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New Massimo Mazzucco documentary on moon landing - Printable Version

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New Massimo Mazzucco documentary on moon landing - Tracy Riddle - 28-02-2016

Massimo Mazzucco is currently making a documentary questioning the Apollo moon landings. I have so much respect for his 9/11 documentary (and several others he has made), I'm looking forward to seeing it. Though I have never seriously doubted the moon landings, I'm willing to have my mind changed.

New Massimo Mazzucco documentary on moon landing - R.K. Locke - 28-02-2016

I've never investigated the moon landings in any great detail but I believe that Dave McGowan did some interesting work in that area. There are certainly things about them that I find highly questionable. The photographic record, for example, shows signs of manipulation/falsification (and that's without even going into the question of howthe camera technology worked so well in those conditions.) The spacesuits worked flawlessly at the first time of asking, yet they have failed twice in recent years (in low earth orbit) despite the advances in technology that have occurred in the last 50 years.

Then there was the bizarre press conference that took place after they returned:

I will definitely watch this documentary when it comes out.

New Massimo Mazzucco documentary on moon landing - Peter Lemkin - 28-02-2016

R.K. Locke Wrote:Then there was the bizarre press conference that took place after they returned:

Other than the horrible editing of the press conference, I didn't sense it was 'bizarre'. I'm rather agnostic on the whole 'Moon issue'. I clearly see visual anomalies on some photos...seemingly impossible ones....and I also see evidence that some of the flights got there and brought back rock samples. It would not shock me that some of the flights were faked.....nor would it shock me that none were. The Russians and others certainly had the technical means to monitor if they did or didn't, and would have made 'hay' of it if the US had lied. I think it is an interesting subject and conjecture, but not well defined on either side. It is also not something I've devoted much research time to other than some images that Jack White and others have put up that do look very odd indeed!!! I'm open to any convincing evidence. The USG has certainly pulled off stranger events and non-events that I'm quite sure of.

New Massimo Mazzucco documentary on moon landing - Lauren Johnson - 28-02-2016

Peter Lemkin Wrote:
R.K. Locke Wrote:Then there was the bizarre press conference that took place after they returned:

Other than the horrible editing of the press conference, I didn't sense it was 'bizarre'. I'm rather agnostic on the whole 'Moon issue'. I clearly see visual anomalies on some photos...seemingly impossible ones....and I also see evidence that some of the flights got there and brought back rock samples. It would not shock me that some of the flights were faked.....nor would it shock me that none were. The Russians and others certainly had the technical means to monitor if they did or didn't, and would have made 'hay' of it if the US had lied. I think it is an interesting subject and conjecture, but not well defined on either side. It is also not something I've devoted much research time to other than some images that Jack White and others have put up that do look very odd indeed!!! I'm open to any convincing evidence. The USG has certainly pulled off stranger events and non-events that I'm quite sure of.

I do remember Jack White saying somewhere that that the video feed was faked, but that was not necessarily proof that the moon landings themselves were faked.

New Massimo Mazzucco documentary on moon landing - David Guyatt - 29-02-2016

The sense I have is that the moon landings took place but NASA PR insisted on quality images for public consumption and for that reason there were many fakes produced.