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Asbestos - Magda Hassan - 12-12-2009
Quote: A story of greed and corruption

[size=12]While the "global elite" fret about water vapor and carbon dioxide, real industrial toxins go unchallenged.

One of the worst is asbestos.

Asbestos has been known to be a cause of Mesothelioma and other serious lung diseases since the 1920s.

Yet, its use was pushed hard by government and industry.

Worse, workers were not informed or protected from its dangers. Regulation of asbestos is still lax and victims are being left on the side of the road to die.

Yet, "world leaders" are meeting to outlaw carbon dioxide.


I believe that the danger of asbestos has been known since Roman times when it was noticed that the asbestos mine slaves died more frequently and quickly than other slaves.

Asbestos - Peter Lemkin - 12-12-2009

Magda Hassan Wrote:
Quote: A story of greed and corruption

[size=12]While the "global elite" fret about water vapor and carbon dioxide, real industrial toxins go unchallenged.

One of the worst is asbestos.

Asbestos has been known to be a cause of Mesothelioma and other serious lung diseases since the 1920s.

Yet, its use was pushed hard by government and industry.

Worse, workers were not informed or protected from its dangers. Regulation of asbestos is still lax and victims are being left on the side of the road to die.

Yet, "world leaders" are meeting to outlaw carbon dioxide.


I believe that the danger of asbestos has been known since Roman times when it was noticed that the asbestos mine slaves died more frequently and quickly than other slaves.

In fact, it has long been known that just ONE fiber of asbestos is sufficient to cause cancer if in the lungs....most exposed to asbestos have billions of fibers.....
Take a little look via google at which companies were the big asbestos firms....and still big firms selling other poisons to humans and the environment.