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Ottawa Under Armed Attack - Three Locations Including Parliament - Printable Version

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Ottawa Under Armed Attack - Three Locations Including Parliament - Peter Lemkin - 22-10-2014

Ottawa was under attack with guns at three location, including the Parliament. News just coming in now. Multiple shooters. One shooter dead. Parliament on lock-down and still under attack. The police think the targets are all uniformed Canadian Military and have asked all Military NOT to wear their uniforms unless they are on active duty.

Ottawa Under Armed Attack - Three Locations Including Parliament - Peter Lemkin - 22-10-2014

It turns out that yesterday, this happened in Canada.... [there is now the belief the two incidents are directly related]

A member of the Canadian Forces is dead after being run down by a man the Prime Minister's Office described as being "radicalized."
The military man, who police have not named, died in hospital Monday night. The status of the other Canadian Forces member is not known at this point, however, police initially described his injuries as less serious.
The two military members were walking in a strip mall just outside a Service Canada office in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Monday morning, when Martin Couture Rouleau allegedly plowed into them with his car.
Police chased the car about four kilometres before it flipped over into a ditch. The driver allegedly jumped out of the car and brandished a knife, at which point police shot him. He died later in the day, police said.

Ottawa Under Armed Attack - Three Locations Including Parliament - Magda Hassan - 22-10-2014

Since they chose to be a US lapdog Canada has been at war with the Muslim world for 12 years now and for some reason seem surprised at this. I just hope this doesn't benefit the odious Harper in any way but it probably will.

Ottawa Under Armed Attack - Three Locations Including Parliament - Kenneth Kapel - 22-10-2014

My first reaction was false flag, but who can say for sure. United States warmongers and neo-cons are happy.

Ottawa Under Armed Attack - Three Locations Including Parliament - Peter Lemkin - 23-10-2014

At this point is SEEMS it was only one Canadian man, who had converted to Islam, joined a jihadist group, and had recently been denied a visa to go fight in Syria or some place near. I'm not ruling out false-flag, but at the moment it seems too small and too 'personal' to be more than a disgruntled would-be ISIL fighter. However, the needless wars and aggression of the 'West' have provoked all this...and it is now coming home to roost. Sadly, it also feeds the fires of fear and calls for stronger police state regulations at home. Breaking this cycle and getting the public to realize the original wrongs committed by the 'West' will not be easy. Untangling this Gordian Knot, will be even more difficult. This invented war 'on' terror and all the attempts over the decades to control the Middle East resources and politics has brought us to this mess. Lust for Empire, resources, power, control, etc. - and doing it with dirty tricks, lies and killing has had its 'blowback'.

Ottawa Under Armed Attack - Three Locations Including Parliament - Tracy Riddle - 23-10-2014

How many times have we seen this? All the reports of multiple shooters now become just one lone gunman.