Neuropsych'rist: 'Eliminate Muslim Zealots' - Ed Jewett - 03-09-2009
Former Chief of Neuropsychiatry at Guantanamo Bay Wanted 100,000 Muslims Exterminated
Submitted by davidswanson on Thu, 2009-09-03 10:00.
Racist Article in Spy Journal Calls for Killing 100,000 Muslim “Zealots”
By: Jeff Kaye, [URL=""]
photo by Mr Jaded
This story reports on an extraordinary 2004 article by a Harvard lecturer and former Chief of Neuropsychiatry at Guantanamo Bay, which made the shocking claim that "hard-core zealots" had "brains that are structurally and functionally different from us." Furthermore, the article stated, 100,000 "zealots" within the Muslim body politic would have to be eliminated, the way "malignant [cancer] cells" are removed from a healthy body.
The author of the article, "Terrorism - The Underlying Causes," in the Winter/Spring 2004 issue of the Intelligencer, Journal of U.S. Intelligence Studies (PDF), house organ for the American Federation of Intelligence Officers (AFIO), was William Henry Anderson, M.D. Anderson's piece received a stinging protest letter to the editor from psychologist and military ethics expert, Jean Maria Arrigo, but I'm not aware of any other complaint regarding this racist, fascistic article in the pages of a major intelligence services journal.
Neuropsych'rist: 'Eliminate Muslim Zealots' - Jan Klimkowski - 03-09-2009
Dr Jean Maria Arrigo's letter is both courageous and insightful.
It appears to have received no public response.
Quote:Excerpts from posting :
"Racism in U.S. Intelligence?
An article by a former U.S. Navy Chief of Neuropsychiatry at Guantanamo Bay struck me as insupportably racist attributing the problem of Middle East terrorism largely to the neurological defects of terrorists. William Henry Anderson's article on "Terrorism Underlying Causes" was published in the Winter/Spring 2004 issue of The Intelligencer, journal of the Association of Former [U.S.] Intelligence Officers (AFIO). Apart from the ethical implications, the author seems to violate one of the firmest principles in intelligence: do not underestimate the enemy..."
"... Below is a copy of my letter (sent 6/1/04) to the editors of The Intelligencer..."
To the Editor and Contributing Editors of The Intelligencer:
William Henry Anderson's essay on "Terrorism Underlying Causes" in the Winter/Spring 2004 issue of The Intelligencer [1], appears to me invalid and unsuitable for publication this journal. I write to you as an AFIO member and a social psychologist who studies ethics of intelligence.
Anderson conjectures that many hard-core Middle East terrorist zealots "have brains that are structurally and functionally different from ours" (p. 55). He attributes their violent behavior to defects in particular areas of the brain (frontal lobes, amygdala, and temporal lobes), as a result of inbreeding, environmental toxins, birth injuries, and other developmental risks, amplified by cultural factors. In his positions as Harvard Lecturer in psychiatry, Senior Psychiatrist at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, and former U.S. Navy Chief of Neuropsychiatry at Guantanamo Bay, presumably he has had opportunity to test his conjecture. Yet he offers no empirical evidence whatever. Moreover, he has not addressed seemingly contradictory scientific literature. A 1999 U.S. government report on The Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism, for example, synthesized dozens of cross-cultural empirical studies in search of terrorist profiles [2]. The report concluded that terrorists do not have "visibly detectable personality traits that would allow authorities to identify a terrorist," and they are not "diagnosably mentally disturbed" (except for an occasional psychopathic top leader). Indeed, terrorist organizations tend to weed out the conspicuous and the mentally ill as liabilities. Anderson's acknowledgment of his failure to offer scientific evidence for his neuropsychiatric conjecture does not excuse the failure.
Anderson also uses a misleading rhetorical ploy, the image of cancerous cells in healthy tissue: "Let us consider terrorism with an analogy from medicine" that of terrorism as a cancer. There are about 1.4 billion Muslims in the world. Embedded within this healthy body are, perhaps, 100,000 people who are eager and active in pursuit of the goal of killing us. But Anderson has developed no structural analogy here to guide inquiry and policy, only a loose metaphor unsuitable for serious political analysis. For instance, the physician does not motivate the patient's tumor, whereas the counterterrorist program may well motivate terrorists.
Lastly, in proposing direct extermination of Middle East terrorist zealots, Anderson adopts the infamous racist metaphor used by the Nazis: "tumors as Jews, Jews as tumors" in the body politic [3]. Anderson says, in parallel, Just as successful treatment of cancer requires the killing of the malignant cells, we will need to kill this small minority [of 100,000 or so Middle East terrorists].... Anderson's argument may be valuable historically as a sample of the thinking of military authorities at Guantanamo Bay, but publication without editorial reservations appears to make the The Intelligencer complicit with Anderson's unsupported racism.
I am troubled that the editorial review process let pass Anderson's irresponsible science, misleading rhetoric, and in this delicate time for the dignity of the U.S. intelligence community his Nazification of intelligence. The damage could be mitigated by publishing some reviews of Anderson's article by other intelligence authorities.
Thank you for your attention to my concerns.
Sincerely, Jean Maria Arrigo, Ph.D.
P.S. You may forward my letter to others or publish it.
1. Anderson, William Henry. (2004). Terrorism underlying causes. The Intelligencer, 14 (1), 53-58.
2. Hudson, R.A. (1999) The sociology and psychology of terrorism: who becomes a terrorist and why? Federal Research Division, Library of Congress. Pp. 56-58. Accessed January 27, 2003...
3. Proctor, Robert N. (1999). The Nazi war on cancer. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. P. 8"
Neuropsych'rist: 'Eliminate Muslim Zealots' - Jan Klimkowski - 03-09-2009
The likes of Ewen Cameron, Robert G Heath and Louis Jolyon West are not exceptions, aberrations.
They are the norm in military/intelligence-funded science and neuropsychiatry programmes.
MK-ULTRA is the visible tip of an iceberg floating beneath the chilling surface of a deep black sea.
Neuropsych'rist: 'Eliminate Muslim Zealots' - Jan Klimkowski - 03-09-2009
A case in point.
Tulane heaped praise on Dr. Robert G. Heath for his participation in U.S. Government-sponsored experiments on mind control.
U.S. Government-Sponsored Mind Control and Tulane
“By the time I left to go home — just like every time from then on — I would recall nothing of my tests or the different doctors. I would only remember whatever explanations Dr. Robert G. Heath (of Tulane Medical School) gave me for the odd bruises, needle marks, burns on my head and fingers and even the genital soreness. I had no reason to believe otherwise. Already they had begun to control my mind!”
-- Claudia S. Mullen, March 15, 1995
Testimony to the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments
“Published articles in my files include descriptions of administration of 150 mcg of LSD to children age 5-10 years on a daily basis for days, weeks, months, and in a few cases even years. Neurosurgeons at Tulane, Yale and Harvard did extensive research on brain electrode implants with intelligence funding, and combined brain implants with large numbers of drugs including hallucinogens.”
-- Colin Ross, as quoted by Jon Rappoport, in
"Mind Control Experiments on Children,"
Perceptions, Issue 11, Sept./Oct., 1995.
Professor Clarence L. Mohr taught history at Tulane University for 17 years, and University Historian Joseph E. Gordon is dean emeritus of Tulane's College of Arts and Sciences, where he served in academic administration from 1954 to 1996. Their book, Tulane: The Emergence of a Modern University, 1945 – 1980 (Louisiana State University Press, 2001) documents, among other things, how Tulane became involved in one of the most nefarious projects associated with the Cold War period. A sample of their text is reprinted below.
Mohr and Gordon, TULANE, Chap. 2, pp. 120-123
In the course of his long career [Dr. Robert G.] Heath would receive both high professional acclaim and sharp criticism from his fellow physicians. A full account of either the controversy surrounding his work or the range of his scientific accomplishments falls outside the limits of this volume. [114] For present purposes, it is sufficient to note that at the beginning of the 1950s Heath and his fellow scientists were working at or very near the outer limits of existing neurophysiological knowledge—a fact that was not lost upon U.S. military and civilian intelligence agency officials, who were already engaged in highly secret efforts to develop psychochemical weapons, as well as interrogation and mind control techniques, that could be used against cold war adversaries. From the late 1940s onward, close ties existed between the army's Edgewood Arsenal, where chemical warfare research and experimentation were conducted, and the CIA and various military intelligence services. By 1951 the sometimes cooperative, sometimes competitive military-CIA nexus had given rise to a coordinated army-navy-air force-CIA endeavor called Project Artichoke. As summarized in a 1952 memorandum, the project's major objectives included, "[e]valuation and development of any method by which we can get information from a person against his will and without his knowledge. ... Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against such fundamental laws of nature such as self-preservation?" [115]
The following year, in 1953, Project Artichoke grew into to a larger and more ambitious undertaking known as Project MKULTRA, the scope and nature of which remained hidden until the summer of 1977. In the wake of two congressional investigations and the reluctant disclosure of some 16,000 pages of records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, CIA director Stansfield Turner disclosed the broad outlines of a twenty-five-year, multimillion-dollar program of research on germ warfare and on methods to alter or control human memory and behavior through the use of drugs, electricity, sensory deprivation, hypnosis, and other means. Involving 185 researchers at 88 non-governmental institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, the project's scope and duration seemed to justify the conclusion of former State Department officer John Marks that "the intelligence community ... changed the face of the scientific community during the 1950s and early 1960s." [116]
Certainly the Tulane experience lends support to Marks's conclusion that "[n]early every scientist on the frontiers of brain research found men from the secret agencies looking over his shoulders [and] impinging on the research." [117] Precisely when the government became interested in the Tulane schizophrenia studies remains unclear, but in March 1954 Heath was the principal speaker at a seminar conducted by the Army Chemical Corps at its Edgewood Arsenal medical laboratories. His subject was "Some Aspects of Electrical Stimulation and Recording in the Brain of Man." [118] Within a few months Tulane had signed an army "facility security clearance" for the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology. In 1955 Dr. Russell R. Monroe, a psychiatrist on Heath's research team, became the principal investigator for army contract DA-18-108-CML-5596, a project listed in university records under the title, "Clinical Studies of Neurological and Psychiatric Changes during the Administration of Certain Drugs." Classified army records were somewhat more specific, listing the contract's purpose as to "[s]tudy behavior during administration, LSD-25 & mescaline." [119] In retrospect the army's interest in Heath's work is not difficult to understand. At the time Heath gave his 1954 seminar presentation at Edgewood Arsenal, behavior control of a rather primitive kind had already been achieved through electrical stimulation of the brains of lower animals. At McGill University, James Olds and Peter C Milner had reported that rats with electrodes implanted in the brain's septal region would press levers at a rate of 2,000 times per hour to receive stimulation. [120] At the National Institutes of Health, Dr. John Lilly had attracted intense interest from the CIA and other agencies through his use of similar techniques on primates. After implanting multiple electrodes in the brains of monkeys, Lilly was able to identify the precise location of centers of pain, fear, anxiety, anger, and sexual arousal. In one experiment a monkey with access to a simple switch stimulated himself to produce virtually continuous orgasms, at a rate of one every three minutes for sixteen hours per day. Animal tests comprised an integral part of most academic research sponsored by military and CIA sources. In contrast, Project MKULTRA was primarily concerned with conducting drug, electrical, and other experiments involving human subjects. [121]
FN114. On the controversy surrounding Heath's work, see Elliot Valenstein, Brain Control: A Critical Examination of Brain Stimulation and Psychosurgery (New York: John Wiley, 1973), 60-1, 164-8; Dr. Peter Roger Breggin, "The Return of Lobotomy and Psychosurgery," reprinted from Congressional Record, 24 February 1972, in Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, Quality of Health Care—Human Experimentation, 1973: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Health, 93rd Cong., 1st sess., 23 February and 6 March 1973, part 2, pp. 469-71; and Heath's own testimony, ibid., 363-8.
FN115. Harvey M. Weinstein, M.D., Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control (Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, 1990), 129 (quotation); Linda Hunt, Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945-1990 (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991), 162-5; John Marks, The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate": The CIA and Mind Control (New York: Times Books, 1979) remains the most comprehensive treatment of the subject. See esp. chaps. 2 and 4.
FN116. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and Committee on Human Resources, Project MKULTRA, The C.I.A.'s Program of Research in Behavioral Modification: Joint Hearings before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, 95th Cong., 1st sess., 3 August 1977, 4-8; Marks, Manchurian Candidate, 151.
FN117. Marks, Manchurian Candidate, 151.
FN118. "Speakers at Seminars Chemical Corps Medical Laboratories, 1954," typescript document in authors' possession.
FN119. BOA [Board of Administrators] Minutes, 11 April 1956, item 15b of president's monthly report; Office of the Surgeon General, Department of the Army, Review of Reports on Department of the Army Grant (DA-18-CML 5596) to the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology, Tulane University, 1955-1959—Information Memorandum, dated 22 August 1975 and included with Colonel James R. Taylor and Major William N. Johnson, "Research Report Concerning the Use of Volunteers in Chemical Agent Research," 160, 165 (quotation), document in authors' possession.
FN120. James Olds and Peter Milner, "Positive Reinforcement Produced by Electrical Stimulation of the Septal Area and Other Regions of the Rat Brain," Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 47 (1954): 419-28. Studies by other researchers during the 1960s established that rats would choose electrical stimulation of the brain over food and water even after lengthy periods of semistarvation. Later research demonstrated that female rats would abandon their offspring immediately after giving birth in order to obtain brain stimulation, thereby acting in opposition to what had been regarded as their most powerful natural drive. T. B. Sonderegger, "Intracranial Stimulation and Maternal Behavior," APA Convention Proceedings, 78th Meeting (1970): 245-6.
FN121. Marks, Manchurian Candidate, 33-6, 61-9, 151; Weinstein, Psychiatry and the CIA, 129.
In 1995, Robert Heath acknowledged that he had received money from the CIA for his work [1]. Heath had contributed to the CIA's mind control program by pioneering in techniques that subsequently were employed as instruments of torture [2]. In 2002, the CIA contact at Tulane was Political Science Professor and former Deputy Provost Robert S. Robins, a former intelligence officer who at the time was conducting CIA-related research from the Provost's Office in Tulane's Norman Mayer Building [3].
Colin A. Ross, BLUEBIRD: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists, Manitou Communications, Inc, Richardson, TX, 2000, p. 98.
For the role of physicians in mind control and torture, see: Gordon Thomas, Journey into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse, Bantam Books, 1989, 388 pp.
See: AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes #18-02 6 May 2002,, accessed Aug. 4, 2004. [Note: AFIO=Association of Former Intelligence Officers.]
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Neuropsych'rist: 'Eliminate Muslim Zealots' - Magda Hassan - 04-09-2009
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Dr Jean Maria Arrigo's letter is both courageous and insightful.
It appears to have received no public response.
From Fire Dog lake article 'Dr' Anderson's and AFIO response:
Quote:Dr. Anderson had a rejoinder to Arrigo's criticism. He unrepentantly claimed "a robust scientific literature" that supposedly supports him, and dismissed Arrigo's criticisms as "gratuitous name-calling," which failed to understand "the necessity, without delay, to focus on the danger at hand: to eliminate the cancer of terrorism."
Even more incredible was an accompanying editorial note from the Intelligencer editor, who reminded the AFIO audience that the journal is a forum for discussion, "as well as projections of future possibilities and theories." The editor assured the reader the journal will "remain open to a wide range of views," including "provocative views," and then adds: What sounds politically incorrect today, might be the very thing that ensures our survival, tomorrow.
What is frightening about the Anderson article is that it so clearly represents a respected point of view within the intelligence services. It may not be the majority view, but it clearly has influence. Anderson himself was a featured commentator in the Joint Military Intelligence College 2005 publication, The Sources of Islamic Revolutionary Conduct. The JMIC is part of the Center for Strategic Intelligence Research, itself a component of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
As politicians and the punditry argue over whether or not there will be any accountability for torture or other war crimes committed by the Bush administration, the rot has spread much deeper, as evidenced by the AFIO article and its response. It will take a committed and determined cleansing of the Defense Department and the intelligence agencies to root out the evil that has insinuated itself there. It seems unlikely the current administration and political configuration is up to that immense task. But wishful thinking will not make racist ideologues like Anderson go away.
"a robust scientific literature"? I thought phrenology was disproved decades ago. Or perhaps he is refering to the pseudo-scientific justification of the Nazis. Someone should tell the 'doctor' that science has moved on since the 1930's.
Neuropsych'rist: 'Eliminate Muslim Zealots' - Magda Hassan - 04-09-2009
Interestingly, Anderson also teaches a course on 'Conspiracies' at Harvard extension.
Quote:Page 1 Harvard University
SSCI E-132
William Henry Anderson
Spring 2009
(617) 492-8090 William James Hall 1
Mondays 7:35-9:35 PM
COURSE OBJECTIVE: Conspiracy is a frequently employed explanation for observed
phenomena in the realms of political, economic, and social behavior. This course will
examine the psychology underlying this perspective, including the origins, development,
and consequences of conspiracies, both real and imagined. Psychobiological,
anthropological, and historical approaches will be considered. We will give special
attention to study of the psychology of small groups. Students will become familiar with
the common features and patterns of hypothetical conspiracies, with the goal that
enhanced capacity for critical discernment will be developed.
1. Reading Assignments: See Bibliography.
2. Midterm Examination: March 2, 2009. It will cover the first four lectures
and the corresponding reading. (One hour)
3. Paper: Undergraduate papers are optional, may be of any length, and
may be submitted at any time before the final examination. Graduate
credit requires a 15-20 page paper with an extensive bibliography. It is
absolutely positively due on or before May 4, 2009. Papers should reflect
serious consideration of a real or hypothetical conspiracy. Opinion and
argument should be supported by evidence.
4. Final Examination: May 18, 2008. (Two hours). It will cover the whole
course, both lectures and readings. Emphasis will be on the second half.
5. Classroom participation: Pertinent comments are always appreciated.
Attendance is not formally taken, but is expected, absent unusual
Both the Midterm and Final Examinations will consist of essay questions. Books, notes,
and references may be consulted during the examinations. You may bring in a previously
prepared, typed, question and answer of your own design as a substitute for one of the
questions in either or both examinations.
Page 2
Mondays 7:35-9:35 PM William H. Anderson
William James 1 Spring 2009
January 26 Cognitive dimorphisms. The several modes of thought. Logical fallacies
and the scientific method. Geographical and cultural considerations in
patterns of thought.
February 2 The psychopathology of the paranoid perspective. Biological, social,
and cultural considerations. Temporal lobe damage.
February 9 The psychology of small groups. Socially constructed reality. Cognitive
distortions. Overvalued ideas. The millennial perspective. Cui bono?
February 16 Holiday
February 23 The contagion of ideas. Dynamics of infectious and ideational
epidemics. The spreading of memes. Causality, chance, bias, and
March 2 MIDTERM EXAMINATION: (One hour, 7:35-8:35 PM)
The psychology and utility of humor.
March 9 Real conspiracy: the Lincoln assassination.
March 16 Real conspiracy: the Bolshevik coup.
March 23 Holiday
March 30 Dubious religious conspiracies: Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Holocaust denial. The Knights Templar. The Priory of Sion.
The Bible code.
Page 3
April 6 Dubious extraterrestrial conspiracies: The UFO cover-up. The Roswell
crash. Area 51. The Men in Black. The Philadelphia Experiment.
Crop circles. Reptilian Shapeshifters.
April 13 Dubious political conspiracies: The Freemasons. The New World Order.
The Council on Foreign Relations. The Illuminati.
April 20 Dubious medical conspiracies: The HIV epidemic. The Tuskegee study.
Cancer cures. The polio epidemic.
April 27 Dubious secret societies: The Bohemian Grove. Skull and Bones.
The Thule Society. Satanic ritual abuse. The Vril Society.
May 4 Comparison and contrast of the real and the dubious. Distinguishing
features of bogus theories. GRADUATE PAPERS DUE.
May 11 Summary and conclusions. The duty to think clearly. The secret of
May 18 FINAL EXAMINATION (two hours). Optional undergraduate papers
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Richard III
The Manchurian Candidate
Arlington Road
Page 4
Barkun, M. A Culture of Conspiracy, 2003. Berkeley:
University of California Press.
Burnett, T. Conspiracy Encyclopedia, 2005. Penguin Group (USA).
Hodapp, C. and A. von Kannon. Conspiracy Theories & Secret Societies
for Dummies, 2008. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Vankin, J. and J. Whalen. The 80 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time,
2004. New York: Citadel Press.
Clancy, S. Abducted, 2005. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Cohn, N. Warrant for Genocide, 1996. London: Serif Publishing
Gladwell, M. The Tipping Point, 2000. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.
Hofstadter, R. The Paranoid Style in American Politics, 1963. Cambridge:
Harvard University Press.
Kaufman, M. American Brutus: John Wilkes Booth and the Lincoln
Conspiracies, 2004. New York: Random House.
Oakley, B. Evil Genes. 2007. New York: Prometheus Books
Pipes, D. Conspiracy, 1997. New York: Free Press.
Surowiecki, J. The Wisdom of Crowds, 2004. New York: Random House.
Ulam, A. The Bolsheviks, 1998. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Page 5
Beck, A. Prisoners of Hate, 2000. New York: Perennial Press.
Boese, A. A Museum of Hoaxes, 2002. New York: Penguin Books.
Cohn, N. The Pursuit of the Millennium, 1970. New York: Oxford.
Coleman, J. Conspirators Hierarchy, 1992. Carson City: America West.
Daraul, A. A History of Secret Societies, 1994. New York: Citadel Press.
Dozier, R. Why We Hate, 2002. New York: Contemporary Books.
Dunbar, D. and B. Reagan. Debunking 9/11 myths. 2006. New York:
Hearst Books.
Hoffer, E. The True Believer, 1996. New York: Harper Rowe.
Howard, M. The Occult Conspiracy, 1989. Rochester, VT:
Destiny Books.
Mesulam, M. Principles of Behavioral Neurology, 2000. New York:
Nisbett, R. The Geography of Thought, 2003. New York: Free Press.
Pipes, D. The Hidden Hand, 1998. New York: St. Martin’s Griffen.
Read, P. The Templars, 1999. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books.
Sauder, R. Underground Bases and Tunnels. 1995. Abingdon, VA:
Dracon Press.
Schama, S. Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution, 1989.
New York: Vintage Books.
Smith, J. HAARP: the Ultimate Weapon of Conspiracy, 1998.
Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press.
Sowell, T. A Conflict of Visions, 1987. New York: Morrow.
Whyte, J. Crimes Against Logic, 2005. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Wood, R. Majic Eyes Only: Earth’s Encounters with Extraterrestrial
Technology. 2005. Broomfield, CO: Wood Enterprises
Neuropsych'rist: 'Eliminate Muslim Zealots' - Ed Jewett - 04-09-2009
The course at Harvard is next-of-kin to the false memory crowd. I can't rattle it off now, but there is some commentary about the need to move away from the Cartesian world of straight science and its rigidity (and especially the way it is used as cover) and more towards other POV. Again, I can't speak in detail, typing free-form, but I am informed -- by text, bodily, and by light and limited experience -- with the works of Richard Strozzi Heckler, Ph.D., a master in aikido, a somatic psychologist, and a highly-recognized author and leadership coach. How we walk in the world, how we present, how we are present to what is around, and to others, is a lesson some of these PMC-types need. Indeed, the first book of his I ever read was "In Search of the Warrior Spirit: Teaching Awareness Disciplines to Green Berets".
These people are not warriors; these people are ... well, I'll stop here.
Neuropsych'rist: 'Eliminate Muslim Zealots' - David Guyatt - 04-09-2009
Am I experiencing deja vu?
Isn't this reminiscent of Hitler's Berlin circa 1930's?
Neuropsych'rist: 'Eliminate Muslim Zealots' - Jan Klimkowski - 04-09-2009
Magda - your post #6 in this thread is a great find.
It reads like Their blueprint for ensuring that the brightest and best at Harvard are imprinted with the "it's a conspiracy theory and therefore worthy only of contempt" meme.
Imprinted in a Pavlovian fashion.
I bet Doc Anderson fails anyone who dares challenge his viewpoint.
I particularly noted the following:
Quote:February 2 The psychopathology of the paranoid perspective. Biological, social,
and cultural considerations. Temporal lobe damage.
February 9 The psychology of small groups. Socially constructed reality. Cognitive
distortions. Overvalued ideas. The millennial perspective. Cui bono?
February 16 Holiday
February 23 The contagion of ideas. Dynamics of infectious and ideational
epidemics. The spreading of memes. Causality, chance, bias, and
These neuro-psychiatrists who focus on brain function really are highly dangerous fascists.
Cameron used massive doses of electroshock to wipe the brain clean of memory and learned responses, literally to create a tabula rasa, so that the omnipotent and omnisicient Ewen Cameron could implant "normal social behaviour".
Of course by frying all those brain cells, all Cameron created was human vegetables. Stir-fried peas. Yuk.
The idea that the "paranoid perspective" is due to "temporal lobe damage" is a scientific outrage.
Like Oxbridge, Ivy League institutions have always existed in large part to select and mould the thinking of the next generation of the ruling elite. And to identify any dangerous freethinkers who happen to be capable of independent thought.
Ooops - I'm being paranoid. Must be my damaged temporal lobe... :help:
Neuropsych'rist: 'Eliminate Muslim Zealots' - Ed Jewett - 04-09-2009
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Magda - your post #6 in this thread is a great find.
Yes, it is, and it is duly bookmarked.