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Oswald's and Kaiser's Phone Books - Scott Kaiser - 31-03-2017

This is not up just for topic, but for those who wish to seriously look into it, and it has absolutely nothing to do with my father well.... [May be], but, if it gets moved to my father's thread which I'm trying to get rid of I swear on my father I will never post again.

Now, I don't know how many folks have really looked at Oswald's phone book, I for some reason love digging into old address books, and see what kind of story they can tell me. I noticed two things, in Oswald's book it appears he has the name Fiorini aka Sturgis, my father has it spelled Ferennie aka Sturgis, and both Oswald and my father have JB Connally's name.

Here's where it get's interesting Oswald did write a letter to Washington DC hoping to expedite Marina Oswald's visa because she was having a baby, and she was due in October, but... The phone book page in Oswald's address book does NOT say West German Embassy Gruzinskaya, in (Russian,) and there was NO Miss Kaisenheim that worked there, furthermore, in Oswald's address book, whoever translated it said, Oswald's friend wrote his name in it, and wrote Aleks Romanovich Ziger. I also found Alex Roasevich 160-20-76 Road 212 Flashing NY office NYC EL-54800 EX 26 in Edwin Kaiser's address book, who was Alex Rorke.

Just another coincidence?

Oswald's and Kaiser's Phone Books - Scott Kaiser - 31-03-2017

Oswald's letter to Washington

Oswald's and Kaiser's Phone Books - Scott Kaiser - 31-03-2017

By the way, Oswald's letter states the "Russian Embassy" not the [West German Embassy], has no one ever really translated Oswald's address book, or, I wonder if everyone just took it's translation for granted? I did too, that is, until I asked a friend of mine who speaks Russian for translation. And, what I'm finding is more than a mountain of coincidences, for some reason one or two coincidences I can easily explain away, however, when I have a mountain of them it becomes impossible.

Oswald's and Kaiser's Phone Books - Scott Kaiser - 31-03-2017

Lee H. Oswald has JB Connally in his phone book, and Edwin Kaiser has JB Connally and Rusty Fisher in his address book, Rusty Fisher just so happened to be business partners with Connally, just another coincidence?

Oswald's and Kaiser's Phone Books - Scott Kaiser - 31-03-2017

In the material soon to be released may be just another theory to some, but to me, it's the strongest theory ever told with evidence backing it. I believe it's going to be the toughest material out there that may never get debunked or discredited. Only haters are going to hate, and that's the truth. The evidence is out there, it's just not out there for some three letter agency to give you, because that would never happen, it would defeat the purpose wouldn't it? And, no one other than Oswald was the lone assassin according to all three letter agencies. I believe what I'm giving the publisher is [some] of this information I present may not disclose cold hard facts, however, the circumstantial evidence alone is more than compelling enough to bring this story to light.

Considering the shared company between Hunt, Sturgis and others, my father and Pawley, Pawley and Castillo, Castillo and (14) other Cuban CIA intel agents, Silvia Oido and Lee. I'd say there's a very good reason the government will never blame anyone else but Lee Oswald.

You see, Castillo tried his best to push himself off as a Castro agent working for Castro to assassinate Kennedy, CASTRO? Why Castro? I got it as soon as I read it, this was the first report the Warren Commission wanted poof thereof, a Castro agent, imagine that, how else were they going to get Castillo's bother-in-law out of Cuba? Invade Cuba, and kill Castro for assassinating Kennedy, but, it didn't work, and, although, under truth serum, there really was (14) agents deployed along the streets of Dallas, and that I can prove.

Oswald's and Kaiser's Phone Books - Scott Kaiser - 31-03-2017

Oh, and Silva Oido and Ferre, Ferre and the Cubanos Unidos.

Oswald's and Kaiser's Phone Books - Scott Kaiser - 31-03-2017

Now... We're getting somewhere, and this IS more than some theory.

Oswald's and Kaiser's Phone Books - Scott Kaiser - 31-03-2017

Well, why didn't the Castillo's story work? Because, LBJ would've been faced with [war] other than Vietnam including Cuba and Russia. Kaiser said, "I have a want for [war,]" Oh God, if what it is, and it is to be fully exposed. Then the information cannot be discredited, imagine that? Oh God!

Oswald's and Kaiser's Phone Books - Albert Doyle - 31-03-2017

If Oswald had Connally in his address book it was probably either part of his profile as a pro-commie nut or similar to the call he made to Intel cut-out John Hurt. Or, as some research has pointed-out, part of his protest about his dishonorable discharge which was a grey matter half way between his Intel assignment and his real personal interests as the real Lee Harvey Oswald.

Once you are through the Intel looking glass these things take on many dimensions on many planes in the wilderness of mirrors...

Oswald's and Kaiser's Phone Books - Scott Kaiser - 31-03-2017

Albert Doyle Wrote:If Oswald had Connally in his address book it was probably either part of his profile as a pro-commie nut or similar to the call he made to Intel cut-out John Hurt. Or, as some research has pointed-out, part of his protest about his dishonorable discharge which was a grey matter half way between his Intel assignment and his real personal interests as the real Lee Harvey Oswald.

Once you are through the Intel looking glass these things take on many dimensions on many planes in the wilderness of mirrors...

Quote:If Oswald had Connally in his address book

Open the link i provided you above, go to page 39.