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George Bush visits the poor brown people in Haiti - Printable Version

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George Bush visits the poor brown people in Haiti - Magda Hassan - 26-03-2010

After all the Haitians have gone through some insensitive idiot decided to inflict the twin horrors of Bill Clinton and George Bush on them for a photo op. Watch as George, who looks quite lost there and doesn't want to leave the car and has to be inveigled out to meet and mix with the poor brown natives. He shakes one dark hand and had to resort to flicking the fearful brown germs off his hand and to wiping it on Bill Clinton's shirt where upon even blood caked Bill looks at him as thinks WTF? George is out of his comfort zone and face to face with the type of people he usually bombs for fun and profit.

George Bush visits the poor brown people in Haiti - Ed Jewett - 26-03-2010

I think we should take up a collection and send the fellow in question a roll of paper towels imprinted with the names, dates, details and graphic images from his war crimes and other miscreant pathologies. Maybe we could find someone who could first permeate the material with itch powder.

George Bush visits the poor brown people in Haiti - Magda Hassan - 26-03-2010

Ed Jewett Wrote:I think we should take up a collection and send the fellow in question a roll of paper towels imprinted with the names, dates, details and graphic images from his war crimes and other miscreant pathologies. Maybe we could find someone who could first permeate the material with itch powder.
I think that is a good idea Ed but do they make a paper towel roll that big? That's an awful lot of names.

George Bush visits the poor brown people in Haiti - Ed Jewett - 26-03-2010

Magda Hassan Wrote:
Ed Jewett Wrote:I think we should take up a collection and send the fellow in question a roll of paper towels imprinted with the names, dates, details and graphic images from his war crimes and other miscreant pathologies. Maybe we could find someone who could first permeate the material with itch powder.
I think that is a good idea Ed but do they make a paper towel roll that big? That's an awful lot of names.

Well, here's the deal. If we get one of those clear-cutting paper companies like the Weyerhausers to agree to devote one swath to the project and, while making those paper towels for George also make a paper quilt printed with those same names and then stretch it from the Northwest coast to the shores of the Potomac/Chesapeake Bay estuaries, then maybe the American people would wake up. And then they could turn that page over and begin to make their own list of names of those who ought to be prosecuted, politically or legally, and for the creative problem-solving processes on what they all were going to do about it.