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The assassination of Prime Minster of Pakistan Ali Khan and Oswald - Printable Version

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The assassination of Prime Minster of Pakistan Ali Khan and Oswald - Scott Kaiser - 18-04-2017

Interesting enough the Air Force cites "A Play On Oswald" motive, early on, with prejudiced, no investigation or reasoning. The document is dated December 16, 1963. From the Air Force, "Daily news play being given to every facet of Oswald's life as reported by news services, indicating possibly subconscious flashbacks to unsolved murder of first Pakistan Prime Minster, Ali Khan."

Are they saying that Lee Oswald may have also been involved in the assassination of Pakistan Prime Minister?

On 16 October 1951, Khan was shot twice and killed during a public meeting of the Muslim City League at Company Bagh (Company Gardens), Rawalpindi. The police immediately shot the presumed assassin who was later identified as Saad Akbar Babrak also known as 'Said Akbar.

Allegations had been pointed towards the involvement of Afghan monarchZahir Shah and the United States government in his assassination, is this where Oswald's play comes in? Though this claim has not merited any substantial evidence.

The assassination of Prime Minster of Pakistan Ali Khan and Oswald - Scott Kaiser - 18-04-2017

I've never heard about Oswald's possible flashbacks to an unsolved murder of first Pak PM. I'm guessing this story would've been pushed for the WC, used in the public media as the forthcoming assassination of President Kennedy, and this is the reason Oswald could've killed Kennedy, because they're trying to psychologically connect Oswald as the assassin to both Khan and Kennedy?

I have just two words for that...

Horse Shit!