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JFK Assassination - The Names Who Planned It - David Guyatt - 14-10-2016

Wondering what the general consensus is about the contents of this video?

JFK Assassination - The Names Who Planned It - Scott Kaiser - 14-10-2016

David Guyatt Wrote:Wondering what the general consensus is about the contents of this video?

Spooky music? Oh, and I noticed this person also wrote the "perfect storm" towards the end, even spookier? lol....

JFK Assassination - The Names Who Planned It - Albert Doyle - 14-10-2016

This is more or less what Michael Collins Piper detailed in his book 'Final Judgment' only he continued the connecting and showed how this Gladio/Permindex network was tied in to and resourced by Israel through Tibor Rosenbaum's Banc Du Credit Internacional. When asked to confront this detail DiEugenio answered that he held his nose and threw 'Final Judgment' in the trash.

The amazing thing about this is the CIA network that was involved with this was so entrenched that the same actors and interests showed up in the Bahamas where Jimi Hendrix's MI-6 manager Michael Jeffery kept the millions he stole from Hendrix in those very same dirty CIA banks. Which, for any responsible researcher, would draw automatic question over whether the protection of those highly sensitive banks was part of the motive for Jeffery's murder of Hendrix - who happened to be on FBI and COINTELPRO's Security Index. Hendrix's murder continues to be covered up by powerful government and media interests in a pattern that perfectly fits this description. Which is another sign of those same actors and interests showing up in the Hendrix case.

JFK Assassination - The Names Who Planned It - Scott Kaiser - 14-10-2016

Albert Doyle Wrote:This is more or less what Michael Collins Piper detailed in his book 'Final Judgment' only he continued the connecting and showed how this Gladio/Permindex network was tied in to and resourced by Israel through Tibor Rosenbaum's Banc Du Credit Internacional. When asked to confront this detail DiEugenio answered that he held his nose and threw 'Final Judgment' in the trash.

The amazing thing about this is the CIA network that was involved with this was so entrenched that the same actors and interests showed up in the Bahamas where Jimi Hendrix's MI-6 manager Michael Jeffery kept the millions he stole from Hendrix in those very same dirty CIA banks. Which, for any responsible researcher, would draw automatic question over whether the protection of those highly sensitive banks was part of the motive for Jeffery's murder of Hendrix - who happened to be on FBI and COINTELPRO's Security Index. Hendrix's murder continues to be covered up by powerful government and media interests in a pattern that perfectly fits this description. Which is another sign of those same actors and interests showing up in the Hendrix case.

Let me guess you're Jimi Hendrix expert who doesn't believe Frank Sinatra or Joe DiMaggio may have killed Kennedy? :Blink:

JFK Assassination - The Names Who Planned It - R.K. Locke - 14-10-2016

I've only just started watching this video but a couple of interesting names have come up already.

This link , which I have posted elsewhere on the forum previously, is worth revisiting:

My own view is that Permindex is potentially a window into the Sponsorship level of the assassination--to the extent that one conceptualizes the Sponsors as human beings rather than ideas/ideologies and/or "sinister forces." But that is a whole other conversation.

Further relevant info on Permindex:

JFK Assassination - The Names Who Planned It - Peter Lemkin - 15-10-2016

Dave, A few of the persons and groupings mentioned in that video had some involvement in or had some involvement with others more involved in the Assassination; however, this is NOT, IMHO, the focal grouping/persons involved, as the video seems to want to portray. It also mentions names not at all connected with Dallas, but seems to struggle to make them 'players' by association. Other persons and groupings played much more central and direct roles. So many times minor figures and groups have been thrust forward in order to hide the real villains. A few other times people just promote minor players [or those with personal / professional / political connections with those who really did the deed], failing to see those who certainly were most involved. This grouping was more involved in other dirty deeds - not centrally in Dallas. Part of the original plot was to set up false sponsors. Permindex and Clay Shaw (and friends) played a very minor role, but were not central in the plot. Ditto for a few others mentioned. That they shared a political viewpoint and in some cases knew / worked with on other dirty deeds those who were central doesn't make them so in the Dallas Assassination. I find the video a diversion and misleading, ignoring those who were really in control and planning of the events and those players centrally involved and more involved. Dulles, Angleton and some others named played a role in Dallas, but I find the general thrust of the video to point away from the central structure of the event and the event's dramatis personae. Garrison was to my knowledge the first 'researcher' to look into Permindex vis-a-vis the assassination, as Clay Shaw [American head of Permindex] was involved in setting up 'Oswald' and knew some other players in the events leading up to and culminating in Dallas and the cover-up. However, even Garrison did not think Shaw's role nor that of Permindex was central. Permindex and its larger umbrella organization, however, had direct connections with the CIA and other entities / persons who were more centrally involved.

JFK Assassination - The Names Who Planned It - David Guyatt - 15-10-2016

Peter Lemkin Wrote:Dave, A few of the persons and groupings mentioned in that video had some involvement in or had some involvement with others more involved in the Assassination; however, this is NOT, IMHO, the focal grouping/persons involved, as the video seems to want to portray. It also mentions names not at all connected with Dallas, but seems to struggle to make them 'players' by association. Other persons and groupings played much more central and direct roles. So many times minor figures and groups have been thrust forward in order to hide the real villains. A few other times people just promote minor players [or those with personal / professional / political connections with those who really did the deed], failing to see those who certainly were most involved. This grouping was more involved in other dirty deeds - not centrally in Dallas. Part of the original plot was to set up false sponsors. Permindex and Clay Shaw (and friends) played a very minor role, but were not central in the plot. Ditto for a few others mentioned. That they shared a political viewpoint and in some cases knew / worked with on other dirty deeds those who were central doesn't make them so in the Dallas Assassination. I find the video a diversion and misleading, ignoring those who were really in control and planning of the events and those players centrally involved and more involved. Dulles, Angleton and some others named played a role in Dallas, but I find the general thrust of the video to point away from the central structure of the event and the event's dramatis personae. Garrison was to my knowledge the first 'researcher' to look into Permindex vis-a-vis the assassination, as Clay Shaw [American head of Permindex] was involved in setting up 'Oswald' and knew some other players in the events leading up to and culminating in Dallas and the cover-up. However, even Garrison did not think Shaw's role nor that of Permindex was central. Permindex and its larger umbrella organization, however, had direct connections with the CIA and other entities / persons who were more centrally involved.

Thanks Pete. Since the general thrust of the video was the names of those responsible, then who, in your view - and the other members views here - were the central perpetrators? By this I mean those who wanted and ordered it rather than the actors who carried out those orders?

JFK Assassination - The Names Who Planned It - Albert Doyle - 15-10-2016

Peter's right about that, but by the same token those people were not uninvolved either. If you pay attention to this video, at key moments Allen Dulles' name pops up as the initiator of those European programs and their agendas. I think what Peter is calling false sponsors, and maybe correctly so, were also sympathetic backers, as each group and its interests were drawn in to the assassination and offered rewards by the main plotters.

You have to pay attention to small details and it isn't certain if the Italian Carcano was chosen on purpose as a symbol of that group or if it was chosen because it was originally intended as a mass produced cheap rifle to be sent to Cuba. But I've always said that the true sponsors were domestic and the main agenda was an American one. There's no way American Intel would allow an American president to be assassinated by foreign elements if the main purpose wasn't domestic. However I also agree with Drago when he says the sponsors' motive was supranational and went beyond nations and borders.


JFK Assassination - The Names Who Planned It - Scott Kaiser - 15-10-2016

Quote:By this I mean those who wanted and ordered it rather than the actors who carried out those orders?

Who ever said someone [ordered] the hit? Why is it that folks [believe] someone had ordered it? Is this how conspiracies are birthed? Are you saying the hit just wasn't planned by those involved? Have you not read Canto's letter?

JFK Assassination - The Names Who Planned It - Scott Kaiser - 15-10-2016

Here's an even better question for the intergalactically stupid, of the 636 times they tried to assassinate Fidel Castro who ordered it? Or, was it just planned by his assassins? SMH....