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Contrived Evidence - Alan Ford - 11-02-2016

  1. con·trived[SUP]1[/SUP]

    • deliberately created rather than arising naturally or spontaneously.
      *definition courtesy of Oxford Dictionaries

    Did Sgt. Gerald Hill lie about the wrongfully accused having a gun stuffed into his belt at the Texas Theatre?
    When we look at Commission Exhibits 156 and 157, both of these pants are void of belt loops…

    [Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8066&stc=1]
    *Image courtesy of top shelf researcher Gil Jesus

    so, did Sgt. Gerald Hill outright lie about a belt securing a weapon? -- have a listen between 3:173:25 >

    They lied about the total number of shots; they lied about a bullet exiting the president's throat; they lied about the rifles; they lied about the phantom bus & cab rides; they quickly concealed away from public consumption a second bullet found at Parkland medical (the one Governor Connally himself--while positioned a full floor above where the other bullet discovery was made down on the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] floor--actually saw and heard hit the floor in his 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor emergency room before one of his attending nurses picked it up); they lied about the Mexico City trips, even using multiple imposters to incriminate the wrongfully accused; they lied about the autopsy findings; What didn't they lie about? and, now, just when you thought their lying eyes couldn't lie any more, here comes Sgt. Gerald my lips are moving" Hill…

    Given that at some point between his arrest at the Texas Theatre, where he's wearing gray pants, and his subsequent placement in a holding room at police headquarters the gray pants were exchanged for something much darker…

    [Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8067&stc=1]

    We are left to wonder--in the absence of no longer wearing his much lighter gray pants he was actually arrested in if someone planted incriminating evidence in them to match the shell casings/events at 10[SUP]th[/SUP] & Patton?

    Talk about musical pants, but enough of that already, just be wary of anything Gerald Hill swears by (thank goodness for the exemplary research compiled by the top shelf researcher at the above link's landing page). The gist of this post, before I got sidetracked by the musical pants caper, was simply to share a peculiar item I came across while reading last night. We all know the wrongfully accused was abroad in "defection" mode between October, 1959June, 1962, right? So, when I read within his personal effects, upon his arrest, there was a pay stub dated mid August, 1960, I immediately thought that's impossible he couldn't have been abroad and working a job stateside at the same time. So, I rubbed my eyes and looked at the document again (it was late, perhaps my eyes was playing tricks on me, or so I thought). Here, go ahead, have a look for yourself --à

    So, either this is an oversight by the conspirators in this case, or, something far more sinister… planted (there's that word again Sgt Gerald 'my lips are moving" Hill) in planted "evidence" to suggest the wrongfully accused was in the employ of Castro's Cuba, or the KGB, or even something else equally incriminating to link him either to a person or place to further incriminate him with even more bogus "evidence". Why else would he have a pay stub dated three years hence in his possession while he was abroad so far away during that particular pay period stateside?

    Bunch of lying treasonous cowards (just like cowards to shoot an unarmed man and then pin the blame on an innocent party)

Contrived Evidence - Drew Phipps - 12-02-2016

The paycheck was not in Oswald's name, someone named "Jackson" IIRC. But it is still mysterious.

Contrived Evidence - Bob Prudhomme - 12-02-2016

Drew Phipps Wrote:The paycheck was not in Oswald's name, someone named "Jackson" IIRC. But it is still mysterious.

Kind of odd, having another person's three year old pay stub, don't you think?

Contrived Evidence - Drew Phipps - 12-02-2016

Yes. But that seems to be a theme.

Contrived Evidence - Magda Hassan - 12-02-2016

Very intruiging. Good observations.

Contrived Evidence - Bob Prudhomme - 12-02-2016

Drew Phipps Wrote:Yes. But that seems to be a theme.

It would be interesting to see this pay stub. Has anyone ever seen a photo of it?

Contrived Evidence - Albert Doyle - 12-02-2016

Quote:The paycheck was not in Oswald's name, someone named "Jackson" IIRC. But it is still mysterious.

The pay stub was for a man named Jackson and not for Oswald right?

Contrived Evidence - Drew Phipps - 12-02-2016

I found this which purports to be a partial image of the check, from which the stub was allegedly obtained, but it is not an image of the stub.

It is the 13th post in that thread.

Contrived Evidence - Albert Doyle - 12-02-2016

This would merit investigation if "James Jackson" was a pseudonym or front for Lee when Harvey was in Russia.

It would be condemning to the Warren Commission if the paycheck of a person that was found in the pocket of an alleged presidential assassin wasn't investigated.


Contrived Evidence - Alan Ford - 15-02-2016

Appreciate the wealth of information shared here by all researchers weighing in on this thread, Thank You!

What a rather odd piece of "evidence". At least, we now have a specific name and address to further develop those leads. Dips me hat to all.

James Jackson? (any photos available for Mr. Jackson?)

Perhaps an obituary in the Star-Telegram (Ft. Worth, TX newspaper), or the Dallas Morning News?

214 Neely Street? (could Mr. Jackson's body be the black clad figure w/the wrongfully accused's head superimposed upon it, holding the rifle in those suggestive, incriminating backyard photos on Neely Street?)

Was the paystub "proof" tying the wrongfully accused to that address somehow?)

Did Jackson know/have Roscoe White in his social circle?

Did Jackson know/have George de Mohrenschildt in his social circle?

Pretty sad day for "Justice" in America when contrived evidence is manufactured and then planted on an innocent party.

One would expect these illegal, underhanded tactics in Russia, China and North Korea, but certainly not in "the land of the free and the home of the brave." Bunch of lying treasonous cowards.