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Did anyone ever make a kid's book about the JFK assassination? - Printable Version

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Did anyone ever make a kid's book about the JFK assassination? - Carsten Wiethoff - 15-09-2019

I am speaking about a book that normal, responsible parents could and would read to their 6-8 year old kids, if they ask for example: "Who was John F. Kennedy?" or "Why did JFK die?" or "Who shot at the president?" or anything in this range.
Or what do you think, most normal, responsible parents would answer to such a question?
What would you yourself answer to such a question?

Thanks for responding.

Did anyone ever make a kid's book about the JFK assassination? - Magda Hassan - 16-09-2019

Not that I am aware of Carsten but it would be a great idea for one. I hope some one does it and I hope they are not a lone nut believer.

Did anyone ever make a kid's book about the JFK assassination? - Anthony Thorne - 16-09-2019

There actually was such a book - a child's picture book - that described JFK's death as a murder, and which dealt with the subject in a compassionate manner, but I don't remember the title or author. I remember browsing through some pages from it online though. Possibly folks at the JFK Education Forum might recall the title, or there might be a thread there about it.

Did anyone ever make a kid's book about the JFK assassination? - Carsten Wiethoff - 16-09-2019

Anthony Thorne Wrote:There actually was such a book - a child's picture book - that described JFK's death as a murder, and which dealt with the subject in a compassionate manner, but I don't remember the title or author. I remember browsing through some pages from it online though. Possibly folks at the JFK Education Forum might recall the title, or there might be a thread there about it.

Can you try to find that, it would be of much interest to me. Likewise any childrens books about other deep events.
Thank You, Anthony, Magda.

Did anyone ever make a kid's book about the JFK assassination? - Mark A. O'Blazney - 17-09-2019

There was a book published by Jackie Kannon entitled 'Once There Was a President', subtitled 'for children to remember'

Did anyone ever make a kid's book about the JFK assassination? - Carsten Wiethoff - 17-09-2019

Mark A. O'Blazney Wrote:There was a book published by Jackie Kannon entitled 'Once There Was a President', subtitled 'for children to remember'

Thank you Mark. It is available used at several places. I bought one.