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The Enlightenment of a Spook - Printable Version

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The Enlightenment of a Spook - Lauren Johnson - 15-08-2017

His question: has there already been a coup in this country?

The Enlightenment of a Spook - Alan Ford - 19-08-2017


In highlighting two specific feedback contributions on this video, one has to wonder if contributor Pams334 is spot on in his/her assessment? and, Could Darkmath100's comment be on target as well ----->

Big Brother is watching you--George Orwell

Say it ain't so...

The Enlightenment of a Spook - Lauren Johnson - 19-08-2017

Alan Ford Wrote:Low-whistle...

In highlighting two specific feedback contributions on this video, one has to wonder if contributor Pams334 is spot on in his/her assessment? and, Could Darkmath100's comment be on target as well ----->

Big Brother is watching you--George Orwell

Say it ain't so...

I think the Repubs and Dems are a managed dialectic that is proceeding to a synthesis. They serve the same interests.

Considering that the CIA lived behind hundreds of front organizations in the '60's, it should be very possible its reach should be far bigger. One of my kids was taking an advanced math class at the college level. The professor asked the class to write an algorithm that could detect human skin on video. I said, "Drop the class. CIA."

The Enlightenment of a Spook - Alan Ford - 20-08-2017

Sadly, your sharp summation is spot on, Lauren @ the clever machinations behind the scenes effort to mesh the two major parties. It got to a point in the 2004 presidential election (Bush-43 vs. fellow Skull & Bonesman John Kerry) that even I had to face the emerging truth right then and there about how politics is really played. It's simply a win-win for the entrenched power structure.

So, that old adage about fruit doesn't fall far from the tree is true…advanced math at the college level, let alone the professor's challenge to record an algorithm that could detect human skin on video. Great catch on your part.

Though there's been persistent rumours about Langley's long reach extending towards college campuses over the years, I had no idea just how far. Are we talking about the tip of the iceberg here, or something of even greater depth?

Actually, please don't answer that as I'm not ready yet to give up complete hope for a return to an open and free Republic someday. Where did we go wrong? How did this power structure become so entrenched? While England Slept, Mr. President?, plenty of sleeping going on across the pond as well.