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The Changing of the Guard - Printable Version

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The Changing of the Guard - Fred Steeves - 11-06-2024

I no longer believe such thing exists as "The New World Order", not in conspiratorial terms anyway. Those old clips of Bush Sr. talking about that were right in that sweet spot so to speak after the fall of the Soviet Union, and after the US had seen Saddam Hussein swinging at the end of a rope.

At that point in time there truly was a new world order established, a unipolar world order was firmly established out of the ruins of the post WW2 bipolar world order. The United States truly stood alone as literally the rulers of the universe for all intents and purposes, unleashed to do whatever it wanted to around the world, wherever and whenever it so chose, without consequence.

Officially known as the self described Rules Based International Order, or sometimes the Liberal World Order, this US led world order is in a state of rapid collapse. Much of that collapse self induced as a result of desperately clinging to something that's already gone.

We're now in the birthing stages of a multi polar world, and the more the US tries to stop this by bringing Russia and China back to heel the faster this process goes, and the faster it loses respect around the world.

This old unipolar world order, were there any wisdom behind its machinations, could have easily and seamlessly accepted the changing of the seasons and still had a powerful and vital role at the big table; but it can't do that. It only knows one way - my way or the highway. No talks, no negotiating. Do as we say or else! And that shit don't fly no more as might be said on the street.

As of a few months ago I was still questioning whether this old world order, could possibly allow this new world order to birth without forcing an ultimate nuclear confrontation as it clambers up the escalation ladder. Now, that question is all but answered, for me anyway. I'm not even sure if these "people" are even sane any more the more I observe them, nor even in possession of the basic ability to make a rational decision.

Thank goodness I at least see patience, and yes wisdom in our perceived enemies, were they like us we may already be in nuclear winter. But the one thing they CAN'T do, is make this old world order takes its rightful place in the dust bin of history without taking the whole damn thing with them. I'm down to almost thinking we need a friggin miracle to successfully navigate these birthing pangs. Maybe there really is something to that story of ET shutting down a nuclear launch site? 

I hope so...