Dangers of EMF [Electro-Magnetic Frequencies], and What You Can Do To Reduce Them - Peter Lemkin - 22-12-2014
8 Easy EMF Solutions You Can Start Today
- Turn Wi-Fi off at the router while you sleep.
- Get cabled Internet access so that the electromagnetic energy (electromagnetic radiation, EMR) emitted by your device and web access is confined within a cable. EMR emitted by wireless technologies can penetrate buildings, metal roofs and living creatures. The World Health Organization considers such radiofrequency radiation a Class 2B carcinogen.
- Do not use a mobile device (mobile phones, iPads) in a moving vehicle: At every mile, your device connects to a new base station, it goes to maximum power. These EMR emissions get trapped in your car (a metal box) and bounce around. Not good.
- Do not use mobile devices (including cordless landline phones) around pregnant women or children.
Watch the video:
- Unplug and eliminate cordless landline phones. Cordless phones require base stationssimilar to cell towers. Also not good. Replace them with corded landline phones.
- Get any digital, transmitting wireless utility meters off of your residence and replace them with analog mechanical meters. Read more
- Be aware that using a mobile device near a person with a medical implant such as a cardiac pacemaker, an insulin pump or a deep brain stimulator may cause harmful electronic interferenceand may cause the implant to malfunction (shut off). Read More
- Educate yourself. Read An Electronic Silent Spring.