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William Turner: RIP - Printable Version

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William Turner: RIP - Jim DiEugenio - 06-01-2016

These guys never get the death notices they deserve, whether it be Flammonde or Turner or Ruppert, or Gary Webb.

So here is CTKA's attempt to correct that problem.

RIP Bill.

William Turner: RIP - Magda Hassan - 06-01-2016

Thank you Jim for trying to set the record straight.

William Turner: RIP - Jim DiEugenio - 06-01-2016

His co-written book on the RFK case is a must read.

And the stuff he wrote on Garrison for Ramparts was also a real tonic to the BS in the MSM about JG.

From what I understand, he was stricken with Parkinsons before he died. He was at work on a long involved book about Cuba/USA relations.

William Turner: RIP - Peter Lemkin - 06-01-2016

Oh no - Very sad news! I knew Bill quite well and was in contact with him fairly often at a certain time in my research. He was very kind in helping me when he could. He was one of the researchers I looked up to, and he knew a lot that not many others knew. His book on RFK is a very important one - so important and damning to the people behind the Kennedy assassinations [pl.], the first printing was ordered destroyed. I'm very proud to say I have three copies [half of a pallet of them were saved by workers in the warehouse who took them home, rather than follow the shadowy orders to burn the entire printing or 12,000] autographed by Turner - real collectors items! Later, the book was allowed to be printed and can be obtained easily now. However, the copies I have do not exist in any library - including the Library of Congress and do not officially 'exist'. So let us not hear there are no conspiracies in the USA! Bill knew much about most of them, especially the two Kennedy assassinations, but not only about those.

Bill was very quite and modest, but really towered in certain fields, and of course knew just how the FBI and intelligence agencies really worked - having worked for them. Another great loss for the research community to have lost him. We do have his body of work and the information he imparted to many others. Very sad news to wake up to...I hadn't heard. No surprise that not much and not much positive would be said about him the MSM - as he followed his own truths - and not their lies. Rest in Peace Bill. Thanks for all you did. A life well lived; work well done.

Do read his books! If it was good enough to be ordered destroyed...then it should be more than good enough to have a copy of and read!

William Turner: RIP - Don Jeffries - 06-01-2016

When I spoke before a local writers' group last year about my book Hidden History, one of those who attended was Bill Turner's niece. She was very interested in the assassination and related subjects, but hardly knew her uncle. We've kept up a correspondence ever since. It's a small world.

William Turner: RIP - Tracy Riddle - 06-01-2016

RIP Bill. His research was excellent.