How Nixon Got Into Power - Printable Version +- Deep Politics Forum ( +-- Forum: Deep Politics Forum ( +--- Forum: Historical Events ( +--- Thread: How Nixon Got Into Power (/thread-178.html) Pages:
How Nixon Got Into Power - David Guyatt - 30-09-2008 A fine and important article by the late, great Mae Brussell. The origin of Nixon's rise to power bears careful reading. How Nixon Actually Got Into Power by Mae Brussell (from The Realist, August 1972) The rise of Adolph Hitler and fascism in Germany was carefully planned. It began with the illegal rearmament of a covert army following defeat in World War I, which was an intentional, secretive breaking of the Versailles Treaty disarmament agreements. American munition manufacturers and industrialists aided the clandestine military leaders of Germany in their rearmament. Over FOUR HUNDRED POLITICAL ASSASSINATIONS of legitimate government officials from various agencies in Germany took place during that period. These murders were necessary for the desired power and position the hidden German government needed. German law courts, plus their Supreme Court, assisted the growing military regime from 1920-1933. Two governments, one official and legal, one clandestine and secretive, existed side by side. Hitler, front man and leader of the illegal arms, mistaken for comical by the intellectuals, was administered the oath as Chancellor of the German Reich January 30, 1933.(1) The rise of Richard Nixon in the United States was carefully planned. An illegal attitude towards the Versailles Treaty allowed American financiers to feed and support Germany's illegal rearmament. An illegal attitude toward the Geneva Accord was also approved by Dwight Eisenhower for Indochina in 1945.(2) A study of our State department and espionage establishment reveals that we had clandestine, secret armies functioning both abroad and in the United States.(3) Hundreds of political assassinations related to minority races, labor leaders, spokesman against Fascism have taken place in the U.S. since World War II. In 1963 the political assassination of President John Kennedy in Dallas became necessary for our own hidden, clandestine government to maintain control. The candidate for President in 1968, Robert Kennedy, was murdered by the same people on the night of his victory in election primaries. United States law courts, plus the Supreme Court, have supported this clandestine government and military regime by lending their name to the concealment of the conspiracies to murder our leaders. They refuse to examine documents that exist, allow truth to remain locked in the National Archives on the basis of the lie, "national security." Richard Nixon, front man and leader of this illegal government, mistaken for comical by the intellectuals, was administered the oath of president of the United States on January 20, 1969. Military and industrial fanatics felt deprived and defeated when John Kennedy would not make war with the Soviet Union as late as 1961. E.M. Dealey, militant publisher of the Dallas News, told President Kennedy, "We need a man on horseback to lead this nation. Too many people in Texas and the Southwest think you are riding Caroline's tricycle."(4) Two years later, in Dealey Plaza, John Kennedy was murdered. He feared the hidden government behind his back, publicly stating he wanted "to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds."(5) The day our President was murdered, the streets of Dallas were filled with posters and handbills proclaiming him a traitor. This was the same motivation for illegal assassinations and killings in pre-Nazi, and Nazi Germany.(6) The Warfare State was set free, following November 22, 1963, to show its ugly face. The war in Asia began to escalate, with no noticeable provocations, only three weeks after the murder of President Kennedy.(7) John Foster Dulles was U.S. Secretary of State from 1953-1959. Before and following these years heading the State Department, this public servant wielded tremendous power and influence with the military and industrial monopolies of power and wealth in the world. He was the architect of "containing Communism."(8) Mr. Dulles confided, "President Eisenhower surrendered all his power to me." In 1956 he said, "Don't bother about what the President said. I write what he says."(9) The State Department was "in my hat." You did not have to rely on the department or its bureaucracy.(10) His brother, Allen Dulles, headed our spy agency formerly known as the OSS. As long as John Foster Dulles was Secretary of State, Allen Dulles had no need to "chafe under political control." Both brothers "placed supreme confidence in their personal judgments." They were completely trusted and were able to act at will and "shielded from any unpleasant consequences."(11) Adolph Hitler declared war in 1941. By 1942 Allen Dulles was moved to Switzerland for the purpose of rounding up and importing to the United States, German "specialists." Two years before the war ended, or its fate was decided, the United States was making arrangements for Nazi scientists, arms experts to come to our democracy (for which the boys were fighting and dying at that moment).(12) From 1945 until 1952 the U.S. military brought over 642 alien "specialists" and their families from nazi Germany. They were known collectively by the code name "paperclip." German missile and rocket experts, munition makers, war experts were carefully selected and located into aerospace programs, war industries, armament factories, defense and warfare manufacturing.(13) Violent anti-communist fears by the military and munition makers justified the exchange for a once democratic nation into the fascist state we have today. Members of the nazi party now hold key positions in our universities, factories, aircraft and aerospace programs.(14) When the nazi empire collapsed in 1945, ex-nazi General Reinhard Gehlen joined forces with our OSS. Gehlen was placed in charge of wartime intelligence for Foreign Armies East. "It was not long before Gehlen was back in business, this time for the United States. Gehlen named his price and terms."(15) A series of meetings was arranged at the Pentagon with nazi Gehlen, Allen Dulles, J. Edgar Hoover and others.(16) The Gehlen organization combined forces and agents with the OSS, which was soon to become known as the CIA. Experts in clandestine and illegal control of Germany through political assassinations and reversal of judicial processes became the new teachers for Allen Dulles and Richard Helms. They helped form the new CIA in 1947, based upon clandestine activities in nazi Germany.(17) Espionage networks were supposedly to spy out secrets of other nations. Instead they have secretly engaged in clandestine political actions, stirred revolts, overthrown governments and attempted to bring about political change. The method of maintaining billion dollar war machines and related armament and aircraft factories requires controlling people, political leaders, and otherwise legal governmental agencies. The Communist scare, hot war and cold war propaganda, would continue to manipulate the majority of the people. This scare was the brainchild of the Fascist strategist. Enter Richard Milhous Nixon. He applied to serve in the FBI following graduation from law school. No answer followed. When World War 2 was declared, Nixon requested sea duty and was assigned to the South Pacific Combat Air Transport Command.(18) Nixon's 15 months in the South Pacific ended when he was transferred to Fleet Air Wing 8 at Alameda, Califomia, and from there he was assigned on special orders to the Navy Bureau of Aeronautics. The Navy assigned him to "winding up" active contracts with such aircraft firms as Bell and Glenn Martin.(19) As a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy, Richard Nixon's next task was that of "negotiating settlements" of terminated war contracts in the Bureau of Aeronautics Office at 50 Church Street, New York City.(20) That year was 1945, when importation proceedings began for the 642 Nazi rocket and aerospace experts and scientists from Germany to the U.S. Through the "generosity of the Guggenheim Foundation they obtained a suitable site -- a huge medieval castle, built by financier Jay Gould on a 160-acre estate at Sands Point, Long Island. Here the Germans began work on a secret project for the Navy's Office of Research and Inventions.(21) April, May, June and July, 1945 -- worldwide attention fell upon German atrocities. From Belsen, Nordhusen, Buchenwald, and Dachau came stories of slaughter and grotesque medical research conducted in the name of science. Public opinion polls gave no evidence of generous feelings toward any group in the German population. But opinions do not automatically create Policy . (22) By 1945 the armed services accepted the Nazis' skills and mentality as indispensable to our military power. Young advisors could not fully appreciate the concern about clandestine maneuvers after World War I, and were not alarmed by the devastation and destruction of the Third Reich. They looked upon the German scientists with excitement and anticipation.(23) The Department of Navy was the first to act upon the importation process.(27) States to benefit economically from the influx of munition makers, rocket and space industries, warfare hardware were based in the South and Southwest. Segregated, racist states were natural habitats for imported Germans. Cold war propaganda, perpetuated by hatred of the Soviet Union and much of Asia, was financed and fostered for the most part in Florida, Louisiana, Georgia, Ohio, Texas, Alabama, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and California. The same mentality that allowed genocidal, inhuman slaughters on the continent of Europe built machinery to extend pain and warfare in Southeast Asia. Richard Nixon was in New York, serving in the Navy, the summer that importation plans started going into effect. He soon moved to Maryland where a very important telegram was to arrive. "He wanted to get out of the service, but there was the great question, 'What now?' While he pondered his alternatives, events and circumstances were deciding the question for him. A telegram was the instrument of fate." (28) In August, 1945, a Committee of One Hundred Men located in California placed an advertisement in 26 newspapers: WANTED -- Congressman candidate with no previous political experience to defeat a man who has represented the district in the House for ten years. Any young man, resident of district, preferably a veteran, fair education, no political strings or obligations and possessor of a few ideas for betterment of country at large may apply for the job. Applicants will be reviewed by 100 interested citizens who will guarantee support but will not obligate the candidate in any way. (26) That ad was typical, a covert method of pretending this was an open contest for office. Richard Nixon, located in Maryland, still in the Navy, received a telephone call from Herman Perry. "Are you a republican and are you available?" were the two questions asked of Nixon.(27) Herman Perry was vice president of Bank of America (28) -- which was soon on its way to becoming the largest private bank in the world. By 1960, one hundred top corporations were spending $21-billion for military goods. In California alone, fully half of all jobs related directly or indirectly on the continuance of the arms race.(29) Richard Nixon, poor, from an unknown family, absent from the California scene for many formative years during law school and military service, was selected to represent old guard California republicans who picked him to run for Congress.(30) He was called upon to serve the strategists. Nixon was "recognized." Significant to the political escalation of Richard Nixon from congressman to vice president was the Alger Hiss case. The Hiss case was to Nixon what the Reichstag fire was to Hitler. Both were dramatic lies planned and executed by the clandestine strategists. Parallels to German strategy -- assassinations, destruction of evidence, distortion of evidence to discredit legitimate public servants -- existed precisely in America. (31) In 1934, Alger Hiss was legal counsel for the Senate Nye Committee. This group was set up for the purpose of INVESTIGATING ILLEGAL REARMAMENT PRACTICES.(32) During those years Hiss was antagonizing American industrial and banking giants. Germany was illegally rearming. It became necessary to discredit any persons such as Hiss who were interested in peace, working for legitimate peaceful alternatives. Whittaker Chambers made a point of becoming acquainted with Alger Hiss in 1934. At that time, some considered Chambers to be a German spy.(33) Using techniques of imported masters of espionage, plans were being made at that time to discredit Alger Hiss. By waiting several years, Hiss could be strategically occupied in various Government services. John Foster Dulles was instrumental in placing Hiss as head of the Carnegie Foundation, a group associated with peace and the United Nations. Attacks on Hiss started in 1941, attempting to associate him with Communists, exploded into a time bomb in 1948. The total effect in delaying the smear was to discredit an era. Richard Nixon became recipient of the efforts. The reputation of Roosevelt, the New Deal, Dumbarton Oaks Conference, United Nations and Truman's administration all became tinted "red." Joe McCarthy entered this milieu and expressed fears that had been fomented in lies. Richard Nixon had always served his masters by employing fear and hysteria. His original campaigns against Jerry Voorhis and Helen Douglas were unfounded red smears. That is the only way he operates. One of the clues to covert smears is the common mishandling of evidence. For 8 1/2 years I have studied carefully the evidence associated with the murder of John Kennedy. Bullets, clothing, weapons, X-rays, photographs, car interior, autopsy reports, cameras, street sign, curb, lamppost, clothing of John Connally, diaries, FBI documents, CIA reports and State Department papers were either burned, airborned to Michigan and destroyed, altered, planted, missing or locked up.(37) Evidence to prove covert murder of Robert Kennedy is "locked up for seventy five years."(38) What happened to the lone piece of evidence in the Alger Hiss case that was important to his conviction, the famous Woodstock typewriter? Because Richard Nixon said his "name, reputation and career" were linked to this case, he will tell you about the typewriter himself: "A massive search was initiated for the key 'witness' in the case, the old Woodstock typewriter on which Chambers said Mrs. Hiss had typed the incriminating documents. On December 13, FBI agents found the typewriter. The same day I appeared before the Grand Jury with the microfilm. (Richard Nixon, My Six Crises, Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, NY, 1962, $5.95, p. 59) For $5 less, and six years later, you can buy the same story, by the same author, without the typewriter: "A massive search was initiated for the key 'witness' in the case, the old Woodstock typewriter on which Chambers said Mrs. Hiss had typed the incriminating documents. On December 13, FBI agents were unable to find the typewriter, but they did find some old letters which Priscilla Hiss admitted having typed on the Woodstock." (Richard Nixon, My Six Crises, Pyramid Books, $.95, p. 64) At this point, Nixon added a footnote blaming the "press, who were busy in those tense days were several rumors behind closed doors of the Grand Jury. One reporter said the typewriter was found, but actually it was not found until several months later." Even with the above explanation, Nixon still does not inform the reader that the Woodstock typewriter was found not by the 35 FBI agents several months later who were turning Washington upside-down searching for it. The typewriter was actually found by Donald Hiss and his own investigators, and presented by Alger Hiss at the first trial as an exhibit for the defense. The chief prosecutor of the Alger Hiss case, Richard Nixon, trying to pin a conspiracy or Communist label on Hiss, could not write his own book correctly about the key evidence used against him. This kind of smear and investigation was going to be used as the excuse for elevating Nixon into the role of vice president of the United States. Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles would control all State Department policies and espionage activities for the president. There was another observation regarding the famous Woodstock typewriter. Robert Kennedy, as Attorney General of the United States in 1962, was making a "recent check and finds the FBI never had the Woodstock typewriter. Writing to Meyer Zeligs about this matter, Claude Cross mentioned, "In my mind there is a mystery connected with this typewriter and its whereabouts from the period just prior to the trial."(39) Why was Robert Kennedy searching for this important evidence, the link in the Nixon saga? Were the Kennedys getting ready to investigate Richard Nixon's pieces of planted evidence used for purposes of slander and redbaiting? Three of Alger Hiss' friends who could have changed the tide of history -- Harry Dexter White, Walter Marvin Smith and Lawrence Guggan -- were found dead shortly after having contact with our FBI.(37) When the covert government creates its plot, in Germany or the United States, nobody stands in their way. Isaac Don Levine is the man who took Whittaker Chambers "by the arm," a reluctant Chambers, and arranged the meetings where he would begin to smear Alger Hiss.(38) It was no coincidence that the same Isaac Don Levine would be meeting with Marina Oswald, widow of Lee Harvey Oswald, immediately following the murder of President Kennedy. They were in a huddle to exchange money for squeezing a "communist" story out of a CIA plot.(39) Levine served Richard Nixon's career faithfully and many times through the years. "This fellow Levine is in contact with Marina to break the story up a little more graphic manner and tie it into a Russian business, and it is with the thought and background of a Russian connection, conspiracy concept." -- John J. McCloy Minutes of Warren Commission Meeting, Jan. 21, 1964 Alger Hiss said that Richard Nixon was engaged in something "beyond his scope and size."(40) Richard Nixon, like Adolph Hitler, is a patchwork quilt. Both men represent the sum total of all murders, secret plans, behind-the-scene covert imaginations that created their existence. They were hand-sewn and designed by identical masters. It was a community project between persons from Nazi Germany and the United States military and intelligence agencies. They are in power today, continuing mass murders, political assassinations. Industrial giants scrape the bottom of the ocean, the surface of the moon, the face of the earth for the oil, gold, minerals, resources within their grasp. It is the moral obligation of human beings to halt this hunger for power and legalized greed toward the majority of persons on the planet earth. High summit meetings, a false sense of euphoria preceding elections, does not conceal increased budgets for weaponry, new laws of repression or further concentration of power in the White House. The family of humanity is not represented by the strategists who are few in number, still holding on to their power. Secret organizations such as the Lincoln Club, formed in 1963, continue to finance and dictate to Richard Nixon.(41) This group should be carefully examined. Nixon's kind of power -- over other people's lives -- is elusive, and vanishes rapidly at the proper moment. The human family has new weapons in the war against secrecy. Information is power. Speed of communications is power. Ability is power. Sheer numbers of intelligent and concerned citizens becomes power. Facts are power. Available facts and documentation of past political assassinations must be exposed today, before the next election in 1972. The coup d'etat in 1963, and again in 1968, did not represent the power or the interests of the majority. It is time to call a halt against the cold war, the hot war, and the war against ourselves. By examining the evidence of political assassinations, it is possible to understand how the country was misled down the line by a select, elite minority. The strategists, aided by clandestine and covert planning, do not represent the people or the interests of the people in the United States. REFERENCES 1. Clandestine rearmament of Germany Inspection for Disarmament Edited by Seymour Melman Columbia Press, 1968 Pages 203-219 2. Illegal attitude to Geneva Accord Pentagon Papers New York Times paperback Bantam Press, 197 Page xi 3. Clandestine armies of U.S. home and abroad Invisible Government David Wise & Thomas Ross Bantam edition, 1965 Espionage Establishment David Wise & Thomas Ross Random House, 1967 4. Kennedy, Dealey Warfare State Fred Cook Macmillan Press, 1967 5. "Splinter CIA" New York Times April 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 1966 6. Called a traitor Hearings before the Commission XVIII, Page 835 7. Escalation of war Computers and Automation December, 1971 Page 39 8. Containing Communism Encyclopedia Almanac, 1970 New York Times Page 544 9. Eisenhower surrendered power to me Conversation with McMillan New York Times April 24, 1971 10. State Department in my hat To Move a Nation Roger Hilsman Doubleday & Co., 1967 Page 67 11. Dulles brothers New York Times April 29, 1966 12. Allen Dulles, 1942, Switzerland Project Paperclip: German Scientists and the Cold War Clarence Lasby Atheneum Press, 1971 Saturday Review December 11, 1971 13. Rounding up Nazis Ibid., Project Paperclip, Page 5 14. Nazis in industry, schools, factories in U.S. Ibid., Project Paperclip 15. Collapse of Germany, Gehlen Ibid., Invisible Government, Pages 134-135 16. Gehlen, Hoover, Dulles, Pentagon Secret War for Europe Louis Hogan Stein & Day, 1969 Pages 35-36 17. OSS became CIA, Dulles, Helms Ibid., The Espionage Establishment Pages 115-116, 132-176 18. Air Transport Command Nixon RaIph De Toledano Duell, Sloan, Pearce Page 35 19. Alameda, air contracts Ibid., Nixon Page 37 20. New York, Contracts My Sir Crises Pyramid Books, 1962 Page 81 21. Importation of Germans Ibid., Project Paperclip Pages 4-5 22. German atrocities Ibid., Project Paperclip Page 61 23. Anticipation for arrival Ibid., Project Paperclip Page 64 24. Department of Navy Ibid., Project Paperclip Page 66 25. Telegram instrument of fate Ibid., Nixon Page 37 26. Advertisement, Congressman Ibid., Nixon Pages 39-40 27. Call, "Are you a republican?" Ibid., Nixon Page 40 28. Herman Perry Milhous (film) Emil Di Antonio. 29. Bank of America Ibid., Warfare State Page 23 30. Richard Nixon selected by old guard New York Times February 16, 1972 31. Evidence locked up Computers and Automation October 1971 Pages 41-45 32. Alger Hiss, Nye Committee Friendship and Fratricide Meyer Zeligs Viking Press Page 192 33. Chambers, maybe German spy Ibid., Friendship and Fratricide Page 3 34. JFK, evidence locked up, altered Computers and Automation May, June, July, Nov., 1970; March, May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct, Nov., Dec., 1971; Jan., Feb., 1972 35. Robert Kennedy murder Computers and Automation Aug., Oct, 1970 Apil, 1971 36. Missing Woodstock typewriter Ibid., Friendship and Fratricide Page 368 37. Hiss, death of friends American Opinion Feb., 1971, Pages 51-53 38. Isaac Levine, Chambers Ibid., Friendship and Fratricide Page 23 39. Levine, Marina Hearings Before the Commission Vol. XXIV, Pages 24-25 40. Hiss, "Nixon in something beyond scope" Ibid., Friendship and Fratricide Pages 282-283 41. Lincoln Club, secrets New York Times Feb. 16, 1972 How Nixon Got Into Power - Linda Minor - 30-09-2008 David Guyatt Wrote:A fine and important article by the late, great Mae Brussell. The origin of Nixon's rise to power bears careful reading. I have read that Prescott Bush was involved in the selection committee that chose Nixon to run for Congress from Whittier, CA, though I have never seen this documented. Quote:{} I have just ordered the book Nixon, by Ralph de Toledano, which Mae Brussell cited as her source. Bowen (above quote) cited no source for his material, even in his book, Immaculate Deception. How Nixon Got Into Power - David Guyatt - 30-09-2008 Linda Minor Wrote:I have read that Prescott Bush was involved in the selection committee that chose Nixon to run for Congress from Whittier, CA, though I have never seen this documented. That woud explain quite a lot about the closeness of the relationship between Tricky Dicky and Poppy Bush if it proved accurate Linda. The Nazi connections of the Bush family, notably Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker also speaks to the current political ideology of the current president - imo anyway. How Nixon Got Into Power - Dawn Meredith - 01-10-2008 This would be a great article to update and expand on. (Linda, are you game? ) It's amazing how tuned in Mae was, so far back. Watergate had not even happened! A couple of years back more proof emerged to exonerate Hiss. There was a wonderful film in 1979 called "The trials of Alger Hiss" that details his framing. Great footage of that entire debacle. This film really helped me understand Nixon- on a personal level. His jealousy of Hiss, JFK and any other Ivy league, goodlooking, successful man. This drove him as much as his ideology. Dawn How Nixon Got Into Power - Linda Minor - 31-12-2008 Dawn Meredith Wrote:This would be a great article to update and expand on. (Linda, are you game? ) It's amazing how tuned in Mae was, so far back. Watergate had not even happened! Much of the closeness between Nixon and the Bush family is set out in Russ Baker's book, Family of Secrets which I recently got a copy of and have been able to read. He mentions the fact that Prescott Bush may have gone to Whittier at about the time Nixon was picked to run against Jerry Voorhees for Congress, due to the coincidence of acquiring a company there at about the same time. There is also some information here: The Kennedy-Nixon-Bush Connection by Paul Kangas
As long as assassins get away with murder, every suicide and every accidental death is a potential murder. A newly discovered FBI document reveals that George Bush was directly involved in the 1963 murder of President John Kennedy. The document places Bush working with the now-famous CIA agent, Felix Rodriguez, recruiting right-wing Cuban exiles for the invasion of Cuba. It was Bush's CIA job to organize the Cuban community in Miami for the invasion. The Cubans were trained as marksmen by the CIA. Bush at that time lived in Texas. Hopping from Houston to Miami weekly, Bush spent 1960 and '61 recruiting Cubans in Miami for the invasion. That is how he met Felix Rodriguez. You may remember Rodriguez as the Iran-contra CIA agent who received the first phone call telling the world the CIA plane flown by Gene Hasenfus had crashed in Nicaragua. As soon as Rodriguez heard that the plane crashed, he called his long-time CIA supervisor, George Bush. Bush denied being in the contra loop, but investigators recently obtained copies of Oliver North's diary, which documents Bush's role as a CIA supervisor of the contra supply network. In 1988 Bush told Congress he knew nothing about the illegal supply flights until 1987, yet North's diary shows Bush at the first planning meeting Aug. 6, 1985. Bush's "official" log placed him somewhere else. Such double sets of logs are intended to hide Bush's real role in the CIA; to provide him with "plausible deniability." The problem is, it fell apart because too many people, like North and Rodriguez, have kept records that show Bush's CIA role back to the 1961 invasion of Cuba. (Source: The Washington Post, 7/10/90). That is exactly how evidence was uncovered placing George Bush working with Felix Rodriguez when JFK was killed. A memo from FBI head J. Edgar Hoover was found, stating that, "Mr. George Bush of the CIA had been briefed on November 23rd, 1963 about the reaction of anti-Castro Cuban exiles in Miami to the assassination of President Kennedy. (Source: The Nation, 8/13/88). On the day of the assassination Bush was in Texas, but he denies knowing exactly where he was. Since he had been the supervisor for the secret Cuban teams, headed by former Cuban police commander Felix Rodriguez, since 1960, it is likely Bush was also in Dallas in 1963. Several of the Cubans he was supervising as dirty-tricks teams for Nixon, were photographed in the Zapruder film. In 1959 Rodriguez was a top cop in the Cuban government under Batista. When Batista was overthrown and fled to Miami, Rodriguez went with him, along with Frank Sturgis and Rafael Quintero. Officially, Rodriguez didn't join the CIA until 1967, after the CIA invasion of Cuba, in which he participated, and the assassination of JFK. But records recently uncovered show he actually joined the CIA in 1961 for the invasion of Cuba when he was recruited by George Bush. That is how Rodriguez claims he became a "close personal friend of Bush." Then "officially" Rodriguez claims he quit the CIA in 1976, just after he was sent to prison for his role in the Watergate burglary. However, according to Rolling Stone reporters Kohn & Monks (11/3/88), Rodriguez still goes to CIA headquarters monthly to receive assignments and have his blue 1987 bulletproof Cadillac serviced. Rodriguez was asked by a Rolling Stone reporter where he was the day JFK was shot, and claims he can't remember. George Bush claims he never worked for the CIA until he was appointed director by former Warren Commission director and then President Jerry Ford, in 1976. Logic suggests that is highly unlikely. Of course, Bush has a company duty to deny being in the CIA. The CIA is a secret organization. No one ever admits to being a member. The truth is that Bush has been a top CIA official since before the 1961 invasion of Cuba, working with Felix Rodriguez. Bush may deny his actual role in the CIA in 1959, but there are records in the files of Rodriguez and others involved in the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba that expose Bush's role. The corporations would not put somebody in charge of all the state secrets held by the CIA unless he was experienced and well trained in the CIA. (Source: Project Censored Report, Feb 1989, Dr Carl Jensen, Sonoma State College). Recently I interviewed former CIA liaison officer L. Fletcher Prouty. He is a consultant for the excellent new movie on how the CIA killed JFK, being made by Oliver Stone. He told me that one of the projects he did for the CIA was in 1961 to deliver US Navy ships from a Navy ship yard to the CIA agents in Guatemala planning the invasion of Cuba. He said he delivered three ships to a CIA agent named George Bush, who had the 3 ships painted to look like they were civilian ships. That CIA agent then named the 3 ships after: his wife, his home town and his oil company. He named the ships: Barbara, Houston & Zapata. Any book on the history of the Bay of Pigs will prove the names of those 3 ships. Again, this is more finger prints of George Bush's involvement in the Bay of Pigs invasion. Yet Bush denies his role in this great adventure. Why would Bush be so shy about his role in this war? What is the secret? Is there something dirty about this war that Bush & Nixon don't want the public to know about? Answer: Yes there is. The same people involved in the Bay of Pigs were the people involved in the Watergate burglary. Why was the Watergate burgalarized [sic]? The CIA was trying to plug up a possible news leak. They were trying to stop the Democrats from publishing the photos of Hunt & Sturgis under arrest for the murder of JFK (May 7, 1977, SF Chronicle.) Presently, there is a law suit attempting to force the government to release the records about the Bay of Pigs invasion. Why are those documents still secret? Why are they locked in the National Archives along with all the photos from [the] Dallas assassination of JFK? Why are the 4000 hours of Watergate tapes in which Nixon is babbling about the mysterious connections between the Bay of Pigs, Dallas and Watergate also being sealed in the National Archives? Is it because all three incidents are connected? Yes. We must demand the secret files on these 3 cases be released now. For a copy of the petition to release the files, please write to: Paul Kangas, private investigator, POB 422644, SF, Ca 94142. Thanks to Oliver Stone's blockbuster new movie on JFK there is now sufficient national movement to reopen all these cases. The White House fears Stone's new movie so much that they have hired more CIA journalists to slander the movie & Stone. Don't fall for it. Every serious investigator now agrees that Oswald did not shoot JFK. That James Earl Ray did not shoot Dr. Martin Luther King and that Sirhan Sirhan did not shoot Robert Kennedy. These cases must be reopened so that Sirhan and Ray can be set free. The only bar that keeps Sirhan in prison is the tremendous anti-arab racism in Americans: in both blacks & whites. According to a biography of Richard Nixon, his close personal and political ties with the Bush family go back to 1941 when Nixon claims he read an ad in an L A. newspaper, placed by a wealthy group of businessmen, led by Preston Bush, the father of George Bush. They wanted a young, malleable candidate to run for Congress. Nixon applied for the position and won the job. Nixon became a mouthpiece for the Bush group. (Source: Freedom Magazine, 1986, L.F. Prouty). In fact, Preston Bush is credited with creating the winning ticket of Eisenhower-Nixon in 1952.(Source: George Bush, F. Green, Hipocrene, 1988). Newly discovered FBI documents prove that Jack Ruby has been an employee of Richard Nixon since 1947. That that [sic] FBI document Ruby is listed as working as a spy & hit man for Nixon. On Nov. 22, 63 Ruby was seen by a women who knew him well, Julian Ann Mercer, approximately an hour before the arrival of JFK's motorcade, unloading a man carrying a rifle in a case at the Grassy Knoll from his car. Ruby later was seen on national TV killing a witness who could link Nixon & Bush to the killing of JFK: Oswald. On the Trail of the Assassins, Garrison, p xiii. Richard Nixon was Vice President from 1952 until 1960. In fact, Nixon was given credit for planning Operation 40, the secret 1961 invasion of Cuba, during his 1959 campaign for President After Batista was kicked out by the starving people of Cuba, and Fidel Castro came to power, Castro began telling American corporations they would have to pay Cuban employees decent wages. Even worse, Pepsi Cola was told it would now have to pay world market prices for Cuban sugar. Pepsi, Ford Motor Co., Standard Oil and the Mafia drug dealers decided Fidel had to be removed since his policies of requiring corporations to pay market wages was hurting their profits. So the corporations asked then Vice-President Nixon to remove Fidel. Nixon promised he would, just as soon as he'd won the 1960 elections against some underdog, an unknown Democrat named John Kennedy. It would be an easy victory for Nixon. The polls had Nixon winning by a landslide. Besides, Kennedy was a Catholic, and Americans would no more elect a Catholic President than they would elect a woman, a black or a Jew. This was 1959. Nixon told Pepsi, Standard Oil and other corporations who lost property given back to the farmers of Cuba, that if they would help him win, he would authorize an invasion to remove Castro. To further impress contributors to his campaign, then Vice-President Nixon asked the CIA to create Operation 40, a secret plan to invade Cuba, just as soon as he won. The CIA put Texas millionaire and CIA agent George Bush in charge of recruiting Cuban exiles into the CIA's invasion army. Bush was working with another Texas oilman, Jack Crichton, to help him with the invasion. A fellow Texan, Air Force General Charles Cabel, was asked to coordinate the air cover for the invasion. Most of the CIA leadership around the invasion of Cuba seems to have been people from Texas. A whole Texan branch of the CIA is based in the oil business. If we trace Bush's background in the Texas oil business we discover his two partners in the oil-barge leasing business: Texan Robert Mosbacher and Texan James Baker. Mosbacher is now Secretary of Commerce and Baker is Secretary of State, the same job Dulles held when JFK was killed. (Source: Common Cause magazine, 3-4/90). On the Watergate tapes, June 23, 1972, referred to in the media as the "smoking gun" conversation, Nixon and his Chief of Staff, H.R. Haldeman, discussed how to stop the FBI investigation into the CIA Watergate burglary. They were worried that the investigation would expose their conection to "the Bay of Pigs thing." Haldeman, in his book The Ends of Power, reveals that Nixon always used code words when talking about the 1963 murder of JFK. Haldeman said Nixon would always refer to the assassination as "the Bay of Pigs." On that transcript we find Nixon discussing the role of George Bush's partner, Robert Mosbacher, as one of the Texas fundraisers for Nixon. On the tapes Nixon keeps refering to the "Cubans" and the "Texans." The "Texans" were Bush, Mosbacher and Baker. This is another direct link between Bush and evidence linking Nixon and Bush to the Kennedy assassination. In the same discussion Nixon links "the Cubans," "the Texans," "Helms," "Hunt," "Bernard Barker," Robert "Mosbacher" and "the Bay of Pigs." Over and over on the Watergate tapes, these names come up around the discussion of the photos from Dallas that Nixon was trying to obtain when he ordered the CIA to burglarize the Watergate. (Source: Three Men and a Barge", Teresa Riordan, Common Cause magazine, March/April 1990, and San Francisco Chronicle, May 7,1977, interview with Frank Sturgis in which he stated that "the reason we burglarized the Watergate was because Nixon was interested in stopping news leaking related to the photos of our role in the assassination of President John Kennedy.") After Nixon's landslide victory in 1972, he knew he had to centralize all power into the White House to keep his faction in power, not only to hold power, but to prevent the media from digging into how he secretly shot his way into the White House, just like Hitler shot his way into control of Germany. The first thing Nixon did was to demand signed resignations of his entire government. "Eliminate everyone," he told John Ehrlichman about reappointment, "except George Bush. Bush will do anything for our cause." (Source: Pledging Allegiance, Sidney Blumenthal.) The reason why Bush will "do anything" is because his hands have as much of Kennedy's blood on them as do Nixon's, Hunt's, Sturgis's, Felix Rodriguez's and Gerald Ford's. This White House gang fears that if the public ever realizes how they shot their way into power it could set off a spark that would destroy their fragile fraud and land them in jail. Other famous Watergate members of the CIA invasion that Bush recruited were Frank Sturgis, E. Howard Hunt, Bernard Barker and Rafael Quintero. Quintero has said publicly that if he ever told what he knew about Dallas and the Bay of Pigs, "It would be the biggest scandal ever to rock the nation." Meanwhile, in 1960, Preston Bush was running Nixon's campaign. Nixon was sent to South Vietnam to assure the French- connection government there that if France pulled out, the U.S. would step in to protect the drug trade from the GoIden Triangle. (Source: Frontline, 1988, "Guns. Drugs and the CIA"; Alexander Cockburn; "Cocaine, the CIA and Air America," S.F. Examiner, Feb. 2, '91; The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia, Alfred McCoy, 1972.) In 1959, Vice President Nixon was flying all over the world, acting just like presidential material. It was an easy race for Nixon. Congressman Jerry Ford was doing a great job fundraising for Nixon, as was George Bush. The rich loved Nixon. The media picked up every bone Nixon tossed out to them. The biggest problem was that Nixon was afraid to speak openly of his plan to invade Cuba. The plan was a secret. No sense in alerting Cuba to the coming invasion. But Kennedy was taking a harder line on Cuba than Nixon, because Kennedy was not aware of the corporate/CIA planned invasion. Nixon lost the 1960 race by the smallest margin in history. At first Bush, Nixon, Cabel and Hunt decided to just go ahead with the invasion, without informing President Kennedy. Then, at the last second, at 4 a.m., just two hours before the invasion was set to go, General Cabel called JFK and asked for permission to provide U.S. air cover for the CIA invasion. Kennedy said no. The CIA was furious with JFK but decided to go ahead with their private invasion anyway. Due to poor intelligence, the CIA landed at the worst possible beach. A swamp. The invasion failed. The CIA lost 15 of its best men, killed, with another 1100 in Cuban prisons. It was the worst single blow the CIA ever suffered. (Source: F. Howard Hunt, Give Us This Day.) Bush, Nixon and Hunt blamed Cabel for asking Kennedy and blamed Kennedy for saying no. They were livid with anger. Nixon's corporate sponsors ordered JFK to make any deal necessary to recover the 1100 CIA agents imprisoned in Cuba. JFK did. Once the CIA had its well-trained Cubans back, they decided to continue the invasion of Cuba just as soon as they could get rid of that S.O.B. Kennedy. The 1964 election was fast approaching. Nixon was running against Kennedy again. Bush, Ford and Nixon knew that they had to get rid of JFK now, or else the Kennedy clan, with Robert and Ted in the wings, could control the White House until 1984. They decided not to wait until '84 to get back in the White House. The Cuban teams of "shooters" began following Kennedy from city to city looking for a window of opportunity to shoot from. They came close in Chicago, but couldn't get the cooperation of Mayor Daley. But in Dallas they had an ace. The mayor was the brother of General Cabel, whom the CIA blamed for the failure of the invasion. The general prevailed on his brother, Earl, and the motorcade was changed to pass the grassy knoll at 7 m.p.h. Hunt and Sturgis shot JFK from the grassy knoll. They were arrested, photographed and seen by 15 witnesses. But the media turned a blind eye to the photos, and for 25 years the world has been searching for the truth. On the day JFK was murdered, Nixon, Hunt and some of the Watergate crew were photographed in Dallas, as were a group of Cubans, one holding an umbrella up, like a signal, next to the President's limo just as Kennedy was shot. The Cubans can be seen holding up the signal umbrella in the Zapruder film and dozens of stills taken during the assassination. After the murder they can be seen calmly walking away. Nixon denied he was in Dallas that day, but new photos and stories prove he was there. Nixon claimed to the FBI he couldn't remember where he was when JFK was killed. (Source: FBI memo, Feb. 23, 1964, published in Coup d'etat in America, Weberman & Canfield). Bush, too, claims he can't remember where he was. Jack Anderson did a TV special in 1988 proving beyond any shadow of doubt that two of the tramps arrested in Dallas behind the grassy knoll were Hunt and Sturgis. After the murder, former Vice President Nixon asked President Lyndon Johnson to appoint Nixon's friend, former FBI agent Jerry Ford, to run the Warren Commission. Nixon also asked LBJ to appoint Nixon's long-time supporter, Judge Earl Warren, to head the Commission. LBJ agreed. Ford interviewed all the witnesses and decided which ones would be heard and which ones eliminated. It is no coincidence that Nixon selected Ford as his Vice President after Spiro Agnew was ousted. When Nixon himself got busted in the Watergate scandal, Earl Warren offered to set up another special commission if it would help get him out of trouble again. Ford, of course, pardoned Nixon for the Watergate burglary but Nixon is still not out of the woods. There are 4000 hours of Watergate tape. On the June 23, 1972, discussions with John Ehrlichman and Haldeman there is clear evidence that Nixon is openly "confessing" to hiring Hunt to kill JFK. That is why the Watergate "investigation" went into secret session after Congress heard some of the tapes. This is why only 12 hours of 4000 hours have been released to the public. Did Congress realize that Nixon and Bush had openly discussed killing JFK for stopping the air cover for the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba? Remember, Nixon taped virtually every discussion he had with anyone in his inner circle, including Bush, in order to blackmail people later. There is a photo of Bush reporting to Nixon in the White House in 1968. It will be interesting to see what they were talking about on that day, when the full 4000 hours are finally released. The key to unlocking the secrets behind the 1963 murder of JFK is hidden in the 3988 hours of unreleased White House tapes. Bush was in Dallas the day Reagan was shot. (Source: George Bush, F. Green, 1988.) That must have given Bush a flashback to November 22,1963. Paul Kangas is a private investigator in California. How Nixon Got Into Power - Magda Hassan - 01-01-2009 Here is a link to a web site about Alger Hiss set up and run by his son Tony. How Nixon Got Into Power - Peter Lemkin - 01-01-2009 There is simply NO bottom to the depths the real story of the Bush's takes one. They are the cesspool into which all others drain in America. Sorry - I know not a profound statement, but just makes me feel better to start of the New Year proclaiming that. GHWB is the Big Daddy of it all now. How Nixon Got Into Power - David Guyatt - 01-01-2009 Linda, thanks for posting that Kangas article. I don't kow how I could've missed it over the years since it was written but I have. Until now anyway. David How Nixon Got Into Power - Linda Minor - 01-01-2009 David Guyatt Wrote:Linda, thanks for posting that Kangas article. I don't kow how I could've missed it over the years since it was written but I have. Until now anyway. Kangas repeats the error found in the Green book he cites of referring to Prescott Bush as Preston Bush. The same error appeared in Fabian Escante's book, which said Preston Bush was in Florida working with Frank Bender to raise money for the invasion. Bender was actually a code name for a German named Droller who posed as a wealthy steel tycoon; How Nixon Got Into Power - David Guyatt - 01-01-2009 Droller is an interesting character. I took a peek at the Spartacus entry on him, which had him being born in Germany in 1905 but having worked with the OSS during WWII. How likely is that? Further digging suggests he worked on biological weapons for the nazis during the war: Quote:New information: Mr. B may not have been Phillips. Another CIA figure, Frank Bender, one alias of Gerry Droller, was known inside the agency as Mr. B. He was posted to Mexico City at the same time as Phillips. The record says that Droller worked for the OSS during the war, but there are indications he actually worked on biological weapons for the Nazis.. I wonder if this suggestion is true? It would fit more into the Mae Brussell picture that nazis were involved in the JFK assassination -- and of course fits snugly with Nixon's apparent fondness for nazis and the SS: |