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Judyth Baker answering questions on Reddit this Friday - Printable Version

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Judyth Baker answering questions on Reddit this Friday - Kyle Burnett - 25-02-2015

See here for details. I've never paid enough mind to her story to participate myself, but figure some here might have interesting questions to ask her.

Judyth Baker answering questions on Reddit this Friday - Dawn Meredith - 25-02-2015

Kyle Burnett Wrote:See here for details. I've never paid enough mind to her story to participate myself, but figure some here might have interesting questions to ask her.

The only thing I would RE-ASK her is if she would take a poly paid for by John Armstrong. She has already said no in writing via PM on facebook. In fact I posed that question yesterday there, asking who believes her and the negative response was overwhelming.
I don't believe her at all.


Judyth Baker answering questions on Reddit this Friday - Scott Kaiser - 25-02-2015

Would you like to know what boils my blood? It's not when I'm trying to share information that folks don't let it sink in, analyze it, then determine whether I'm right or wrong. They just "jump" to conclusions. And, well, frankly, I don't give a damn. No, that's not what makes me mad.

What makes me mad is when someone says, I've been speaking poorly against someone, I've been a leader of a pack that doubts a person, but then for their benefit, turns around and uses what I've said to justify their tales.

What do I mean by that, before I met this person, I was not a fan in believing this person worked with Ferrie, Banister, Shaw and Oswald. I thought to myself, if this person would only through Marcello in the mix now we have a fucking conspiracy!

So, I introduced myself, met this person, was as nice as I could be, and even said, you know what I'm going to do for you? What this person asked, I said, I'm going to make a public announcement that I believe you, so don't worry about it. I wanted to see how far this would go and if I were to be used because of that statement, or if this person didn't care as to whether folks believed this person or not only this person would know the truth.

Come to find out that when my friend contacted me and said, hey! I believe someone just said something nice about you on Coast to Coast and I believe they even plugged in your father's book. I was excited, but yet hesitant to believe that this person would have something nice to say about me.

So, I listened to the show, and what do you know? This person said, nothing about my father, nothing about my father's book, nothing at all. The only information about me released was. There was a man who lead a charge against me in not believing what I said, but has since apologized to me. This is somewhat paraphrased, and not word for word.

Before I heard this interview I contacted this person to thank them for plugging in information about my father's book, or at least I thought this person did, then this person replied, "You're welcome, and well deserved".

Deserved? What the hell did I deserve? To know that nothing you said was in anyway related to my father, but to benefit you? That's what boils my blood, and the truth shall set me free.

Judyth Baker answering questions on Reddit this Friday - Albert Doyle - 25-02-2015

Hang in there Scott. Lack of recognition goes with the territory. You have to be tough. Conspiracy exposure is an uphill battle.

Judyth Baker answering questions on Reddit this Friday - David Josephs - 26-02-2015

I'm not going to bother speaking to her so a question if anyone is going to ask:

Is there any proof that she lived in an apartment along the Magazine to Camp street bus route?

11 weeks of riding the bus, probably at the same time in the morning - WITH Oswald - and we cannot get a single disciple to give us an address, a bus line #,
or the limited number of bus drivers who would be on that route at that time, every workday...

Cover Jobs and a Love Affair
Baker documented how cover jobs were arranged for herself and Oswald, where they spent approximately half their time. Though she was a slow typist, Baker said arrangements were made to hire her as a secretary for former FBI agent William I. Monaghan, Wm. B. Reily Coffe Company's Vice President of Security, Finance and Field Sales. After moving into nearby apartments the same week, Baker and Oswald rode the same bus to and from work together the next eleven weeks.

On July 19, 1963, an ad to replace Baker was ordered -- the same day Oswald was fired. Baker herself was fired August 9[SUP]th[/SUP], the same day Oswald was arrested for handing out flyers in New Orleans. Baker says she was fired prematurely because she was seen with Oswald that day. These events are documented by paycheck stubs, bank deposits, letters and newspaper ads and articles which have been seen by many researchers.

No W-2?

The most important summer of her life - do any of these "many researchers" know where she was? or can corroborate they've seen stubs, and deposits etc?

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