of paper that Judyth knew any of these men. I may be missing something and or over looking some evidence that someone else may otherwise have. if someone does have this information would you please share? Thank you.

I have received a response from someone at FB who says, "Nobody knew about Judyth Baker back then. There are no documents. Read her book. Then believe her or not.. Here is a witness...................."

I'm not out to discredit her or say anything in a negative light about her. If I told you that I personally knew Frank Sturgis and called him "Uncle Frank" as a kid, I would need to support that claim with evidence right? Or would you just take my story as being true?

JVB - Tracy Riddle - 21-10-2014

I'm personally skeptical about her claims.