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From fake 2000 electoral rolls to fake 9/11 victims - Paul Rigby - 20-09-2009

Source to follow:

Quote:Montana, the pusposeful mis-matching of similar names is how the 2000 presidential election was fixed in Florida. this method was used to exclude thousands of black voters. The fixers took names of some blacks and accidently/purposely confused the mames with other blacks with criminal records from other sates as a means to exclude legit black voters from voting. This methos served an additional purpose. It makes the exclusion of legit black voters look like a honest "accident" or a "computer glitch" thus providing plausible deniability to investigators. The entite Florida election fraud was outlined in Greg Palast's documentary, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy".

Proof of voter fraud in the USA - from the horse's mouth

Florida's legacy of voter disenfranchisement

From fake 2000 electoral rolls to fake 9/11 victims - Paul Rigby - 20-09-2009

[quote=Paul Rigby]Source to follow:

[QUOTE]Montana, the pusposeful mis-matching of similar names is how the 2000 presidential election was fixed in Florida. this method was used to exclude thousands of black voters. The fixers took names of some blacks and accidently/purposely confused the mames with other blacks with criminal records from other sates as a means to exclude legit black voters from voting. This methos served an additional purpose. It makes the exclusion of legit black voters look like a honest "accident" or a "computer glitch" thus providing plausible deniability to investigators. The entite Florida election fraud was outlined in Greg Palast's documentary, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy".[/QUOTE]

Source for the above:

Once the basic principles of the 2000 electoral roll fraud are understood, one sees immediately how easy it was to replicate & transfer the process to the next great plot:

From fake 2000 electoral rolls to fake 9/11 victims - Peter Presland - 20-09-2009

Paul Rigby Wrote:Source for the above:

Once the basic principles of the 2000 electoral roll fraud are understood, one sees immediately how easy it was to replicate & transfer the process to the next great plot:
Blimey Paul

No sooner to I claw my way out of one labyrinthine rabbit hole - scratching my head and wondering if I'm dreaming the stuff - than you send me down another one!

The general thesis underlying the 'September Clues' site referenced in the above threads - that of video and photo fakery - leads to conclusions that are so 'far out' as to render them ridiculous at first blush; But then so did any dissent from the official narrative of 9/11 just a few short years ago.

There really is some VERY thought-provoking stuff there, and that from geeks in their mid-twenties.

From fake 2000 electoral rolls to fake 9/11 victims - Ed Jewett - 20-09-2009

I'll have to find some time [please ship to me any excess you have which you can donate] to explore this in detail, but there are several things that jump to mind immediately... voice-morphing technology, already described and alleged used in this event ... video-morphing, alleged, made fun of, used by those who wish to derail research as part of the 'conspiracy theory' name-calling game ... the old rabbit hole of PROmis and other software with its 'back-door' capabilities, self-masking, amd hyper-speeds ... Todd's connection to Oracle ... and that famous quote from Susskind's book about creating reality faster than we can get to study it.

From fake 2000 electoral rolls to fake 9/11 victims - Paul Rigby - 20-09-2009

Peter Presland Wrote:Blimey Paul

No sooner to I claw my way out of one labyrinthine rabbit hole - scratching my head and wondering if I'm dreaming the stuff - than you send me down another one!

The general thesis underlying the 'September Clues' site referenced in the above threads - that of video and photo fakery - leads to conclusions that are so 'far out' as to render them ridiculous at first blush; But then so did any dissent from the official narrative of 9/11 just a few short years ago.

There really is some VERY thought-provoking stuff there, and that from geeks in their mid-twenties.

I know exactly what you mean, Pete, for I, too, feel uncomfortable with the notion of fake victims etc. But a couple of things to bear in mind.

First, the use of a prepared film to sell a wholly inaccurate version of a major covert op is nothing new - see the Z-fraud, most notably, but by no means exclusively.

Second, given what we have long known about the basic absurdities of the OCT - everything from the utter implausibilty of four, yes, four, successful cabin entries without despatch of the simple emergency signal by any of the pilots, to the preposterously contradictory nature of the alleged in-flight phone calls - we must question everything.

And from some of what I've seen from the Young Turks at one particular 9/11forum, the case for prepared film and fake casualties is overwhelming. I should add that my strong suspicion is that some of the info surfacing is from within the belly of the beast itself.

From fake 2000 electoral rolls to fake 9/11 victims - Charles Drago - 21-09-2009

Since one of the spokespersons for the Education Forum has seen fit to direct you here, please know that you are most welcome to review our work in its entirety.

If you do so, you will immediately note how we have defended this site against penetration and disruption by agents provocateurs (a refreshing change of pace, wouldn't you say?) while simultaneously encouraging the free flow of ideas -- even those with which the founders of the Deep Politics Forum disagree.

Please consider making literary contributions to our ongoing searches for truth and justice.

Thank you.

Charles Drago
The Deep Politics Forum

From fake 2000 electoral rolls to fake 9/11 victims - Peter Lemkin - 21-09-2009

I'd suggest caution in the extreme in this new 'story' of 9-11. While it is true that faces can be morphed, and names of dead used or new names invented - it is all standard covert op practice to do these begs sanity to believe that the families of those who lost loved ones are faking it all to. I am inclined to think the hijackers may not have been on the flights - or persons different from those named - and never in control of the planes....but to say no one was killed is something on which I urge caution and skeptical this point. IMHO

From fake 2000 electoral rolls to fake 9/11 victims - Paul Rigby - 21-09-2009

Peter Lemkin Wrote:I'd suggest caution in the extreme in this new 'story' of 9-11. While it is true that faces can be morphed, and names of dead used or new names invented - it is all standard covert op practice to do these begs sanity to believe that the families of those who lost loved ones are faking it all to. I am inclined to think the hijackers may not have been on the flights - or persons different from those named - and never in control of the planes....but to say no one was killed is something on which I urge caution and skeptical this point. IMHO

Sage words, and, just for the record, I don't believe for a minute that there were no fatalities on 9/11, or that all the victims' relatives are in on the plot. No, that's not what I believe at all.

I do, however, think a deep political sub-structure, one not a million miles away from the neo-con axis, is being partially peeled back. It is a commonplace spook world at one level - one of multiple, portable identities, interchangeable properties, interlinking businesses ("functioning fronts," for want of less elegant description) and so on and so forth. What takes us aback is its scale.

From fake 2000 electoral rolls to fake 9/11 victims - Carsten Wiethoff - 21-09-2009

For what it is worth: if you go to and then select any of the links at the bottom, you will get this:
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There were suspicions before that some of the victims, especially on Flight 77, did not actually exist, and that there were strange age patterns and some coincidences with recently died elderly persons from care institutions, and it is well known that the death index entries were more incomplete than usual.


I know that there were dead people. John O'Neill, for one. Or the husband of Ellen Mariani. This stuff was not faked.
But then, how do I know? But I am certain, that thousands of people in the towers did not come home that day. But, how do I know?
I cannot prove it.

Are there any, ANY official FBI records FOIAed out of the FBI mentioning just ONE name of a victim? Are there? Please tell me there are. Please!!!


From fake 2000 electoral rolls to fake 9/11 victims - Paul Rigby - 21-09-2009

Carsten Wiethoff Wrote:There were suspicions before that some of the victims, especially on Flight 77, did not actually exist, and that there were strange age patterns and some coincidences with recently died elderly persons from care institutions, and it is well known that the death index entries were more incomplete than usual.


I know that there were dead people. John O'Neill, for one. Or the husband of Ellen Mariani. This stuff was not faked.
But then, how do I know? But I am certain, that thousands of people in the towers did not come home that day. But, how do I know?
I cannot prove it.

Are there any, ANY official FBI records FOIAed out of the FBI mentioning just ONE name of a victim? Are there? Please tell me there are. Please!!!


"Among the dead are those who still have to be killed,"

Ferdinand Desnoyers, journalist, in 1858 article:The Oxford Book of Aphorisms, edited by John Gross, p.322.