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Israel's strategy laid out in 1982 article - Tracy Riddle - 09-01-2017

"As a centralized body, Egypt is already a corpse, especially if one takes account of the ever more violent confrontation between Muslims and Christians. Its division into distinct geographical provinces must be our political objective for the 90's, on the western front.
Once Egypt has been thus dislocated and deprived of central power, countries like Libya, Sudan and others farther away will experience the same dissolution. The formation of a Coptic state in Upper Egypt, and of small regional entities of little size is the key to a historic development which has been slowed down by the peace agreement, but is inescapable in the long term.
In spite of appearances, the western front presents fewer problems than the one in the east. The partition of Lebanon into five provinces... Will prefigure what will happen all over the Arab world. The disintegration of Syria and Iraq into regions, based on ethnic or religious criteria, must be, in the long term, a primary goal for Israel, the first step being the destruction of the military power of these states. The ethnic structures of Syria expose it to a dismantling which could lead to the creation of a Shiite state along the coast, a Sunni state in the Aleppo region and another one in Damascus, and a Druze entity which might hope to constitute its own state - perhaps on our Golan - in any case with Houran and the north of Jordan... Such a state would be, in the long term, a guarantee of peace and security in the region. It is an objective which is already within our reach.
Oil-rich, and victim of internal strife, Iraq is in the Israeli firing line. Its dissolution would be, for us, more important than Syria's, because it is Iraq which, in the short term, represents the more serious threat for Israel."

("Kivounim" (Orientations), Jerusalem, No. 14, February 1982, pp. 49 - 59; published by "The World Zionist Organization" on "the strategic plans of Israel for the 80's")

Israel's strategy laid out in 1982 article - Lauren Johnson - 09-01-2017

Tracy Riddle Wrote:"As a centralized body, Egypt is already a corpse, especially if one takes account of the ever more violent confrontation between Muslims and Christians. Its division into distinct geographical provinces must be our political objective for the 90's, on the western front.
Once Egypt has been thus dislocated and deprived of central power, countries like Libya, Sudan and others farther away will experience the same dissolution. The formation of a Coptic state in Upper Egypt, and of small regional entities of little size is the key to a historic development which has been slowed down by the peace agreement, but is inescapable in the long term.
In spite of appearances, the western front presents fewer problems than the one in the east. The partition of Lebanon into five provinces... Will prefigure what will happen all over the Arab world. The disintegration of Syria and Iraq into regions, based on ethnic or religious criteria, must be, in the long term, a primary goal for Israel, the first step being the destruction of the military power of these states. The ethnic structures of Syria expose it to a dismantling which could lead to the creation of a Shiite state along the coast, a Sunni state in the Aleppo region and another one in Damascus, and a Druze entity which might hope to constitute its own state - perhaps on our Golan - in any case with Houran and the north of Jordan... Such a state would be, in the long term, a guarantee of peace and security in the region. It is an objective which is already within our reach.
Oil-rich, and victim of internal strife, Iraq is in the Israeli firing line. Its dissolution would be, for us, more important than Syria's, because it is Iraq which, in the short term, represents the more serious threat for Israel."

("Kivounim" (Orientations), Jerusalem, No. 14, February 1982, pp. 49 - 59; published by "The World Zionist Organization" on "the strategic plans of Israel for the 80's")

Tracy, thanks for posting this. By any chance, do you have a link?

Israel's strategy laid out in 1982 article - Tracy Riddle - 09-01-2017

I read about it in Roger Garaudy's book "The Founding Myths of Modern Israel." I'm not sure if the original is online anywhere.

Israel's strategy laid out in 1982 article - Lauren Johnson - 09-01-2017

Here it is.

Israel's strategy laid out in 1982 article - Tracy Riddle - 09-01-2017

Lauren Johnson Wrote:Here it is.

Yes, Garaudy's book is online, but the original source was a Hebrew-only article that somebody translated into English.

Israel's strategy laid out in 1982 article - Albert Doyle - 11-01-2017

This road map then morphed into the illegal "Plan For A New American Century" carried out by the Republican backed neo-cons. The ball-less democrats under Obama then enforced it.

Israel's strategy laid out in 1982 article - Albert Doyle - 12-01-2017

The reason CNN is going after Russia is because they stepped in and checked the War On Terror campaign in Syria.

The bottom line is US is vilifying Russia because the US public defaulted on check and balance of the Bush war criminals and Russia had to do it.

The true context of all this is US attacked and murdered its own people on 9-11 and Russia was the ultimate stopper of it. That's why US is now using flagrant propaganda to vilify Russia.

Trump used the truthful suggestion of all this to get himself elected.

Israel's strategy laid out in 1982 article - David Guyatt - 13-01-2017

Albert Doyle Wrote:The reason CNN is going after Russia is because they stepped in and checked the War On Terror campaign in Syria.

The bottom line is US is vilifying Russia because the US public defaulted on check and balance of the Bush war criminals and Russia had to do it.

The true context of all this is US attacked and murdered its own people on 9-11 and Russia was the ultimate stopper of it. That's why US is now using flagrant propaganda to vilify Russia.

Trump used the truthful suggestion of all this to get himself elected.

I have a slightly different theory about why Russia has been the chosen projection for the US Shadow - apart from a continuation the cold war, that is. After all, the more obvious choice of enemy today is China which is larger in almost every respect than Russia.

But Russia is the grand enemy because Europe must remain deeply embedded inside the American military backed neoliberal order and there are real fears that both the EU and NATO are breaking apart. If that happens, it is quite possible Europe will realign closer to Russia and away from the Anglo-Americans, and the latter are terrified that such a realignment will finish off their long-running shell game.

In support of this theory I reference Stratfor's George Friedman address to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs in early 2015 (HERE) where he stated:

Once again, he said, Germany is "Europe's basic flaw," a country that is "economically powerfully and geopolitically fragile." Split off from its EU ties, it could once again look east to revive the age-old fear of "German capital and technology plus Russian resources and manpower"an alliance that the EU was supposed to bury forever.

"An alliance that the EU was supposed to bury forever". Note that the birth of EU was financed by and under the guidance of the CIA in the post WWII years.

It is this fear that motivates NATO (another US construct and wholly dominated by the US too) to surround Russia with military bases and to keep the pressure against Russia ticking over all the time --- the most recent being the recent arrival of American tanks and forces to nations bordering Russia.