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US Naval Vessel Anomalies - Lauren Johnson - 23-08-2017

The anomalies appear to electronics failures including the loss of control and radar. One theory is that both the Chinese and the Russians have the capacity to shut down a complex weapons system like a ship using a microwave pulse weapon. The last disaster occurred on the USS John S. McCain with a number of fatalities below decks. The US Navy is quite naturally circumspect.

Other motives could be the disappearance of Malaysia 370 with the loss of high level Chinese computer chip specialists. It was never pinned on the US despite a witness to a missile shooting down an aircraft. Also, I recall some huge explosions in Chinese cities with no explanation. If these were to be determined to be from a US military and/or intelligence operation by the Chinese, then payback is in progress.

Also with all the pending conflict off of North Korea and to a lesser extent in the South China sea, the message could be you are playing on our field and we own the refs.

US Naval Vessel Anomalies - Peter Lemkin - 23-08-2017

Lauren Johnson Wrote:The anomalies appear to electronics failures including the loss of control and radar. One theory is that both the Chinese and the Russians have the capacity to shut down a complex weapons system like a ship using a microwave pulse weapon. The last disaster occurred on the USS John S. McCain with a number of fatalities below decks. The US Navy is quite naturally circumspect.

Other motives could be the disappearance of Malaysia 370 with the loss of high level Chinese computer chip specialists. It was never pinned on the US despite a witness to a missile shooting down an aircraft. Also, I recall some huge explosions in Chinese cities with no explanation. If these were to be determined to be from a US military and/or intelligence operation by the Chinese, then payback is in progress.

Also with all the pending conflict off of North Korea and to a lesser extent in the South China sea, the message could be you are playing on our field and we own the refs.

A computer hacking or jamming of the ships' navigational systems would easily explain the events - just jam/hack when the ship is near another big one. If this is the case, the Navy might be too embarrassed to admit this. Another point to keep in mind is the over-reliance on electronics. With several hundred soldier-slaves onboard, they really should still have at least one person using they eyes and binoculars no matter how fancy the electronics. One last possibility is that the very very sophisticated anti-missile defense electronics [those rectangular antennas on the side of the ship] might confuse the navigation systems - but again, we will probably never know. All of the incidents took place in the same general area of the sea. these ships have the same electronics as those elsewhere. The 7th Fleet Commander was just sacked as a sacrificial lamb before a board of inquiry.

US Naval Vessel Anomalies - Lauren Johnson - 23-08-2017

Quote:A computer hacking or jamming of the ships' navigational systems would easily explain the events - just jam/hack when the ship is near another big one. If this is the case, the Navy might be too embarrassed to admit this.

Wasn't it in 2014 that a Russian jet turned the USS Cook into a helpless raft by disabling its electronics? This ship was supposed to be well shielded against an electronic attack like this -- and oops it wasn't. Lots of alarm bells went off in the Navy. Navy ships are not supposed to be easily hacked afaik. I still think something big is going on.

Attacking the USS John S. McCain, son and grandson of the namesake? John McCain III as you know has been a part of many background attacks on Russia. And hasn't Russia said there will be a strong reaction to the latest round of sanctions?