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Boeing 747 uses laser to destroy missile - Printable Version

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Boeing 747 uses laser to destroy missile - Ed Jewett - 13-02-2010

Boeing 747 uses laser to destroy missile

A U.S. military aircraft, equipped with an airborne laser device, successfully shot down a test missile in the sky off the central California coast Thursday night.

The high-energy laser, mounted on the nose of a modified Boeing 747-400F, was focused on the missile target during its boosting phase. The laser beam burned a hole in the side of the missile.

It was the first time that a laser weapon has engaged and destroyed an in-flight ballistic missile, and is the first time that any system has accomplished destroyed a missile as it was in its boosting phase.

More here:

General Lyman Lemnitzer, report to the Pentagon Immediately.

General Curtis LeMay, you are wanted in the White House SitRoom immediately.

President Ronald Reagan, we will begin bombing in five minutes.

Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper has issued the command.

"The U.S. can be repopulated" if sufficient numbers of people are isolated underground "in a gender ratio of "ten females to each male," with the women selected for their stimulating sexual characteristics and the men selected for physical strength, intellectual capabilities, and importance in business and government."

That is all.

Boeing 747 uses laser to destroy missile - Bruce Clemens - 13-02-2010

Quote:"The U.S. can be repopulated" if sufficient numbers of people are isolated underground "in a gender ratio of "ten females to each male," with the women selected for their stimulating sexual characteristics and the men selected for physical strength, intellectual capabilities, and importance in business and government."
Ed, I spent much of the day on the forums and watching the news and am almost to the point of tears at what is happening around us.

Thank you for reminding me of what is one of my favorite movies of all time! Between you and Magda, I think I can make it through another "news cycle".

Boeing 747 uses laser to destroy missile - Magda Hassan - 13-02-2010

[Image: Dr%20S%20kongdrop.jpg]

Boeing 747 uses laser to destroy missile - Bruce Clemens - 13-02-2010

LOL Magda! Thank you for your care! :five:

Boeing 747 uses laser to destroy missile - Ed Jewett - 13-02-2010

Bruce, here and elsewhere we have spoken of congregating/aggregating and "making contact" with people who are sane and who care. My advice to you (and to me, because I and others are in the same state as you) is to go ahead and cry. It'll do us good. It may, in some global noetic sense, do the world good. I'd also recommend a book whcih I have read but which I feel obligated to soon return to in order that I complete some of its workpages: "Sacred Demise" by Carolyn Baker. We will do what we can to effect change, starting with a deceleration, but first we must take care of ourselves, each other, and be prepared for whatever the future is bringing.

At the risk of stating the obvious (there are bright people here, but readers may not have ever sat in contemplation with the yin/yang of strategic nuclear policy and tactics, this laser "proof" is a doorway to a first-strike stance by the US. "The Unspeakable" is alive and still in charge, this time in a 'steroid rage'.

Boeing 747 uses laser to destroy missile - Peter Lemkin - 13-02-2010

I agree that most all of us have been so overwhelmed with all the other horrors they've been throwing at us daily that one can almost forget there still are - ready at a moments insane notice - more than enough nuclear weapons to destroy everyone and everything....oh, there would be some survivors, but they would envy the dead....and would live in a world of unimaginable horror - for, say, a few hundred years....... Yes, the 'unspeakable' and the unimaginable [to most] is firmly in control. Just watch TV, eat McDonalds, keep track of the celebrity's lives and.....relax....we're in good hands :afraid: NOT!