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gadhafi jfk assassination - Bernice Moore - 23-09-2009 Last update - 00:00 12/06/2008 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi said on Wednesday that U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's expressed support for Israel stems from his fear that the Mossad would assassinate him, just as it did President John F. Kennedy. "We suspect he may fear being killed by Israeli agents and meet the same fate as Kennedy when he promised to look into Israel's nuclear program," Gadhafi said. While the existence of Israeli nuclear weapons is widely assumed, Israeli officials have never admitted their existence and U.S. officials have stuck to that line in public. ![]() Gadhafi said Obama would have an "inferiority complex" because he is black and if elected he might "behave worse than whites." "We fear that Obama will feel that, because he is black with an inferiority complex, this will make him behave worse than the whites," Gadhafi told a rally at a former U.S. military base on the outskirts of the Libyan capital Tripoli. "This will be a tragedy," Gadhafi said. "We tell him to be proud of himself as a black and feel that all Africa is behind him because if he sticks to this inferiority complex he will have a worse foreign policy than the whites had in the past." He was speaking before thousands of cheering supporters at a ceremony to celebrate the 38th anniversary of the departure of U.S. troops from Libya. Gadhafi, known for his controversial statements, took power in 1969 in a military coup in his oil- and gas-rich North African state. He was shunned for decades by the West, which accused him of supporting terrorism. His ties with Western countries have improved since Libya announced it was scrapping weapons of mass destruction programs in 2003 and agreed to pay compensation for families of victims of bombings of U.S. and French airliners. Obama, the son of a Kenyan father and a white mother from Kansas, would be the first African American elected U.S. president. In his campaign he has largely eschewed the rhetoric of racial struggle and drawn support among blacks and whites. Gadhafi said Obama should adopt a policy of supporting poor and weak peoples such as the Palestinians and be a friend of what he called free Arab peoples rather than U.S. "agents" in the Arab world who, he said, were hated by their own people. "We still hope he will be proud of Africa and change America and free America of its past policy, namely with the Arabs," said Gadhafi. Related articles: Former pariah Libya becomes UN Security Council President Israel says Libya unworthy of seat on UN Security Council Libya stands by comparison of Nazi concentration camps, Gaza Clinton 'regrets' Kennedy assassination reference in defending her candidacy< span> ![]() [URL="http://newsletter.themarker.com/newsletter/faces/newsLetterRegisterHaaretzCom.jsp"]Get Haaretz news headlines delivered daily to your inbox!
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[/URL]![]() ![]() gadhafi jfk assassination - Mark Stapleton - 24-09-2009 You have to admire a leader who speaks his mind. Gaddafi is right about JFK of course. He may well be right about Obama too, which could explain Obama's half hearted and predictably unsuccessful attempts to persuade Israel to do the right thing in regard to their illegal settlement expansion. Obama might still be able to make Israel behave but it would require a major confrontation with a dangerous regime which has been allowed to do whatever it wants for decades, shielded from criticism by the western media. I don't know if Obama is up for that. In fairness to Obama, he would be facing a firestorm of criticism from the multitude of Zionist toadies in Congress and would be crucified by the Zionist media. If he withstood all that and emerged with his resolve intact, he probably wouldn't live to see the end of his first term. Not a very attractive scenario to face, although it would ensure his place alongside the great statesmen of history. gadhafi jfk assassination - Bernice Moore - 24-09-2009 yes mark there is something to be siad about any who speak their minds..HE MAY HAVE SHOOK SOME UP HOPEFULLY PERHAPS ON THE FLOOR AS WELL AS WITHIN THE PENTAGON..WHAT HE HAS STATED JUST MAY COME TO BE NOW....WHICH WOULD BE OF NO GREAT SURPRISE....The trouble with the fools at the Pentagon is that their main objective is to perpetuate their supposed usefulness, hence the latest word on Afghanistan that more troops are needed. If they were to “lose” that war, how could they justify the money they spend? ON SO VERY MANY SCREW DRIVERS AS The US spends more on “defense” than the rest of the world combined. ......OBAMA RE YOUR REPLY DOES NOT APPEAR TO HAVE MUCH CHOICE IF ANY........I HOPE HE MAY SURPRISE ALL.....THE SCENARIO HE HAS HAD TO FACE FROM DAY ONE ; HAS NOT BEEN EASY NOR ATTRACTIVE AND I DOUBT VERY MUCH THAT IT SHALL GET ANY EASIER FROM THE STATE OF THE MESS OUT THERE....THAT RESTS MAINLY ON HIS SHOULDER'S..NOW.B gadhafi jfk assassination - Carsten Wiethoff - 24-09-2009 Yeah, its amazing how backgroud knowledge about hidden events can alter the perception. I am going to listen much more carefully to people like Ghaddafi, Chavez, Ahmadinedschad and by the way Osama bin Laden, if he can still talk. And some review of their collective previous public statements might be in order. One might be able to learn something. Carsten gadhafi jfk assassination - Carsten Wiethoff - 24-09-2009 Not to forget Fidel Castro, of course. Carsten gadhafi jfk assassination - Carsten Wiethoff - 24-09-2009 Mark Stapleton Wrote:You have to admire a leader who speaks his mind. The question to me really is: How much background information does Obama have? Is he able to see through the Zionist propaganda, plainly, is he told the straight facts? Regardless whether he acts on them or not, but is everybody sure that he knows them? If not, who could educate him? I am not an american, this is not my president, but I ask the same question about every western leader. Carsten gadhafi jfk assassination - Bernice Moore - 24-09-2009 CARSTEN MAY BE SOMETHING OF INTEREST WITHIN......B
gadhafi jfk assassination - Bernice Moore - 24-09-2009 NOTES FROM BILL KELLY FOR NOW B I'm listening to (suffering through) Muammar Qaddaffi's ramble to the United Nations General Assembly. He's complained about jet lag, and hinted that his fatigue also has something to do with the fact that no one in the in the tri-state area wants to allow him to pitch his tent encampment. (It's how he travels.) Then, he launched into the litany of Israeli "crimes" that should be investigated and counted among them Kennedy's assassination. Jack Ruby, he noted solemnly, offed Lee Harvey Oswald before the truth could be learned about JFK's plans to confront Israel over its nuclear reactor in Dimona. I'll try to track down a transcript. It's hard to transcribe the interpreter's translation -- it's all over the place (and one suspects the interpreter is not at fault.) [BK-Transcript still not available.] Christian Science Monitor: http://features.csmonitor.com/politics/200...s-or-lowlights/ Libyan President Muammar Qaddafi’s rambling, 1-1/2 hour speech to the United Nations is proof that the man desperately needs a Twitter account. Speaking directly after President Obama, President Qaddafi far exceeded his allotted 15 minutes and in the process seemed to be on a personal mission to wrest the crown of World’s Foremost Fount of Political Inanity from front-runners Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez. In a speech cobbled together from pages of hand-written notes, he fulminated on topics as diverse as JFK’s assassination and swine flu. One blogger has already christened the speech the lowest point in the history of the United Nations. Here are the high points: 1. ‘Our son’ Obama Qaddafi extended his congratulations to “our son Obama” on the occasion of his first speech at UN. “Obama is a glimpse in the darkness after four or eight years,” Qaddafi said. “We are content and happy if Obama can stay forever as president of the United States.” 2. UN Security Council Terror Council “We are not committed to obeying or adhering to resolutions by the Security Council in its composition right now,” Qaddafi said. “It should not be called the Security Council, it should be called the ‘terror council.’ ” 3. Swine Flu: The capitalists made it “The swine virus may have gotten out in the open after escaping from a laboratory. It may have been put together in a lab by the military…. We do sometimes make viruses in a laboratory and then they make viruses for capitalist companies who will make vaccinations and make money.” 4. Iraq war the ‘mother of all evils’ “Sixty-five aggressive wars took place without any collective action by the United Nations to prevent them,” Qaddafi said. He noted the Iraq war, in particular, as being “the mother of all evils.” 5. JFK killed because he wanted to investigate Israelis “Why did this Israeli kill the killer of Jack Kennedy?” Qaddafi asked, after noting that Jack Ruby, “an Israeli,” killed Kennedy’s assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. “The whole world should know that Kennedy wanted to investigate the nuclear reactor of the Israeli demon,” Qaddafi said. Qaddafi also called for a reinvestigation into the assassination of the Martin Luther King Jr. “His killing was a plot, and we should know why he was killed and who killed him,” Qaddafi said. 6. UN should relocate to Libya “You will thank me for not having to travel for 20 hours to this place.” The White House on Qaddafi “I think it was Qaddafi being Qaddafi,” Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said, as though Qaddafi was now a wide receiver for the Buffalo Bills. In response to Qaddafi’s suggestion that Obama should rule the US forever, Gibbs deadpanned: “Leaving aside the amendments to the Constitution that the president agrees with wholeheartedly, it would be an interesting concept to continue being president beyond one’s natural-born life.” This post has been edited by William Kelly: Yesterday, 11:53 PM -------------------- gadhafi jfk assassination - Bernice Moore - 24-09-2009 Thanks to Donald Trump, Libya's Kadafi pitches a tent in upstate New York. Neighbors pitch a fit Libya s Moammar Kadafi likes to sleep in a Bedouin tent. In the past, he has pitched his tent in New York during the U.N. General Assembly. But last month, Kadafi permitted a large welcome home for Abdelbeset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi, the man http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2009/09/libyas-kadafi-pitches-a-tent-in-upstate-new-york- B gadhafi jfk assassination - Bernice Moore - 24-09-2009 [URL="http://javascript<b></b>:void(0);"] OOPS THAT LINK DOES NOT WORK BUT THE TENT APPARENTLY HAS ALREADT BEEN TAKEN DOWN.....B. ..Video: Tent Erected for Gadhafi Visit Dismantled ![]() Muammar Gaddafi's tent finds home on Donald Trump's estate guardian.co.uk Gaddafi tent on Trump land BBC News ![]() |