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Newly released (?) JFK Video - Printable Version

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Newly released (?) JFK Video - Lauren Johnson - 04-11-2016

I don't recall seeing this before. It shows a secret secret service man riding on the rear of the limo (@ 44 sec). This is probably old news, but it would seem a SS agent got off the limo before the kill zone. The claim is that this video was only recently discovered. Comments?

Newly released (?) JFK Video - Albert Doyle - 04-11-2016

I think I've seen a still shot of this. It looks to be on Main St where the crowds were close.

It would be interesting to know if Roberts ordered him off.

Newly released (?) JFK Video - LR Trotter - 04-11-2016

The SSA riding on the rear bumper appears to be Clint Hill, riding on the driver's side of the limousine and behind the FirstLady, JacquelineBouvierKennedy, as he was her assigned agent. And, as stated quite possibly filmed along Main St before the Main/Houston/Elm zigzag. In any event, with the planned entrance on the Stemmons Frwy, it would appear unlikely for any SSAs to ride on the rear bumper while leaving Dealey Plaza. With the zigzag needed to allow the freeway entrance, I tend to wonder, as I wander, why the freeway route was needed for such short distance from DP to the Trade Mart.

Newly released (?) JFK Video - Albert Doyle - 04-11-2016

LR Trotter Wrote:I tend to wonder, as I wander, why the freeway route was needed for such short distance from DP to the Trade Mart.

They said the alternative was an industrial zone and not a preferable route for a motorcade.

Newly released (?) JFK Video - Tracy Riddle - 04-11-2016

Clint Hill got on and off the back of the limo several times during the motorcade, despite JFK's alleged claim during a Florida motorcade that he didn't want them there.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8691&stc=1]

I've never seen that footage before. It was taken on Main Street, not far from Dealey Plaza. More photographic evidence that Connally was not sitting down in a hole relative to JFK, as apologists claim to make the SBT work. It also doesn't show JFK with his knees practically jammed up against Connally's back, as is sometimes depicted in SBT diagrams.

Newly released (?) JFK Video - Albert Doyle - 04-11-2016

Edit: I was looking at the follow up car unbeknownst.