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Jack Ruby - What the FBI knew after he shot Oswald - James Lewis - 06-06-2018

Just ran into what I consider to be quite the interesting document concerning Jack Ruby and what the FBI knew about and was investigating immediately after he shot Oswald.

On 11/25/1963, the FBI had contacted no less than eleven separate PCI's (Potential Criminal Informants) in and around the Albuquerque, NM area as to whether they knew or associated with Ruby. And through those contacts, they knew about Ruby's close relationship with the Dallas Police Department. An informant named Jack Hardee stated that Ruby had a "good in" with the DPD, based on the fact that Ruby was, according to Hardee, running a "B-girl operation where drinks were pushed heavily and they had no interference from the police department.". Hardee also stated that Ruby had the area where his Carousel Club was located, "all sewed up". Hardee also stated that he was not aware of any Chicago underworld connections or any EXTREMIST or SUBVERSIVE connections that Ruby may have had. Interesting choice of words, those were.

And speaking of Chicago: On 11/24 and 11/25/1963, the FBI contacted no less than seven PCI's about possible activities of Ruby in Chicago. Subjects included what he was doing before he left Chicago for Dallas, and his ties to known mobsters in that area, including an Abe Zuckerman, Ross Prior, and most notably, Anthony "Tony" Accardo. In fact, one of the named Informants, a Bernard Glickman, had actually attempted to contact Accardo about information relating to Ruby. It was also related to the Bureau that Ruby may have had to leave Chicago because he reportedly stiffed mobster Lenny Patrick on profits relating to a bookmaking operation Ruby was running. And again, Ruby was cleared of being involved in "subversive" activities.

(Interesting and possibly disinformational note here: One of the sources the FBI talked to mentioned that, allegedly, Ruby had tried to sneak into a boxing match [the second Jack Dempsey-Gene Tunney fight], and had been hit in the head by a police officer with a night stick. The informant stated that as a result, Ruby had a plate in his head. According to the informant, the plate supposedly caused pressure when Ruby became excited, thereby leading Ruby to "act emotionally.". I have a feeling that this may have been disinformation, seeing as I've never heard that about Ruby before.)

On 11/25/1963, the FBI contacted eleven PCI's in Los Angeles about Ruby's possible activities there, with no results.

On 11/25/1963, the FBI contacted 13 PCI's in New Orleans
and other Louisiana locations concerningg Ruby's possible activities there. None claimed to have any knowledge of Ruby prior to him shooting Oswald. Which sort of begs the question of why the FBI was digging around in New Orleans concerning Ruby, especially given New Orleans' later vital importance in Jim Garrison's investigation.

The FBI also contacted informants in San Juan, Puerto Rico (11/26/1963), and Tampa, Florida (11/25/1963). Tampa is interesting to me because of its place as one of Santos Trafficante's strongholds.

To summarize:

1 - The FBI was digging into Ruby's organized crime connections all over the place, and IMMEDIATELY after he shot Oswald. Places like Albuquerque, San Juan, and Tampa, which I'd never heard of in the JFK case until now.

2 - At that same time, the FBI was well aware of Ruby's deep ties to the Dallas PD, and apparently never mentioned this to the Warren Commission, or anyone else for that matter.

3 - The FBI seemed to be DEEPLY interested in Ruby's ties to organized crime figures in New Orleans, in particular. Which likely explains why, as far as I can tell, these documents never made it to the Warren Commission.

Just some food for thought.

Jack Ruby - What the FBI knew after he shot Oswald - David Josephs - 13-06-2018

Jack Ruby - What the FBI knew after he shot Oswald - James Lateer - 13-06-2018

Ruby killed Oswald because Oswald was connected, indirectly to Nazis. Ruby knew that Nazis killed JFK and Ruby acted out of his deep Jewish faith. In case you hadn't heard, Jews generally did not like Nazis.

James Lateer

Jack Ruby - What the FBI knew after he shot Oswald - James Lewis - 15-06-2018

Ruby killed Oswald because he was likely neck-deep in the overall plot and therefore was in a position to be pressured to kill Oswald. The statements by Julia Ann Mercer about Ruby being on the Grassy Knoll bringing rifle cases are proof positive of that, along with his statements about being fearful of what would happen if authorities found out about what he was doing in Cuba as far as running guns went.

The very fact that the FBI was checking out his organized crime connections far and wide shows me that someone in the Bureau knew what was up. Especially considering the statement about Ruby's POLICE connections and how deep he had his hooks in the DPD. And I strongly suspect that this document didn't make it to the Warren Commission because someone in the Bureau knew where those New Orleans leads were going to end up. As in, 544 Camp Street and Guy Banister's cast of characters.

And THAT was a can of worms that neither the FBI nor the CIA wanted opened at ANY COST.

Jack Ruby - What the FBI knew after he shot Oswald - James Lewis - 15-06-2018

And another little nugget. Note the detective's name. Jim Leavelle. The same detective who escorted Oswald out of the DPD basement the morning he was shot. Note also the wording - "wrap him up real tight on killing this officer."

How very interesting it is that THIS is the man who was standing next to Lee Harvey Oswald when he was killed. And referred to the murder as the "alleged" murder. Interesting indeed.