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A Coup in Camelot - Printable Version

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A Coup in Camelot - Barry Keane - 12-11-2016

In London on the 19th November? [/FONT]Let's honour the memory of JFK, come and see this powerful new documentary A Coup in Camelot in High Definition at the Dealey Plaza UK Seminar in London.

A Coup in Camelot - Barry Keane - 12-11-2016

Dealey Plaza UK
One Day Seminar
The Green Man
383 Euston Road London NW1
19th November


BART KAMP----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10-15 11-45
The Second Floor Encounter and The Interrogations of Oswald

FILM A COUP IN CAMELOT-------------------------------------------------------------------------------11-45 1-00

LUNCH-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-00 1-30

FILM DISCUSSION----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-30 2-00

ED LEDOUX (via Skype)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-00 3-00
The Dallas Bus Transfer

DICK RUSSELL (via Skype)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-00 4-00
Richard Case Nagel - The Man Who Knew Too Much

BARRY KEANE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-00 4-30
Address to commemorate the 53[SUP]rd[/SUP] Anniversary of the Death of JFK

A Coup in Camelot - Jim DiEugenio - 13-11-2016

What does ROKC and Prayer Man have to do with either Coup in Camelot or Barry's Post?

It seems to me Albert is repeatedly doing what he can to skirt what the mods decided about limiting the PM discussion to one thread.

A Coup in Camelot - Lauren Johnson - 13-11-2016

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:What does ROKC and Prayer Man have to do with either Coup in Camelot or Barry's Post?

It seems to me Albert is repeatedly doing what he can to skirt what the mods decided about limiting the PM discussion to one thread.

That won't happen. The PM thread is in the Bear Pit. PM is gone. Feel free to report and post that you think tries to ignite the PM troll wars.

A Coup in Camelot - Barry Keane - 13-11-2016

Hi Jim
Thanks for being a guest speaker at a recent Canterbury Seminar, perhaps you could do it again. Next time by Skype or better still in person!

A Coup in Camelot - Jim DiEugenio - 16-11-2016

Sure, Skype is fine with me.

Never been to England before so yeah if we can swing it.