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Does anyone know what happened to the other Kleins rifles? - Printable Version

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Does anyone know what happened to the other Kleins rifles? - David Josephs - 14-07-2015

According the the records, there were 860 rifles still at Harborside and up to 99 rifles at Klein's on 11/22 for which he have no information..
Or do we?

Waldman tells us he removed the "remaining inventory" of the Oswald rifle that weekend due to the gruesomeness of selling these at all... which I find very hard to believe a gun dealer would not take advantage of the "weapon type" as a collector's item and sell them at a premium...

But they simply seem to vanish by the 26th of Nov... does anyone know what happened to these and the Harborside inventory?

Has Anyone EVER come forward claiming to have purchased a C20-T750 yet was shipped "the same rifle Oswald used" PRIOR to the Hidell shipment? - the rifle was advertised from Feb 62 thru Feb 63.

Has any one of these Serial #'d MC rifles ever been found? The WCR records only offer info on these 100 rifles.. Has anyone ever seen a "blank order" for any one of these rifles with corresponding serial #'s?

It is my theory that the FBI took Feldsott's 10 packing slips and created these two pages. So far, the only thing we've seen to corroborate that this page is "original" is the Hidell Order Blank.
Does seem strange to me that the serial #'s are all written on what looks like a blanked out background, while everywhere else on the 'copy' we see the black dots of the lined paper.
[Image: vc%20and%20seriel%20numbers%20from%20wal...tqc1fb.jpg]
A bigger clearer verson of a page shows what I mean... Would it be that hard to see these VC=Serial # sheets for ANY OTHER GROUP OF RIFLES?

It would seem that any and all documentation which was available and would confirm the FBI story of replacing the scoped TS rifle with an FC... was never sought.
[Image: Waldman%204%20page%201%20-%20VC%20number...9chqrb.jpg]