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I Will Be Teaching a JFK Assassination Class - Don Jeffries - 13-12-2015

Starting in February, I will be teaching a class on the JFK assassination for my county's adult education program. I am working on a syllabus and any suggestions will be welcomed.

I Will Be Teaching a JFK Assassination Class - Albert Doyle - 13-12-2015

Required Reading:

James Douglass's: 'JFK And The Unspeakable'

James DiEugenio's: 'Destiny Betrayed'

I Will Be Teaching a JFK Assassination Class - Jim Hargrove - 13-12-2015

I've been reading Don's 2014 book entitled Hidden History: An Expose of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups in American Politics. Even though I'm only about a hundred pages into it, I can heartily recommend it to everyone.

It begins with a whithering destruction of the Official Story of the JFK assassination, familiar territory for many of us, but notable nevertheless for the breadth of the carnage in a frugal 50 pages or so. Don calls the JFK hit "The Mother of All Conspiracies," and then goes on to pretty much prove his point.

Things turn even more interesting in subsequent chapters, about the Sixties, Seventies, the Reagan Years ("Trickle Down Treachery") the Clinton Years, the Death of John Kennedy, Jr., 9/11, Dubya and More Dubya, and so on well into the Obama years. One of Don's talents is the clarity of his thought and writing, which results in a concise and convincing portrayal of often complex events.

His insights are sometimes stunning. For example, as a young man in the 1960s I thought the apparently anti-establishment antics of people like Abbie Hoffman and the Yippies was an attempt to end the the U.S.'s growing involvement in perpetual warfare in SE Asia. But Mr. Jeffries poses a number of simple questions about these demonstrators leading to deep concerns about their real roles. First and foremost was this question: Why did none of the Chicago Eight offer any criticisim of the official story of the Kennedy assassination, which obviously opened the door to the wholesale slaughter in Asia?

Other readers well versed in the Kennedy Assassination probably will find Don's book a refreshingly broad look at both the Kennedy Assassination and the last 50 years of our hidden history, written by a true kindred spirit. No doubt his JFK class will be equally entertaining and informative.

I Will Be Teaching a JFK Assassination Class - Tom Scully - 13-12-2015


Own or qualify carefully whatever you introduce. Scrupulously avoid being indistinguishable from Morrow and his "nuggets" ....Madeline Brown, Hoover, LBJ "party the night before".....Janney and his albatross, "missing CIA assassin Mitchell"..... and even Simkin, because he refuses to edit errors he is informed of.:


Priscilla Livingston Johnson was born in Glen Cove, New York, on 19th July, 1928....

I intended to verify the lead I found at that led me to believe that Priscilla Livingston Johnson, b. 1922 Stockholm, Sweden, was the daughter of a U.S. diplomat. Until now, I had not verified her D.O.B. more closely than the year, 1922. Now
I can post an exact match, 23 September, 1922.

U.S., Consular Reports of Births, 1910-1949 > Alphabetical > Jamieson - Johnson
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7818&stc=1]

Try to avoid mentioning books in which the author MERELY repeats a claim of another author, or risk "teaching" nuggets such as the Eddy Benavides shooting occurring before his brother's WC testimony.
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7819&stc=1]

Do no harm, Don. It is better to present nothing than to present misleading or otherwise inaccurate information.
Tackle each controversy on its own, to the extent it is possible to do that, or you'll appear to be insulating yourself from even the possibility you could ever be mistaken, impractical folly. If you mention that everything from official sources is likely fake, how do you make a case for conducting a class or justifying the effort to do any further research?

Encourage your students to challenge claims of other members of your class, or of you, if they think they have more
accurate information.

I Will Be Teaching a JFK Assassination Class - R.K. Locke - 13-12-2015

Jim Hargrove Wrote:I've been reading Don's 2014 book entitled Hidden History: An Expose of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups in American Politics. Even though I'm only about a hundred pages into it, I can heartily recommend it to everyone.

It begins with a whithering destruction of the Official Story of the JFK assassination, familiar territory for many of us, but notable nevertheless for the breadth of the carnage in a frugal 50 pages or so. Don calls the JFK hit "The Mother of All Conspiracies," and then goes on to pretty much prove his point.

Things turn even more interesting in subsequent chapters, about the Sixties, Seventies, the Reagan Years ("Trickle Down Treachery") the Clinton Years, the Death of John Kennedy, Jr., 9/11, Dubya and More Dubya, and so on well into the Obama years. One of Don's talents is the clarity of his thought and writing, which results in a concise and convincing portrayal of often complex events.

His insights are sometimes stunning. For example, as a young man in the 1960s I thought the apparently anti-establishment antics of people like Abbie Hoffman and the Yippies was an attempt to end the the U.S.'s growing involvement in perpetual warfare in SE Asia. But Mr. Jeffries poses a number of simple questions about these demonstrators leading to deep concerns about their real roles. First and foremost was this question: Why did none of the Chicago Eight offer any criticisim of the official story of the Kennedy assassination, which obviously opened the door to the wholesale slaughter in Asia?

Other readers well versed in the Kennedy Assassination probably will find Don's book a refreshingly broad look at both the Kennedy Assassination and the last 50 years of our hidden history, written by a true kindred spirit. No doubt his JFK class will be equally entertaining and informative.

Don Jeffries on the Tim Kelly podcast:

Re: the initial question - I would suggest teaching the assassination in the context of JFK's foreign policy, and also in the wider context of 20th century deep events. I would avoid getting lost in the minutiae of the evidentiary record and the specifics of the assassination itself. In this day and age most people realise that Oswald had no involvement in the killing. The way to engage people is by showing how the assassination is part of a pattern of ruling class perfidy that goes back centuries.

I Will Be Teaching a JFK Assassination Class - Dawn Meredith - 14-12-2015

R.K. Locke Wrote:
Jim Hargrove Wrote:I've been reading Don's 2014 book entitled Hidden History: An Expose of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups in American Politics. Even though I'm only about a hundred pages into it, I can heartily recommend it to everyone.

It begins with a whithering destruction of the Official Story of the JFK assassination, familiar territory for many of us, but notable nevertheless for the breadth of the carnage in a frugal 50 pages or so. Don calls the JFK hit "The Mother of All Conspiracies," and then goes on to pretty much prove his point.

Things turn even more interesting in subsequent chapters, about the Sixties, Seventies, the Reagan Years ("Trickle Down Treachery") the Clinton Years, the Death of John Kennedy, Jr., 9/11, Dubya and More Dubya, and so on well into the Obama years. One of Don's talents is the clarity of his thought and writing, which results in a concise and convincing portrayal of often complex events.

His insights are sometimes stunning. For example, as a young man in the 1960s I thought the apparently anti-establishment antics of people like Abbie Hoffman and the Yippies was an attempt to end the the U.S.'s growing involvement in perpetual warfare in SE Asia. But Mr. Jeffries poses a number of simple questions about these demonstrators leading to deep concerns about their real roles. First and foremost was this question: Why did none of the Chicago Eight offer any criticisim of the official story of the Kennedy assassination, which obviously opened the door to the wholesale slaughter in Asia?

Other readers well versed in the Kennedy Assassination probably will find Don's book a refreshingly broad look at both the Kennedy Assassination and the last 50 years of our hidden history, written by a true kindred spirit. No doubt his JFK class will be equally entertaining and informative.

Don Jeffries on the Tim Kelly podcast:

Re: the initial question - I would suggest teaching the assassination in the context of JFK's foreign policy, and also in the wider context of 20th century deep events. I would avoid getting lost in the minutiae of the evidentiary record and the specifics of the assassination itself. In this day and age most people realise that Oswald had no involvement in the killing. The way to engage people is by showing how the assassination is part of a pattern of ruling class perfidy that goes back centuries.

I agree. If your students are total new comers, I'd tell them the WC Exh 399 insanity and how that could never have happened. Then get into who LHO really was, and of course the why is the most important point. Also cover mockingbird media, and witness deaths. Keep it broad. Like TOTALLY avoid this "prayer man" waste of time. (Just one example of many waste of time rabbit holes in this complex case).
And congrats on teaching a class.

I Will Be Teaching a JFK Assassination Class - Anthony Thorne - 14-12-2015

Not sure if this is useful for either your students or yourself (although hopefully it will be) but Daniel Sheehan taught a semester-long class on the JFK assassination a year or two ago at the University of California at Santa Cruz (titled 'Alternate Theories of the JFK Assassination'), and he has uploaded the majority of classes in video form, plus his syllabus, class notes, a chronology and other documentation that he gave to the students.

For keen researchers in the class I'd be giving a link to the run of Black Op Radio '50 Reasons for 50 Years' videos. They're bite-sized videos on individual topics with a host of researchers providing evidence and discussion.

I'd also suggest those in the class who were interested should check out at least one or two of Walt Brown's ebooks on their laptop, phone or iPad - specifically DEATH (covering the weekend of the assassination), and DISAPPOINTMENT (covering the Warren Commission). Each is as long as Bugliosi's uncut book, and has a wealth of material to digest and discuss.


The University Press of Kansas volume OLIVER STONE'S USA has Stone's lengthiest and most recent critically rebuttal to the debunkers of his movie. It's worth a read even for those who dislike elements of the film.

Eric Wilson's THE SPECTACLE OF THE FALSE FLAG is an academic work that has been released online for free by the publisher. It has a long section on the JFK assassination.

I Will Be Teaching a JFK Assassination Class - Drew Phipps - 14-12-2015

Just curious, what jurisdiction is enlightened enough to let you teach this class?

My suggestion for your class material might be the early period: i.e. the WC, Lane, Salandria, Epstien, Wiesberg; and then for a final project have them choose any more recent work and tie it back to the tracks of the pioneers. That way you won't be forcing them to adopt any particular theory, and yet each would be independently tracing the evolution of a different idea in the research.

I Will Be Teaching a JFK Assassination Class - Magda Hassan - 14-12-2015

Good work Don! Really pleased to hear you doing this.

I'd be stating that the government position is that there was a conspiracy. The WC nonsense was superseded by the HSCA which on evidence found there to be a conspiracy as there were more than one shooter recorded. Start from conspiracy fact.

Also I hope you don't get those 2 LN clowns that used to make a point of coming to some one else's classes to disrupt and divide. If you do don't tolerate them under 'free speech' BS. Use it as an example of how desperate to maintain the lie they are.

P.S. and I support what others have suggested too

I Will Be Teaching a JFK Assassination Class - Don Jeffries - 14-12-2015

Thanks for the encouragement everyone. Especially Jim Hargrove- I appreciate the kind words about Hidden History.

I plan to quickly go over the official story, and then explain how impossible the official story is. I don't think I can stray too much from the JFK assassination, but will definitely point out its political impact and the way future events (Vietnam, RFK and MLK assassinations, death of JFK, Jr., etc.) were connected to it.

I don't plan on discussing film alteration, Judyth, Prayer Man, Harvey and Lee or any other theory beyond perhaps briefly explaining how the lack of an investigation provided "fertile ground for speculation," to use Mark Lane's words.

I am a bit amazed that my county- Fairfax County, Virginia- opted to approve this class. They actually seem enthusiastic about it, so hopefully I will be able to present it effectively.