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David 'call me Necrobestiality Porcophillius' Cameron - Printable Version

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David 'call me Necrobestiality Porcophillius' Cameron - Magda Hassan - 21-09-2015

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7420&stc=1]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7421&stc=1]
"I was simply carving my Sunday roast and fell, as did my trousers, and landed on top of the pig."

David 'call me Necrobestiality Porcophillius' Cameron - Paul Rigby - 21-09-2015

It would take a rasher man than yours truly to confirm this alarming rumour.

David 'call me Necrobestiality Porcophillius' Cameron - Paul Rigby - 21-09-2015

And so to the inevitable propleptic fictive referent:


Insider joke?

David 'call me Necrobestiality Porcophillius' Cameron - Paul Rigby - 21-09-2015

This is all so undignified, says dead pig oral sex guy

Quote:RESPONDING to allegations about oral sex with a dead pig would be undignified', according to a man who once had oral sex with a dead pig.

The man said it would be beneath him' to comment on the disgusting thing that he did with a dead pig while being cheered on by some other equally vile men.

The man, who is now known by everyone as the dead pig oral sex guy', added: "I'm better than that."

It is understood the man is now focused on getting on with the job' and is determined to put the oral sex with a dead pig behind him.

But experts stressed the man's job was one of those positions where it is important not to be known as the dead pig oral sex guy'.

Professor Henry Brubaker, from the Institute for Studies, said: "A few years ago a man in a similar line of work became known as the cigar up the vagina guy'. And he still is.

"That was very bad. But I think we can all agree it's not quite as bad as being the dead pig oral sex guy'.

"Then again, maybe everyone will just forget about it."

David 'call me Necrobestiality Porcophillius' Cameron - Paul Rigby - 21-09-2015

The Funniest Responses To That Story About David Cameron And The Pig

You'll never look at the phrase "pulled pork" the same way again.

David 'call me Necrobestiality Porcophillius' Cameron - Paul Rigby - 21-09-2015

David Cameron secures £45m pig semen deal between UK and China

Quote:Pig semen is to be exported from Britain to China after a £45million deal was agreed by the countries.

David Cameron secured an agreement for the UK to supply exports of the semen to Chinese breeders during his three day trade visit to China.

It follows industry lobbying in the Far Eastern country after a deal for the export of live pigs between the countries was signed last year....

To think that many of us thought the Daily Blackshirt was selling us a pig in a poke...

David 'call me Necrobestiality Porcophillius' Cameron - Drew Phipps - 21-09-2015

Cameron didn't really watch much of the movie "Porky's." (Don't judge a movie by its title.)

David 'call me Necrobestiality Porcophillius' Cameron - David Guyatt - 22-09-2015

Paul Rigby Wrote:

It would take a rasher man than yours truly to confirm this alarming rumour.

Any 2 for £4 ---- clearly an inferior product that will certainly have considerable traces of impurities leeching out of it.

David 'call me Necrobestiality Porcophillius' Cameron - David Guyatt - 22-09-2015

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7431&stc=1]

David 'call me Necrobestiality Porcophillius' Cameron - Paul Rigby - 22-09-2015

A new, er, entry:


Can it displace the current number 1?


Personally, I think the reaction should take a political form, preferably via the formation of a Pig Lovers' Party, a la Auberon Waugh's singular contribution to the North Devon campaign in the General Election of 1979:

Who among us can forget Waugh's ringing call to arms?

Quote:Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking I offer myself as your Member of Parliament in the General Election on behalf of the nation's dog lovers to protest about the behaviour of the Liberal Party generally and the North Devon Constituency Liberal Association in particular. Their candidate is a man about whose attitude to dogs not to mention his fellow human beings little can be said with any certainty at the present time.

But while it is one thing to observe the polite convention that a man is innocent until proven guilty, it is quite another thing to take a man who has been publicly accused of crimes which would bring him to the cordial dislike of all right-minded citizens and dog lovers, and treat him as a hero.

Before Mr Thorpe has had time to establish his innocence of these extremely serious charges, he has been greeted with claps, cheers and yells of acclamation by his admirers in the Liberal Party, both at the National Conference in Southport and here in the constituency. I am sorry but I find this disgusting.

I invite all the electors of North Devon, but especially the more thoughtful Liberals and dog lovers to register their disquiet by voting for me on 3 May and I sincerely hope that at least fifty voters in this city will take the opportunity to do so.

Genesis XVIII 26: And the LORD said If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.

1 Samuel XXIV 14: After whom dost thou pursue? after a dead dog, after a flea.

Rinka is NOT forgotten. Rinka lives. Woof, woof. Vote Waugh to give all dogs the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.