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Strange connections Mueller and JFK - Richard Coleman - 06-06-2019

A tiny gem many might have missed: This is an excerpt from a comment to "The Real Bob Mueller" by Coleen Rowley at Consortium News, dated May 30, 2019.

"Bob In Portland
May 30, 2019 at 12:40
"Some history: Robert Swan Mueller III married his childhood sweetheart Ann Cabell Standish in 1966, three years after the JFK assassination. Her grandfather, Charles Cabell, was second in command at the CIA during the Bay of Pigs failure and was fired, along with Allen Dulles and Richard Bissell, for lying to him about the mission, which had been doomed to failure before its start. Her great uncle, Earle Cabell Jr. was the mayor of Dallas when it hosted the JFK assassination in 1963. Documents declassified in the last few years revealed that Earle Cabell was himself a "CIA asset" as well. Before anyone thinks that Mueller married into the CIA, his own great uncle was the aforementioned Richard Bissell."

The JFK execution continues to cast a long, long shadow over us all…….

"All I can do is shake my head." ---Jim Croce

Strange connections Mueller and JFK - James Lateer - 07-06-2019

How could this Washington D C swamp be any more swampier? Looks like Mueller was raised, almost from the day he was born to be a traitor to the US. Maybe that's why he has been so good at it.

James Lateer

Strange connections Mueller and JFK - Mark A. O'Blazney - 07-06-2019

Richard Coleman Wrote:A tiny gem many might have missed: This is an excerpt from a comment to "The Real Bob Mueller" by Coleen Rowley at Consortium News, dated May 30, 2019.

"Bob In Portland
May 30, 2019 at 12:40
"Some history: Robert Swan Mueller III married his childhood sweetheart Ann Cabell Standish in 1966, three years after the JFK assassination. Her grandfather, Charles Cabell, was second in command at the CIA during the Bay of Pigs failure and was fired, along with Allen Dulles and Richard Bissell, for lying to him about the mission, which had been doomed to failure before its start. Her great uncle, Earle Cabell Jr. was the mayor of Dallas when it hosted the JFK assassination in 1963. Documents declassified in the last few years revealed that Earle Cabell was himself a "CIA asset" as well. Before anyone thinks that Mueller married into the CIA, his own great uncle was the aforementioned Richard Bissell."

The JFK execution continues to cast a long, long shadow over us all…….

"All I can do is shake my head." ---Jim Croce

Strange connections Mueller and JFK - Peter Lemkin - 07-06-2019

Richard Coleman Wrote:A tiny gem many might have missed: This is an excerpt from a comment to "The Real Bob Mueller" by Coleen Rowley at Consortium News, dated May 30, 2019.

"Bob In Portland
May 30, 2019 at 12:40
"Some history: Robert Swan Mueller III married his childhood sweetheart Ann Cabell Standish in 1966, three years after the JFK assassination. Her grandfather, Charles Cabell, was second in command at the CIA during the Bay of Pigs failure and was fired, along with Allen Dulles and Richard Bissell, for lying to him about the mission, which had been doomed to failure before its start. Her great uncle, Earle Cabell Jr. was the mayor of Dallas when it hosted the JFK assassination in 1963. Documents declassified in the last few years revealed that Earle Cabell was himself a "CIA asset" as well. Before anyone thinks that Mueller married into the CIA, his own great uncle was the aforementioned Richard Bissell."

The JFK execution continues to cast a long, long shadow over us all…….

"All I can do is shake my head." ---Jim Croce

VERY interesting. Mueller also played some role [with lots of others] in the 911 cover-up. Let's face it, with few exceptions, FBI and other intelligence/law enforcement types are not the most ethical persons. That said, I do not see any indication [despite these suspicious past connections and actions in the 911 case] that his recent REPORT was an attempt not to fairly investigate and put out his findings. He's a real 'boy scout', so either didn't feel he could go beyond the OLC memo or maybe was told to not do X or Y by his boss at some point. I would not conflate these, but take each in it own right. Relationship is not destiny - although his pedigree might in part explain how he got to his position as head of the FBI. I'm more upset at his 911 cover-up, the details of which are not well defined.

Strange connections Mueller and JFK - James Lateer - 07-06-2019

Of course there was a U-2 (1960) cover-up.
Of course there was a JFK assassination cover-up.
Of course there was a Gulf of Tonkin cover-up.
Of course there was a Watergate cover-up.
Of course there was an Iran Hostage cover-up.
Of course there was an Iran-Contra cover-up.
Of course there was a Ruby Ridge cover-up.
Of course there was an Oklahoma City cover-up.
Of course there was a 9-11 cover-up.
Of course there was an Iraq War cover-up.
Of course there was a Putin/Russia collusion cover-up

So what do we do about all this?

James Lateer

Strange connections Mueller and JFK - Peter Lemkin - 07-06-2019

James Lateer Wrote:Of course there was a U-2 (1960) cover-up.
Of course there was a JFK assassination cover-up.
Of course there was a Gulf of Tonkin cover-up.
Of course there was a Watergate cover-up.
Of course there was an Iran Hostage cover-up.
Of course there was an Iran-Contra cover-up.
Of course there was a Ruby Ridge cover-up.
Of course there was an Oklahoma City cover-up.
Of course there was a 9-11 cover-up.
Of course there was an Iraq War cover-up.
Of course there was a Putin/Russia collusion cover-up

So what do we do about all this?

James Lateer

In short, my suggestion and the work of my life = educating people to help create a peaceful revolution/total change of structure of governance - in the total direction of democracy and rule by the 'Demos' - something we are now so far away from most can not even imagine...and are fooled into buying the cool-aide [ain't even free] thinking we live in one...hahahahaha! I could add about 100+ cover-ups and outright lies/false-flags/secret wars/covert ops/anti-democratic coups [internal and external]. Things are not moving forward [generally] WWII to present, but there still is a chance and a glimmer of hope......I hope....

Strange connections Mueller and JFK - Richard Coleman - 07-06-2019

James Lateer Wrote:Of course there was a U-2 (1960) cover-up.
Of course there was a JFK assassination cover-up.
Of course there was a Gulf of Tonkin cover-up.
Of course there was a Watergate cover-up.
Of course there was an Iran Hostage cover-up.
Of course there was an Iran-Contra cover-up.
Of course there was a Ruby Ridge cover-up.
Of course there was an Oklahoma City cover-up.
Of course there was a 9-11 cover-up.
Of course there was an Iraq War cover-up.
Of course there was a Putin/Russia collusion cover-up

So what do we do about all this?

James Lateer

Allow me to add the INSANE episode of that farmer in Nevada(?) -- I believe his name was Bundy. (No relation to Al Bundy of Married With Children Smile) He and his white pals lined up on a highway and defied the federal authorities to interfere with his mooching of grass on government land for his cattle. Not a shot was fired! Can you imagine if those folks had been black? They'd have been mowed down in seconds.

Strange connections Mueller and JFK - James Lateer - 23-07-2019

We know that Donald Trump was supposed to release all the remaining JFK files in 2017, but he reneged on releasing almost all of them. One that he DID release related to Earle Cabell.

It's just too much to swallow that Robert Mueller just by coincidence, happens to be a super-close related family member to Charles and Earle Cabell and his own great uncle being Richard Bissell of the CIA.

These were people who (at a minimum) had complete knowledge of WHO MURDERED JFK AND WHY!!!!!!

It just looks like Mueller has been on a lifetime mission to get himself into a key position to guarantee the cover-up of the JFK files.

When you look at it from this perspective, it looks to me like the entire Russia-gate investigation was brewed up as a way to EXTORT TRUMP NOT TO RELEASE THE JFK FILES (and related information like the Iraq War intelligence, the truth about the WTC attack, anthrax, etc).

Sometimes we can't see the forest because there are so many little trees blocking our view.

James Lateer

Strange connections Mueller and JFK - James Lateer - 24-07-2019

We were reminded in the Mueller hearings that Mr. Mueller was appointed FBI director one week before the 9-11 attacks. Just another coincidence we are supposed to accept as real.

In discussing the hearings and the Russiagate theory, I am beginning to feel like somebody is trying to sell me the Brooklyn Bridge.

Let's be real--there are a lot of people who are mentally retarded by clinical standards that have been voting and will be voting in 2020. That's just part of the "overhead" of democracy that we have to accept. It's their right to vote, even if they don't really understand what they are voting about. There is no minimum IQ required for voting.

So now we are to believe, according to some, that our elections are no longer legitimate because they have been ruined or will be ruined by a Russian "troll farm". WTF!!!!

Even ex-president Jimmy Carter (whose IQ was tested once at 170) has gone on record that he thinks the Russians determined the outcome of the 2016 election.

Let me ask---what kind of (very dumb) voter would cast his vote for President based on something he saw posted online by a Russian troll-farm?????

Granted that the Russians were peddling false information in the 2016 election. But what kind of idiot would cast his vote based on that????? Again, somebody is trying to sell me the Brooklyn Bridge here. What an insult to my intelligence and probably yours.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive" wrote Shakespeare. Well, Mr. Mueller is a veteran deceiver and a very practiced deceiver, but he still has woven a tangled, tangled web.

My takeaway from watching the hearings is that Mueller is the stubby little tail wagging the very big dog which is the US Government.

Kind of pathetic IMHO.

James Lateer

Strange connections Mueller and JFK - Tom Scully - 25-07-2019

James Lateer Wrote:......
Let me ask---what kind of (very dumb) voter would cast his vote for President based on something he saw posted online by a Russian troll-farm?????

Granted that the Russians were peddling false information in the 2016 election. But what kind of idiot would cast his vote based on that????? Again, somebody is trying to sell me the Brooklyn Bridge here. What an insult to my intelligence and probably yours.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive" wrote Shakespeare. Well, Mr. Mueller is a veteran deceiver and a very practiced deceiver, but he still has woven a tangled, tangled web.

My takeaway from watching the hearings is that Mueller is the stubby little tail wagging the very big dog which is the US Government.

Kind of pathetic IMHO.

James Lateer

You admitted you read John Solomon and Sara Carter to obtain "knowledge" of the Mueller investigation. Is there any continuity or limits to hypocrisy in the posting choices appearing (more and more ?) frequently in the threads on this forum?
James Lateer Wrote:.....
And I do like John Soloman and Sara Carter.

James Lateer

If incoherence (or winger disinfo?) is going to storm and run rampant on this forum, can presentation of verifiable facts at least slow the rot?

....The Hill[edit]

Upon leaving Circa, Solomon become executive vice president of digital video for The Hill.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][15][/SUP] Until May 2018, he worked on news and investigative pieces for The Hill.[SUP][15][/SUP] In October 2017, Solomon published an article in The Hill about the Uranium One controversy where he insinuated that Russia made payments to the Clinton Foundation at the time when the Obama administration approved the sale of Uranium One to Rosatom.[SUP][16][/SUP] Solomon's story also focused on the alleged failures of the Department of Justice to investigate and report on the controversy, suggesting a cover-up.[SUP][16][/SUP] Subsequent to Solomon's reporting, the story "took off like wildfire in the right-wing media ecosystem," according to a 2018 study by scholars at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University.[SUP][16][/SUP] No evidence of any quid pro quo or other wrongdoing has surfaced.[SUP][16][/SUP]
In May 2018, the editor-in-chief of The Hill, announced that Solomon would become an "opinion contributor" at The Hill (he would remain executive vice president of digital video).[SUP][15][/SUP] This came in the wake of reports that Solomon's colleagues at The Hill criticized Solomon's news reporting as lacking rigor and context.[SUP][15][/SUP]...

Quote:[URL=""]Journalists John Solomon and Sara Carter following the facts on the ...


Mar 31, 2019 - JOHN SOLOMON, INVESTIGATIVE COLUMNIST, THE HILL: Good to be with you, Mark. LEVIN: Sara Carter, good to see. SARA CARTER ...

Charles Cabell died five years after Mueller married his granddaughter. Her great uncle, Charles's brother Earle died five years later.
Describe (propose how two relatives of Mueller's wife shaped his thinking, his character. IOW, convince me their is any substance.

Quote:[URL=""]FTR #310 Bush League: Associates and Actions of the ... - Spitfire List


Jul 3, 2001 - Bush also recently selected Robert Mueller, a member of his father's Justice .... Marie Truesdale married Richard M. Bissell Sr. (Uncle of Alice).

2012, Peter Janney, son of the longtime CIA personnel director, Wistar Janney, (brother of Mrs. Frank (Henry Crown, Henry Luce, Rockefeller Bros.) Pace, publishes a disinfo book accusing William Mitchell of CIA sponsored assassination Mary Meyer, after bearing false witness against Ray Crump in 1965. .
Quote:[URL=",+but+he+was+married+to+Wistar+Janney%27s+sister,+and&source=bl&ots=js4he_XAYx&sig=ACfU3U0cYw9D7Lka6jK4ai_tag_CzPqZnA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiaiIKk_s_jAhVOR60KHSAcD7EQ6AEwAHoECAwQAQ"]A Good Life: Newspapering and Other Adventures


Ben Bradlee - 2017 - ‎Biography & Autobiography

Newspapering and Other Adventures Ben Bradlee ...The offer came from Frank Pace... He had never heard of me, but he was married to Wistar Janney's sister, and one night at the Janneys' he ...
The Autodaf of Lisa Pease and James DiEugenio Tomas de Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition return in a new era of suppression of freedom of thought and adherence to a rigid dogma - namely their own prejudices!

[FONT=&amp]By Peter Janney
July 6, 2012
......This isn't rocket science, but for the challenged Lisa Pease, it's too much to tolerate, given her desperation to find some way to discredit me, whereby she finally resorts to attacking my educational credentials.

In addition, Ms. Pease can't even seem to fathom or consider how "Lt. William L. Mitchell," a man who told police he was jogging on the towpath when he passed Mary Meyer allegedly just before the murder took place told police that a "Negro male" matching Wiggins' description was following her in an effort to frame Ray Crump. "Mitchell" would then testify against Crump at the murder trial nine months later in July 1965 as part of the CIA's assassination operation. It doesn't seem to matter to Pease that "Mitchell" has never been able to be located since the trial, or that his known address during that time was documented as a "CIA safe house" by three separate former CIA employees. At the time of trial in July 1965, Mitchell told a reporter that he had since retired from the military and was now a mathematics instructor at Georgetown University yet no record of his employment there could ever be located, nor was there ever any bona-fide military service record located for "Mitchell," either in the Pentagon where he was listed in the directory at the time of the murder, or in the main military data base in St. Louis. This was thoroughly researched by the Peabody Award-winning journalist Roger Charles, as discussed in my book, a fact that Pease fails to mention in one of her many deliberate omissions, which also included Damore's consultation with L. Fletcher Prouty (as documented by Damore's attorney James H. Smith) to finally understand who "Mitchell" was, before Damore confronted him. Of course, Lisa Pease is entitled to whatever flawed point of view she wants to embrace, but she's not entitled to her own set of facts.
The rest of Pease's long-winded misstatements criticizing author Leo Damore, Timothy Leary, Robert Morrow, Gregory Douglas and other sources who I attempted to unravel explicitly noting their deficiencies and limitations completely obfuscates the clarity of the emerging picture: ...

(One month after the date of the above Janney rant, researcher Tom Scully exposes Janney's disinfo, first in a post on the Education Forum, JFK Debate, followed by an email sent to a Janney surrogate, faculty at UGA Law School.)

Guest Tom Scully Posted August 8, 2012

....The small set of details that demolish the speculation presented by Janney and Dovey Roundtree :...

2013, (Fetzerized) author Peter Janney publishes first of two revisions of his disinfo book. He is not at all pleased, in reaction to the actual facts about his "missing" CIA assassin, Crumb murder trial witness, William Mitchell.:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9757&stc=1][FONT=&amp]

1958, General Dynamics Chairman Frank Pace oversees purchase of Henry Crown empty shell family business, Material Service Corp.,
in a "deal" leading directly to Crown takeover of the defense contractor's executive committee. Luce brother-in-law and former Time, Inc. publisher, Maurice Tex Moore is soon appointed to the Gen. Dyn. Board.

1960, Frank Pace named Time, Inc. director.

1967, : Third from left, Frank Pace :
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9758&stc=1]
[FONT=&amp]FILE - In this Nov. 28, 1967, file photo, the five Rockefeller Brothers pose for photos in New York as they gather to receive gold medals from the National [/FONT]